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Messages - fumanchu808

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Technical Support / Re: Not connecting, not syncing
« on: August 29, 2014, 02:30:02 am »
I updated this morning but I'm not sure which version I have. Is there a way to tell from inside the application?

Anyone else having trouble syncing or connecting today by the way?

I've been hoping to mess around in the BitUSD market (not to mention shore up for the slight lowering of BTSXs price today, although it seems to late for that now).

However I've been unable to connect all day, effectively locking me out of my money and losing me roughly 19% in the process....    :-\

Whoa, my Robohash is famous now!   ;D
These bots are so easily recognizable that it's kinda freaky, heh

Indeed! Yours is one of the few that comes up with an image search.  I suspect that will not remain so for long.

Technical Support / Re: Not connecting, not syncing
« on: August 29, 2014, 01:43:42 am »
No dice... still getting a basic "Not Connected" sitting in the bottom...

Had some BitUSD moves I wanted to make before BTSX price dropped today too, lost 15% of my investments value because I have been unable to access my account   >:(

Technical Support / Not connecting, not syncing
« on: August 29, 2014, 12:28:57 am »
Been having trouble all day with connecting and syncing. At first it was simply stuck syncing for a long time but now it won't even connect.

I'm sitting in on the webinar currently so I know my connection is functioning properly but I can't get in to see how some of my trades are doing.

Any advice? I've re-installed the latest version but I still have the same problem.

Just thought I'd drop it off here since everyone has been so helpful thus far:

General Discussion / Can we talk about BitAssets and how they work?
« on: August 28, 2014, 03:43:41 am »
So I've been trying to understand BitAssets and how they tie into real world assets. For example BitUSD, unless it is somehow impacted by USD's actual price in the market is more or less just a label. However, for all my digging I can't seem to find any evidence to support that it is just that, a digital label placed on a token that we can of course agree has value but it has nothing to do with actual USD.

Am I missing something?

They managed to get to me. Thank you for checking!

I will say this though, BitsharesX should contact BTER and help them clean up their withdrawal form and make it so people can send BTSX to unregistered accounts via the accounts key.

I also attempted (more times that I'd like to admit) to send BTSX to myself by using my public key from by BitsharesX account which does not work. You have to use the registered name but that isn't made entirely clear by the form. It will simply cancel your order after you've sent it and say something about the "memo" being too long.

I've got it now and next I'll be attempting to choose a delegate. Now once I hit the "thumbs up" on one am I finished or do I have to take an extra step to put my BTSX to work?

General Discussion / Re: Can we talk a bit about the Delegate System?
« on: August 26, 2014, 08:13:58 pm »
Hi everyone, I believe bytemaster has taken care of the problem. I'm going to dive headlong into the application now but in the meantime if anyone felt like shedding a little light on how the BitAsset system works, I'd love to hear about it.

Thanks again!

General Discussion / Re: Can we talk a bit about the Delegate System?
« on: August 26, 2014, 08:02:32 pm »
I agree about not leaving on the exchange that's why I'm hoping to get this registration problem fixed, ASAP.

They need to develop a way for me to hold the funds off the exchange, even if I am registered or not. Even if I can't send it to a delegate just yet but I will at least have the my own set of keys and it won't be in the hands of anyone else.

I dislike the Chinese exchanges very much. Having BTSX show up on one or two more exchanges seems like it would help mitigate some of the problems I am having currently (for example I could shuttle the funds from one exchange to another, in case of an emergency).

While I wait on getting the registration problem fixed, I still have a lot of research to do for my article. If anyone feels like taking a look at the questions I posted above and feels like taking a crack at them, I'd greatly appreciate it.

Thank you for your help. I'm still trying to get registered (tech support is on it, I think) but hopefully we'll have all that resolved today and I can return the favor.

General Discussion / Re: Can we talk a bit about the Delegate System?
« on: August 26, 2014, 02:24:36 pm »
Thank you again to the people that sent me BTSX to register, however the app does not let me register, which is very, VERY frustrating since it traps my BTSX on an exchange (where security specifically dictates it not be left). As you can imagine it's pretty scary to have someone tie up your resources in such a way that you can't move them unless we jump through a lot of inefficient hoops first. That's kind of the thing that drove people to invent cryptocurrency in the first place.

I've posted the error in technical support but I noticed my post in tech support doesn't show up when I do a search either. Again, not a good look to exclude tech support posts from your search function. I mean... that's half the reason to ever use the search bar...

Hope this gets resolved before I discover the BTSX flies away and that's what my next article ends up having to be about. I hate doing bad reviews. I want to spread optimism after all.

Technical Support / I get this error with old version and latest version
« on: August 26, 2014, 01:07:14 pm »

^any idea whats going on? I'm just trying to register so I can move my coins off an exchange (which I can't do until I'm registered, haha very funny).

All the other functions work, app doesnt crash, everything is synced... I just can't register...

General Discussion / Re: Can we talk a bit about the Delegate System?
« on: August 26, 2014, 10:12:52 am »
Thank you everyone for helping me understand Bitshares a little bit more.

I'm wondering if anyone can explain the whole Bitasset thing a bit better. From the marketing I get the feeling that BitsharesX will have markets that are tied to real world markets somehow but I don't see where/how they are tied to said markets. So some clarification on how something like BitUSD works in practice and/or theory would be nice.

Does BitsharesX have any plans to make spending profits on these markets direct or will a user always have to jump out of BTSX and into something that can interact with a payment system?

Oh and does BitsharesX pay out anything to it's parent DAC, Bitshares? Should we expect BitsharesX's success to boost Bitshares revenue directly?

I have more questions developing in my mind but for now any help with those will be greatly appreciated.

General Discussion / Can we talk a bit about the Delegate System?
« on: August 26, 2014, 05:37:58 am »
I get that they are the ones doing the actual mining but does that mean I can pick a delegate and then I no longer need to keep my BitsharesX application open and I'll still technically be mining?

If so, that's wunderbar!

Beyond that do delegates differ in any particular way? I see that some have different pay rates (does that mean they are keeping the difference for themselves?) and reliability ratings.

Approval I'm assuming is the result of the voting but is there anythign else, active delegates do?

I noticed that some have a "bitasset" in their info section, for example USD at a certain price. What exactly is that referring to? How does that asset and price interact with being a delegate?

Sorry for all the questions. This is obviously new and I am a journalist with

I already wrote one article just on BitsharesX leapfrogging competition but I'd love to do a follow up where I explain this stuff to my readers in a contextual manner so they can understand exactly how it might impact them (or the markets).

I'm also tempted to start asking about the asset trading system but I will hold off on that for now (unless anyone wants to say something about it).

Thanks guys and congrats on making it so far up the ladder!

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