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Messages - sahkan

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General Discussion / Re: Non Voting Accounts
« on: April 18, 2017, 02:58:38 pm »,22082.msg287586.html#msg287586

So to clarify, any exchange has an OPTION to vote but most DON'T and Yunbi decided to vote?

General Discussion / Non Voting Accounts
« on: April 18, 2017, 05:19:33 am »
Can anyone explain how the non-voting accounts are selected?

For example poloniexcoldstorage is a non-voting exchange account but yunbi-cold-wallet is a voting account. I was trying to research that but can't seem to find any governance on the network for these.

Technical Support / Re: Setting Up a New Witness Node
« on: April 17, 2017, 07:30:37 am »

Also remember not importing your witness owner key. If  your nodes get compromised you will only need to deploy new ones with different IP addresses, new active and signing keys and login credentials to start producing again from a clean state.

[10 APR 2017 Edit: On the production server I skipped this per @rnglab 's below comments, the difference was the synch time to the blockchain - 12Hrs+]

12Hrs is a lot for 3G blockchain. Did you have updated seed nodes then?

You are doing a good job, I have upvoted your witness a few days ago.

Yes ACTIVE PERMISSIONS only (for signing the blocks) no owner key. It was a clean build without nodes, so the time did not matter. I have tested it since that build and replays were much quicker (about 1hr). I saw the vote, appreciate it and returned the favor!

Stakeholder Proposals / Re: Proxy: fav - Journal
« on: April 16, 2017, 09:30:32 pm »
only 5 witnesses answered the call to action within 24 hours,23826 - as a consequence I deleted my vote for all other witnesses.

hopefully the change to 3bts will bring in some fresh and motivated witnesses. I will gladly add them to my slate.
I was catching up on old topics and just read this... LOL @fav

General Discussion / Re: Professional Price Feeds for DEX
« on: April 16, 2017, 05:56:04 pm »
(use /slots in Telegram to list which minute is assigned to what witness. There are 3 groups that bot works in: BitsharesDEX, Bitshares_Witnesses and BTS Witness Alerts)

The slots are assigned to 59 witnesses and we have only 21 active.

Here is the real price feed feed:

datasecuritynode   9 minutes ago   94.2   89.5   1750   1100
xman   11 minutes ago   93.4   88.7   1750   1100
xn-delegate   11 minutes ago   87.3   86.4   1750   1100
verbaltech2   12 minutes ago   88.6   84.2   1750   1100
sahkan-bitshares   15 minutes ago   88.5   84   1750   1100
delegate.freedom   15 minutes ago   87.8   87   1750   1100
bhuz   18 minutes ago   91.9   87.3   1750   1100
witness.yao   19 minutes ago   87.3   86.5   1750   1100
witness.still   20 minutes ago   87.3   86.5   1750   1100
jerryliu   20 minutes ago   87.2   86.4   1750   1100
delegate.ihashfury   21 minutes ago   89.1   84.7   1750   1100
abc123   24 minutes ago   89.1   84.7   1750   1100
harvey-xts   25 minutes ago   87   86.2   1750   1100
in.abit   26 minutes ago   94.1   89.4   1750   1100
delegate.baozi   26 minutes ago   86.9   86   1750   1100
xeldal   27 minutes ago   91.4   90.5   1750   1100
fox   28 minutes ago   88   83.6   1750   1100
rnglab   29 minutes ago   92.7   88   1750   1100
wackou   52 minutes ago   87.3   83   1750   1100
roadscape   1 hour ago   87.3   83   1750   1100
delegate-clayop   8 days ago   116.3   116.3   1750   1100

We have discussed a worker proposal to get professional feed sources, but they are quite expensive from what I gather. There is also the issue of centralization. That's one reason why no single feed script should be relied upon.

This should be our endstate where we can provide real time ticker from a professional feed to DEX. But I think if we can get witnesses to cooperate what I proposed might work. Single script is ok, as long as witnesses can add/use multiple sources, as an example we could use yahoo, google and 1 professional feed.

I would like to hear more about your offer to buy a subscription to a professional price feed source. Your offer is generous but I don't think we should continue to rely on altruism to support necessary blockchain operations to publish accurate price feeds.

