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Messages - toast

Pages: 1 ... 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 [266] 267
Let's make sure it builds and runs on all platforms first, and maybe see what I3 guys say about how many dedicated seeds they want?

I'm fine with 20 for me and 30 for you, assuming we'll get paid for hosting separately.

I did:
Set up new working seed and github stuff. Also was working on setup script but you got to it first. Gonna set up more seeds if bytemaster wants them.

you did:
Setup script, churn code (how hard was this? was very fast, I assume you used freetrade's code for this), found the list of working seed IPs

still to do: build working pts-qt for windows

Added your changes and my new seed node, they're in the same pull request

for some reason the diffs on github aren't working properly, can you copy/paste the parts you changed here so we can see?

I love the team work! 

Free trades fix needs to be part of the solution because my seed node fills up and stops accepting connections.  I have to kill it every 15 minutes to keep things working. 

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Quick-n-dirty solution would be to just set a cron job to kill and restart the node, if that indeed does work.

Someone check this (goes in crontab)?

* * 15 * * ps -eo pid,args | grep bitcoind | awk '{print $1}' | xargs -I {} kill -9 {}  && ~/ProtoShares/src/bitcoind -daemon

Actually, we should decide how many nodes we want / who we want to own them (should be distributed among a few people IMO) and then update the pull request.

Any volunteers for hosting seed nodes? Hosting costs will be reimbursed and I can provide a setup script pretty soon.

Built from source with the new change and got some connections right away!

    "version" : 80600,
    "protocolversion" : 70001,
    "walletversion" : 60000,
    "balance" : 0.00000000,
    "blocks" : 8639,
    "timeoffset" : -1,
    "connections" : 5,
    "proxy" : "",
    "difficulty" : 0.00001526,
    "testnet" : false,
    "keypoololdest" : 1388266820,
    "keypoolsize" : 101,
    "paytxfee" : 0.01000000,
    "errors" : ""

Current droplet at:

I used addnode with this IP with the old client and it found some connections right away. So far I've built and tested the daemon on ubuntu. We need someone to build and test the QT client on windows (I don't have a windows machine), and then we're good!

Ok, I'm setting up a DO droplet. I'll report when it's built and blockchain is downloaded. Once we confirm it works, I'll write a setup script and spin up 5-10 instances, then update the pull request with the new IP addresses.

Here is barwizi's change as a pull request:

If you guys can guarantee reimbursement I'd be glad to make a DO account and spin up some dedicated nodes.

Where do the first BitUSD come from? If they are "loaned into existence" by someone giving 2 BTS in exchange for 1 BTS worth of BitUSD, what initial exchange rate is used? Also, how are the 32 BitAssets in the chain determined (for example, what are going to be the 32 assets in the "root" chain?) Is there even a root chain, or is it just that the original one will have more universal assets like gold, usd, etc? How is this decided?

I'm trying to make sense of the whitepaper but it's a lot to wrap your head around at once.

General Discussion / Re: Announcing Angel Shares & BitShares Allocation
« on: December 27, 2013, 03:23:12 am »
Would donating from a BTC wallet like Coinbase be acceptable for getting the angelshares?

No, don't do this. You have to control the private keys for the addresses you donated from.

General Discussion / Re: Announcing Angel Shares & BitShares Allocation
« on: December 26, 2013, 05:24:38 pm »
Given that, my incentives suggest I should wait to invest because since total investment in Angelshares is capped per day, there's probably a lot of pent up demand that will be very impatient and maybe not think so much about the value they're getting for their investment, in their rush to invest.

Problem is, that's actually a disservice you're doing the people who want to help you reach your goal.  You're saying - Ok, I'm offering interest and you should all compete against each other to see who wants it most, but if tomorrow none of you show up I'm going to sell it all to Lighthouse for a dollar because those are the rules I invented!

If you designed this system to allow people with a lot of capital to invest in you, it's a loser.  It requires either minimum daily micromanagement or is basically picking pricing with a blindfold on.

Honestly the "minimum daily micromanagement" takes what, 15 seconds? Or if you plan to be AFK, do you have a computer you can leave a cron job on? I could write a guide on how to set that up if there's enough interest

General Discussion / Re: Announcing Angel Shares & BitShares Allocation
« on: December 26, 2013, 05:16:07 am »

Anyone have any idea how one of these transactions has only 4 confirmations while the ones after it have more than 10? It it just a bug?

General Discussion / Re: Announcing Angel Shares & BitShares Allocation
« on: December 26, 2013, 03:53:29 am »
One quick question, does it matter if I donate from a multi-address PTS/BTC wallet? Or do I have to donate from a single address PTS/BTC wallet? I experienced MMC 2.0 that single address was easy. Please advise.

It should not matter, we will have tools to import all keys from your PTS and BTC wallets.

Thanks, I have given my donation. When will the AngelShares client available? Is there a due date for the donation?

AngelShares are non-transferrable, but will turn into something transferrable when we launch BitShares in Q1 2014.   Everything received before the end of Jan 1, 2014 counts as part of the Jan 1, 2014 auction of 10000 AGS.   Currently have have 5000 AGS as you are the first PTS bidder!   After that every day is a fresh Auction.   We wanted to give people some time to digest the system before the daily auctions start that way everyone has equal opportunity.

bytemaster, can you explain this:

Code: [Select]
Currently have have 5000 AGS as you are the first PTS bidder!
Cause I've just donated BTC to the funding address.

Every day, 5000 AGS are distributed among everyone who contributed BTC (and another 5000 for the PTS) for **that day**. Now until Jan 1st counts as one day. The funding address currently has 3 inputs totaling around 1.3 BTC, so you would get (5000 / 1.3) angelshares per bitcoin (unless people donate more).

General Discussion / Re: worth of redeemed momerycoinf rom protoshares
« on: December 26, 2013, 02:53:19 am »
Wait, you see 4 unconfirmed MMC using your PTS private keys? I have no idea then

You would have more luck posting this in the memorycoin board:

Or PMing FreeTrade directly

General Discussion / Re: Announcing Angel Shares & BitShares Allocation
« on: December 26, 2013, 02:32:01 am »
....aaaand I'm a dumbass. Misread "new years" as "christmas" and went ahead and donated. Will you count it as being donated on the first day?

Actually wait, there are already PTS donations too. Can we just have this start "today" (the 26th just started by GMT)?

General Discussion / Re: Tx hijack to modify output
« on: December 26, 2013, 02:21:30 am »
I dug around in the code a bit, I'm guessing it's part of CScriptCheck:

called from CheckInputs right below

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