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Topics - bobb

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Hey Guys,

Withdrawals from bter are broken for days. They show the withdrawal as being sent but it does not arrive/ does not get accepted in the chain.
Does anyone know if they intend to upgrade their client before the snapshot?
I appreciate all the efforts I really do, but two years is a very very long time for an exchange in this space.
What can we do to help them? Who has a responsive contact @bter?

This is sooo frustrating.

General Discussion / Full steam ahead! :)
« on: October 23, 2014, 01:25:57 pm »
The Bitshares Team is sitting on a flying rocket while building and fixing it at the same time. And that is a damn hard job.
From my perspective they are doing a really good job. Sure, sometimes they screw up. But who doesn't.
But it is not the screw up that matters, it is how you handle it.

If you ever launched your own start-up you know that everything is changing on a daily basis.
You have more investors, users, contractors, partners, lawyers..  than you would have ever imagined.
You learn on a daily basis.

Did the allocation work out best for my interests (alot of DNS@bter)? Not so much. Does it make me mad or angry? No.
Because Dan and Toast tried everything to make it right. I could blame bter for the withdrawal limits but I won't:

It's true that perspective matters. So in the worst case the extra BTS will go directly to bter.
Which is (afaik) the most supportive exchange for the Bitshares ecosystem.

I was avidly arguing against the DNS allocation, because it wasn't right. Was I personally compensated much, yet?
Not really. But I understand why and that is what was lacking before.

So all I ask the people who feel betrayed is to think about is how hard it is to optimize a highly dynamic system in real time while being traded live at the markets.
I guess sometimes you can't make everyone happy. You can just try to make it right for most people.
If you then go the extra mile for the minority which was left out - which you and others did (compensation/fund) - it deserves a lot of respect.
What I am doing next? Buying BTSX and setting up delegates (I guess I have to upgrade them soon :)

Thanks everyone! Hope you are holding up well. Full steam ahead!

Deutsch (German) / Volle Kraft voraus :)
« on: October 23, 2014, 12:44:06 pm »

I3 sitzt grad auf ner Rakete die sie im Flug bauen und reparieren. Die DNS Allocation war nen Griff ins Klo, aber Dan/Toast haben alles versucht um es wieder geradezubiegen.
Auch wenn der Fix von Bytemaster mir persönlich nur bedingt hilft, da viele meiner DNS auf Bter liegen finde ich diesen Schritt wichtig.
Ich denke die erzielte Lösung (fuer PTS/AGS/VOTE/DNS) ist für die Meisten ein guter Kompromiss .   

Was meint Ihr?

General Discussion / Can someone explain why DNS is treated differently?
« on: October 22, 2014, 12:57:24 pm »
Hey Guys/Hey Bytemaster,

I guess there is a lot of discussions happening if vesting is a good idea and AGS/PTS are treated fairly.
I also bought some PTS and I think a 10% cut is not that bad if we want Bitshares to thrive.

But I haven't heard a single valid argument why DNS is treated differently.
So maybe somebody is able to help me understand.

Dan argued that DNS's marked cap can not be treated equally because it lacks liquidity and kept telling that $10K figure.
That figure is just not true as it was just pulled from bter and the most volume and liquidity is available at btc38.

Another problem I have  with that argument is that with the proposal in the wild everyone was pulling their bids.
The liquidity established again at the new market price which was a result of the announcement.
So it is a slight stunt to first scare away/down the liquidity and than later start arguing there was none.

Look at the liquidity and volume at the new market price: [nofollow] [nofollow]
The volume on btc38 in the last 24h was about 600.000.000 DNS alone. Thats almost close to the volume of BTSX.
(I know volume is != liquidity but still, the liquidity was just shifted to the new 'announced value')
If liquidity is a reason to devalue the market cap, why wasn't this equally applied for PTS and DNS?

DNS/KeyID  was already trading live. It was pushed to exchanges. Features were announced, etc.
Additionally shareholders have been told by the core team that the invested funds will be preserved.

Do you still think this is balanced? Look at the markets:

BTSX +20%
PTS    -10%
DNS   -50% (at least)

It just feels as you have the least skin in the game at the DNS/KeyID DAC. Is that correct?

For this thread I have one wish. please stay on topic and be nice to each other. I welcome any valid argument :)

I think this merger is a good idea, but if we do so why at 7% AGS/PTS and 3% DNS?

DNS brings a lot to the table, which also BTSX benefits from.
BTSX+DNS would be great. But screwing the DNS investors that hard?
Please look at the markets and tell me what I am missing here.


Why was it announced (in the beginning) that this will be based on market cap (Dan)?
Why did toast tell everyone that invested funds will be preserved?
Why are the DACs (PTS/DNS) treated differently regarding their market cap/liquidity? 

Thanks again for everyone's time. Let's sort this and move on!

Deutsch (German) / Bzgl. "Proposed Allocation for Merger"
« on: October 22, 2014, 08:14:04 am »
Moin Zusammen,

evtl. kann mir ja hier jemand weiterhelfen :)
Dummerweise habe ich kraeftig in DNS/KeyID investiert und stehe nun vor einem Problem.

Kann mir einer von Euch erklaeren wie Dan zu dieser Allocation kommt?

Vor allem:
- da DNS/KeyID seit einiger Zeit bereits live gehandelt wird.
- zugesagt wurde, dass die Bewertung auf der "market cap' basieren wird (Dan).
- Ausserdem hiess es, dass die Invenstments erhalten bleiben (toast)

Ich bin milde formuliert ziemlich irritert. Nicht nur wegen der Allocation sondern auch wegen Kommentaren wie diesem von Dan:

BTSX could have evolved without giving DNS anything and then competed with DNS.   

Zuerst wird von ihm die DNS/KeyID DAC beworben, Features werden angekuendigt, exchanges werden ermuntert DNS zu traden und dann soll man sich nicht wundern, da ja BTSX sowieso DNS Konkurenz gemacht haette?

Bitte ueberzeugt mich, dass ich irgendwas uebersehen habe. Ich bin von BitShares begeistert und auch der Idee der Zusammenfuehrung bin ich nicht abgeneigt .
Aber grad bin ich einfach ein wenig sprachlos.

Auf meine beiden Posts im 'main merger thread' habe ich noch keine Antwort bekommen, da dachte ich ich frage mal hier ;)

KeyID / Regarding the Proposed Allocation for Merger
« on: October 22, 2014, 07:02:01 am »
Hey folks,

Just posted this in the main merger thread:

It has been said that:
- the DACs will be valued according to their market cap.
- the invested funds will be preserved.

It looks like both won't happen as Stan already stated that:

Now do you begin to see why it wasn't hard for the VOTE and DNS developers to Seize the Day?

I just want to understand it. I would love to hear your opinions. Please let's be nice to each other.


Just updated the qt_wallet and after start up it throws the following error in the status bar and log file:

th_a:?unnamed?   log_message
Message from GUI: rpc error : JSON Parse error: Property name must be a string literal (undefined) 

Build from fresh co ( on Ubuntu 14.04
I noticed the error after I wasn't able to send a transaction.

Any ideas? Thanks in advance!

BitShares PTS / Client keeps crashing
« on: November 10, 2013, 11:48:53 pm »

after updating the client (git pull from github) and recompiling the client, it quickly crashes.
I already tried to re-download the whole blockchain and started from scratch (just kept the wallet.dat), but it still doesn't work (regardless if I mine or not)

(running on linux 64bit, ubuntu 12.04, reproducible on various machines)

any ideas? thanks in advance.

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