I looked at feasibility of running a professional feed only through my witness and publishing it every 60 seconds but came to a conclusion that if we don't get a buy in from everyone it will not make sense. If everyone upgrades their script and publishes feeds so we have only 1-2 intervals in between (now we have sometimes 9-10 minutes) I will pay for the yearly subscription and provide the API key in the witness channel. Running a witness should not be considered a business, but rather a service to the community and responsibility for providing capable infrastructure for DEX. You should have your main business stream on DEX (for example building referrals) or somewhere else, but unfortunately I get an impression that some witness scale back on publishing feeds to save on fees, and their equipment is being maxed out on performance and not future ready so they can make money out of it. So if we can reach a consensus on this I will absorb the cost as long as they are willing to implement and fix their feed frequency. Of course if everyone thinks that current feeds are acceptable we can stay in status quo.

General Discussion / Professional Price Feeds for DEX
« on: April 16, 2017, 12:37:29 am »

First off, Happy Easter everyone!

My witness got voted in to the active witnesses list recently and I started to pay more attention to the price feeds.
Clearly we should put some governance in place to get some consistency. For example:
1. What is the list of required asset feeds for the witnesses? (Some do 6 some 22, some in between)
2. What is the minimum frequency for posting the feeds (1 hour?)
3. What are the required sources? (If any)

I hope we can get the witnesses involved (both active and standby) and work this out with community's input.

I also see a need for a professional feed, I think it would be a positive thing for DEX. Since the price feed script was not originally developed with Graphene, there are few scripts out there that do the job.
I would be willing to pay for an Enterprise level subscription Plan from a provider like and provide the feed to all active witnesses if everyone was willing to update their scripts and come up with a price feed schedule that would provide consistent price updates on DEX.

As far as the implementation timeline, early May would be a good target date as I know some of the guys are busy at work.

Also, since we have an international community here and some witnesses are not fluent in English, please have this translated for them if they are your friends. Let me know your thoughts!

The intend of this checklist/guide is to lay out basic steps in securing your Ubuntu server (fresh VPS or Dedicated server) and getting it ready for a BTS node (see, full or witness). Keep in mind that there is more than one way to get things done in Linux so just pick your favorite. I would also appreciate any comments/tweaks from other admins to improve this guide and increase security of our servers (especially any new findings that might come out after I post this).

- Install Ubuntu Server 16.04 (or have it installed and get root access)

-Log in to your server as the root user.
Code: [Select]
$ssh root@server_ip_addressor use PuTTy or other SSH client of your choice

- Check your server installation:
Code: [Select]
# lsb_release -a
-Check what was installed:
Code: [Select]
#apt list --installed
- Update:
Code: [Select]
#apt update
- Take a look at your sources list:
Code: [Select]
#cat /etc/apt/sources.list
Now head over to:
Fill in your information and have it generate the official Ubuntu Repos for you

Here is an example:

#                            OFFICIAL UBUNTU REPOS            #

###### Ubuntu Main Repos
deb xenial main universe
deb-src xenial main universe

###### Ubuntu Update Repos
deb xenial-security main universe
deb xenial-updates main universe
deb-src xenial-security main universe
deb-src xenial-updates main universe

Now if needed added the sources to your source list:
Code: [Select]
#nano /etc/apt/sources.list
(Note: To save in nano use CTRL-O, Enter and CTRL-X to exit - there are plenty of other editors there, I like nano)

-Now lets update and upgrade as required:
Code: [Select]
#apt-get update
#apt-get upgrade

- Change root password (You should change the password to something complex for the root)
Code: [Select]
#passwdThen enter your password at each prompt requesting it. Done.

-Now lets create a new Sudo user:
Use the adduser command to add a new user to your system.
Code: [Select]
#adduser username(for example: adduser sahkan)
Set and confirm the new user's password at the prompt. A strong password is highly recommended!

Set password prompts:
Enter new UNIX password:
Retype new UNIX password
passwd: password updated successfully
Follow the prompts to set the new user's information. It is fine to accept the defaults to leave all of this information blank.

User information prompts:
Changing the user information for username
Enter the new value, or press ENTER for the default
    Full Name []:
    Room Number []:
    Work Phone []:
    Home Phone []:
    Other []:
Is the information correct? [Y/n]

- Now lets add our new user to the sudo group:
Code: [Select]
#usermod -aG sudo username
By default, on Ubuntu, members of the sudo group have sudo privileges.

- Test sudo access on new user account - use the su command to switch to the new user account.
Code: [Select]
#su  username
As the new user, verify that you can use sudo by prepending "sudo" to the command that you want to run with superuser privileges. For example, you can list the contents of the /root directory, which is normally only accessible to the root user.
Code: [Select]
$sudo ls -la /rootThe first time you use sudo in a session, you will be prompted for the password of the user account. Enter the password to proceed.

[sudo] password for username:
If your user is in the proper group and you entered the password correctly, the command that you issued with sudo should run with root privileges.

If all went well, logout from the server and ssh back in as your new user

-Now you want to prevent root logins to SSH, which can leave your computer vulnerable to brute force login attempts to the root account.
Code: [Select]
$sudo nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config
Scroll down (with your keyboard down arrow key) until you see "PermitRootLogin yes", or hit "Page Down" once to get there.
Replace the "yes" with "no". No quotes.
PermitRootLogin no

Save & exit.

Now restart SSH with:
Code: [Select]
$sudo service ssh restart
- Change the SUDO configuration to require the root password
Code: [Select]
$sudo visudoThis will open the "/etc/sudoers" file.
In /etc/sudoers, add this line:
Defaults rootpw

Now follow this guide and pick what you require:

NOTE: #5. Protect su by limiting access only to admin group (from the link above) Will restrict your use of su. To reverse it (if you want to use su) execute the following:
Code: [Select]
$sudo dpkg-statoverride --remove /bin/su
$sudo chmod 4755 /bin/su

- Now to get ready for the node install, install boost (from your home directory in this case):
Code: [Select]
$export BOOST_ROOT=$HOME/opt/boost_1_57_0
$sudo apt-get update
$sudo apt-get install autotools-dev build-essential \
                     g++ libbz2-dev libicu-dev python-dev
$wget -c ''\
     -O boost_1_57_0.tar.bz2
$sha256sum boost_1_57_0.tar.bz2

Check for the correct hash:
# "910c8c022a33ccec7f088bd65d4f14b466588dda94ba2124e78b8c57db264967"

-Install it:
Code: [Select]
$tar xjf boost_1_57_0.tar.bz2
$cd boost_1_57_0/
$./ "--prefix=$BOOST_ROOT"
$./b2 install

- And now you can use my other guide to build your node:,23925.0.html

General Discussion / Re: BLOCKCHAINED - the graphene ambassador
« on: April 15, 2017, 01:57:50 am »
Hey guys, in awaiting of hardfork and bitRUB we started our own MPA RUBLE.

So we have a proposal for witnesses out there

- You start a price feed on RUBLE (
- You give me your witness nickname in PM
- We vote your witness through our proxy

just 6 places available now

I need a clarification. You want to use RUBLE until bitRUB starts and then discontinue or do you want to eventually have both?

When bitRUB will be fixed, we'll smoothly be migrating to it
Like 1:1 scheme trough our gateway
We need RUB now, this only one reason why we start the MPA

I don't have a problem supporting a price feed for Ruble, but I think national currencies should be voted in through the committee members. Mostly because any price manipulation (not that you would do that) would reflect on the credibility of DEX.

General Discussion / Re: BLOCKCHAINED - the graphene ambassador
« on: April 14, 2017, 05:18:04 pm »
Hey guys, in awaiting of hardfork and bitRUB we started our own MPA RUBLE.

So we have a proposal for witnesses out there

- You start a price feed on RUBLE (
- You give me your witness nickname in PM
- We vote your witness through our proxy

just 6 places available now

I need a clarification. You want to use RUBLE until bitRUB starts and then discontinue or do you want to eventually have both?

Stakeholder Proposals / Re: [Witness Proposal] sahkan-bitshares
« on: April 14, 2017, 03:21:45 pm »
Quick update on my witness:
I wanted to thank everyone that voted for me. Now on the missing blocks: l became an active witness at 2:00AM my time, woke up after 4:00AM and found out than my witness update from yesterday:
update_witness "sahkan-bitshares" ",23996.0.html" "" true
Switched my signing key even though according to the docs, a blank entry should not update the key. Luckily it was a quick fix.

Stakeholder Proposals / Re: [Witness Proposal] sahkan-bitshares
« on: April 14, 2017, 03:08:54 pm »
sorry delegate.freedom RAM not 4GB,is 16GB,  36 months paid
备用服务器:128GB  32 Cores  1TSAS

Thank you, I updated my spreadsheet.

Stakeholder Proposals / Re: [Witness Proposal] sahkan-bitshares
« on: April 14, 2017, 05:31:52 am »
What else would you offer, except the server? What are your skills/how do you complement bitshares?
Even though I've been in crypto for over 4 years now, getting active in a new project is always a change of pace and a learning experience. I definitely have to maintain the server and keep up with the software requirements. Do you have something particular in mind that you would have me do? Or are you also asking for my education? I have a Masters in Computer Science and plenty of certs to go with it.

I'm asking because since the last payment increase for witnesses, running a server is just not enough (in my opinion) to justify a vote.

Yes, you are right. I am not asking you to vote for me unless you feel it will benefit the community. That of course might happen today , in the future or never. As far as the witness pay goes, I think some people try to make an income out of it where in fact that infrastructure should be maintained by people or businesses that utilize DEX and have higher stakes in it and can provide better equipment then what we seem to have now (even though obviously a small VPS can handle now). But with Openledger stepping in now and few individuals that don't depend on that witness income I believe that we can improve the DEX infrastructure by quite a bit and be prepared for a rapid growth in transactions without skipping a beat.

Stakeholder Proposals / Re: [Witness Proposal] sahkan-bitshares
« on: April 14, 2017, 05:05:34 am »
What else would you offer, except the server? What are your skills/how do you complement bitshares?
Even though I've been in crypto for over 4 years now, getting active in a new project is always a change of pace and a learning experience. I definitely have to maintain the server and keep up with the software requirements. Do you have something particular in mind that you would have me do? Or are you also asking for my education? I have a Masters in Computer Science and plenty of certs to go with it.

Stakeholder Proposals / Re: [Witness Proposal] sahkan-bitshares
« on: April 14, 2017, 04:28:33 am »
Thank you both. I made an attempt to get a current picture of the DEX infrastructure but most of the witnesses are anonymous and did not offer any specs (I had to guess on yours @Thom and probably got it wrong cause you have so many). Maybe @fav can energize everyone to get the gaps filled:

Rank   Witness   Votes   Missed   Server   Cores   RAM   HD   Transfer   Seed Nodes
1   in.abit 1.6.35   776.2M   133   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown
2   abc123 1.6.65   759.2M   838   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown
3   bhuz 1.6.17   745.8M   1093   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown
4   wackou 1.6.18   737.2M   1270   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   1
5   delegate.baozi 1.6.37   734.4M   1016   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown
6   fox 1.6.16   726.6M   2892   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown
7   witness.yao 1.6.71   724.8M   2136   Linode VPS   4   12GB   96GB   4TB   Uknown
8   verbaltech2 1.6.34   721.9M   1196   VPS   4   8GB   Uknown   Uknown   5
9   rnglab 1.6.45   711.6M   1275   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown
10   xman 1.6.64   709.8M   1133   Ali VPS   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown
11   jerryliu 1.6.72   699.2M   2747   Linode VPS   6   12GB   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown
12   xn-delegate 1.6.59   682.1M   2286   Linode VPS   4   8GB   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown
13   witness.still 1.6.69   647.9M   8273   Ali VPS   2   8GB   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown
14   delegate-clayop 1.6.27   645.1M   3350   VPS   2   7.5GB   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown
15   xeldal 1.6.22   589.5M   920   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown
16   datasecuritynode 1.6.49   559.7M   4786   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown
17   roadscape 1.6.13   545.8M   1374   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown
18   delegate.freedom 1.6.63   436.7M   3570   Aliyun VPS   2   16GB   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown
19   harvey-xts 1.6.23   434.2M   4952   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   2
20   delegate.ihashfury 1.6.26   428.6M   865   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown
21   spartako 1.6.15   360.9M   968   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown
Standby Witnesses                           
Rank   Witness   Votes   Missed                  
22   mr.agsexplorer 1.6.24   339.9M   824   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown
23   spectral 1.6.30   321.9M   2208   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown
24   delegate.taolje 1.6.38   308.1M   883   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown
25   delegated-proof-of-steak 1.6.42   305.9M   2100   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown
26   riverhead 1.6.31   297.2M   1117   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown
27   maqifrnswa 1.6.43   292.6M   6144   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown
28   public-witness-one 1.6.70   289.1M   564   Aliyun VPS   4   16GB   Uknown   Uknown   0
29   roelandp 1.6.74   285.3M   0   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown
30   sahkan-bitshares 1.6.73   280.0M   0   Dedicated   24   64GB   240GB SSD   Unlimited   1
31   delegate-1.lafona 1.6.28   279.7M   678   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown
32   liondani 1.6.48   274.8M   309   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown
33   delegate.btsnow 1.6.40   259.2M   3768   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown
34   dragonball 1.6.46   241.1M   260   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown
35   plkj 1.6.66   233.7M   0   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown
36   checkraiser 1.6.44   229.1M   266   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown
37   banxio 1.6.52   227.2M   0   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown
38   delegate.webber 1.6.58   226.8M   0   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown
39   b33lz38v8 1.6.41   226.7M   0   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown
40   dele-puppy 1.6.14   226.2M   3482   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown
41   holytransaction 1.6.32   224.9M   86   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown
42   bitsharesbanker 1.6.55   220.9M   0   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown
43   duplessisc1 1.6.62   220.8M   0   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown
44   bts-bitshares-argentina 1.6.33   220.8M   29   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown
45   salvation-2016 1.6.61   220.8M   0   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown
46   billbutler 1.6.57   220.8M   0   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown
47   omalley-crypto 1.6.54   220.8M   0   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown
48   chronos-youtube 1.6.67   218.2M   0   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown
49   triox-delegate 1.6.29   218.0M   118   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown
50   betaxtrade 1.6.39   217.5M   0   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown
51   nexus-dev 1.6.68   205.2M   0   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown
52   bitcrab 1.6.56   201.1M   0   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown
53   blckchnd 1.6.75   186.2M   0   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown
54   elmato 1.6.20   156.3M   3006   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown
55   cyrano 1.6.21   145.4M   2789   Uknown   Uknown   16GB   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown
56   bitcube 1.6.12   130.9M   12829   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown
57   bue 1.6.25   121.1M   4234   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown
58   mindphlux.witness 1.6.19   46.2M   1746   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown
59   openledger-dc 1.6.76   11409   0   Dedicated   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown   Uknown

Stakeholder Proposals / [Witness Proposal] sahkan-bitshares
« on: April 13, 2017, 11:28:39 pm »
Witness proposal for: sahkan-bitshares

Dedicated Production Server with my Witness runs in New York:

Dell PowerEdge Dual Dual Xeon X5650 Hexa-Core CPUs  - 24 Cores @ 2.66 GHz
64 GB of RAM
240 GB SSD

Data Center:
1 Gbit (GigE) Network Port - Unmetered Bandwith
Network Uptime Guarantee: 100%
Power Uptime Guarantee:   100%
100% GREEN data center

Current Performance Snapshot:

Targeted Lifecycle: 2 years (12 months already paid for)

Seed/Backup/Test node runs in Hawaii:
Currently 8 Core, 16GB RAM, 2TB HDD

Price Feed: BTS Tools v 4.9.0 (Thanks to @wackou )
                    I have disabled Yanubi feeds based on some conversations on the forum. If this needs to be enabled I need an active witness to confirm this for me.

A fair amount of work has been done in the past few weeks learning Bitshares (graphene)  and getting everything aligned properly to launch my witness proposal. It’s extremely important to provide a great service for the DEX users and continue to improve upon those services. I understand the responsibility to the Bitshares community and I am providing my Hardware to exclusively support DEX (I have no plans to run steem, muse or any other graphene nodes on my servers). I believe that we need to continue to build a robust platform infrastructure capable of handling heavy loads at a moment's notice.

- I am not affiliated with any other accounts on Bitshares (not running any other witnesses).
- Emergencies might happen (node upgrades due to bugs etc.) therefore I will provide my name, email, phone number and WhatsApp contact information to the following individuals if they ask for it:
1. Anyone with +100MLN votes for my witnesses
2. Key Developers and Committee Members
3. @fav because fav has strict roll calls and I don't want to miss them ;)
4. @JonnyBitcoin
5. Or as required by future developments.

While it's a common fact that we have many highly qualified witnesses running for the (currently) 21 active witness spots it has got to be mentioned that not all witnesses are active, some of them run node versions that are +50 weeks old and are set up on dated VPS platforms. I am not asking for anyone to be voted down, I am just offering capable services to sustain DEX for the months to come either as a standby or active witness.

If you decide to vote on my witness please check my position at: and if your vote makes me an active witness please send me a PM so I can monitor it after the next maintenance window.
[Edit 14 APR 17: I got voted in last night, Thank you! All issues fixed]

I encourage others to get involved. I will put together some guides to hopefuly make it easier. Here is my first one:,23925.0.html

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