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Topics - Chris4210

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Stakeholder Proposals / [Worker Proposal] BitShares Webdesign Mockup
« on: July 12, 2016, 08:33:32 pm »
Dear BitShares Community,

I would like to propose the following first worker to build an awesome new web presence. The goal is to first create a couple of new mockups for the website. I will pick a professional and experienced designer who will internalize our vision, our message and create an awesome design while keeping our current colors and branding in place.

If we like the new design suggestions, I will set up a second worker for the development team and implementation of the design into the new website.

Worker NameBitShares Website Mockup
Timeline19.07.2016 - 31.07.2016
Budget in EUR1,000€
Budget in BTS303,030 BTS

Please vote now!!!

The job description can be found here:

The new website content can be found here:

The overall roadmap is:

1. Create an awesome set of website mockups
2. Choose the best-suited mockup
3. Get a website development bit
4. Start a second worker to fund the development of the new website
5. Set milestones and timeline for development
6. Develop new website based on the mockup

I will partner up with the expert marketing team of Flame They will create a fresh, clean new interface for the website. We are also planning to create a set of new infographics to explain to newcomers how BitShares works and what kind of awesome products can be built on top of BitShares.

Petra and here team have +30 years experience in business consultancy and marketing and are currently working for the Fraunhofer institute in Germany. Here are some of here latest case studies .

The old forum threads have been:,22218.0.html

Ideas and feedback always welcome!!

Best regards,


CEO of BitShares Munich and BitShares Committee Member

Dear Munich Blockchain Community,

I am inviting you all for the next Blockchain / BitShares Munich Meetup. A lot has happened over the last couple of weeks in the Blockchain industry and with the upcoming Bitcoin halving and the rise of the DAO we will have tons of interesting topics to discuss.

Are you new to Blockchains? No problem we will answer all of your burning questions and show you how to get started.

We also prepared a little surprise for all of you!! Join us at MyFable on the 28.06. 7pm to find out more!

We are pumped to share our latest BitShares Munich developments with all of you.

Looking forward meeting you all soon.

Cheers Chris


Dear BitShares Stakeholders & Community,

My name is Christoph Hering and I joined the BitShares community in late 2014. I used to work in the wealth management and B2B money transfer industry before I joined the BitShares community. In my time as a wealth manager, I started to analyze the different crypto currencies Bitcoin and Ripple and came to the sad conclusion that both Blockchains cannot meet my  demands of a fast and safe money transfer system. Bitcoin's volatility and Ripple’s UIA platform were not the right solutions for me.

I fell in love with the vision of BitShares: a decentralized global asset exchange platform - open for any business via API. What a groundbreaking idea and technology! Soon after, I joined the platform and started to participate in the development, growth and advertising of the BitShares ecosystem.

Since then I helped Ken, Ronny, and others to translate marketing materials, wrote youtube video subtitles and blog articles, organized monthly BitShares meetups and visited countless FinTech events in south Germany and Switzerland to talk about BitShares and share our story. I am also organizing the Blockchain track 2016 for Germany’s biggest Start-up Festival “Bits and Pretzels” and will bring BitShares on stage.

Since fall 2015, I partnered up with Ken Code from Munich and we started to develop the first mobile wallet for the BitShares Graphene Blockchain. Shortly after we started the company BitShares Munich IVS and are now both focusing full-time on the development of more wallets, multiple mobile payment, and point-of-sales systems. I decided it is now the right time for the next step.

I officially apply for the Committee to represent the best interest of the BitShares community.

Please vote for Chris4210! Thank you! Every vote counts!

My Vision:
Imagine a global web of companies, young start-ups, and individuals connected via a global decentralized peer-to-peer payment network providing the best services to billions of users worldwide. It is my personal vision to invite new startups and corporations into the BitShares ecosystem and to provide cheaper and better services to billions. I want to encourage all kinds of Entrepreneurs to start building their business based on the global asset exchange BitShares.

It is my goal to provide everyone access to the BitShares ecosystem without having to become a Coder. I want to develop Bitshares into a financial backbone for countless personalized user applications, trading exchanges, mobile payment apps, lending circles, crowdfunding platforms and much more.

My Offer:
I offer the BitShares community my experience, full-time and professional network in the Blockchain industry to work in the best interest for the BitShares Community. It is my goal to bring new business, users, and liquidity to our platform. I will vote for affordable transactions fees, reasonable platform upgrades, increasing network security and additional benefits for liquidity providers. I will support every new idea, platform partner, and Startup that wants to join the BitShares platform.

My Contact:
Any Feedback?
Reach out to me via E-Mail:
Or meet me in person at our monthly meetups:

My current projects:
  • Co-Founder & CEO  of BitShares Munich IVS (SmartCoins POS systems, mobile Wallets, Stealth, ECHO, Graphene-IPFS and more)
  • Co-Founder & CEO of ECHO Industries UG (Revolutionary Social Messenger + Mobile Wallet)
  • Pushing the on-going development of the and BitShares Wikipedia site
  • Maintaining and updating the official social media accounts of BitShares
  • Promoting the BitShares Blockchain on FinTech and Blockchain events all over Europe (Bits and Pretzels, Meetups)

Please vote for Chris4210 and support the future growth of the BitShares platform.
Thank you!

Hi BitShares Munich will support the upcoming Post /bank hackathon and I am looking for an IT-expert in Germany. Someone who could provide BitShares API support at three events in Germany. We need you in Cologne, Berlin or Stuttgart!

The Hackathon is for free! Unfortunately, we cannot send someone ourselves but I think it would be a great opportunity for you to meet tons of new people, introduce them to the BitShares ecosystem and have a lot of fun!

The main information about the Hackathon can be found here:
Infos about the BitShares API :
and a short introduction to BitShares itself:

Are you interested? Please contact me at for more details.
Please support our efforts and vote for our Steem announcement too:

I would need your feedback until 31.05. 16!!

Thank you a lot! cheers Chris4210

Dear BitShares Community,

In the last mumble Bitmaster talked about the main home page and agreed to give the site to the community for further improvement and maintenance. Let us start with collecting ideas and suggestions. How can we make the site better? How can we show that BitSahres is improving and adding new projects every week?

Feel free to comment in the forum or directly here:

I will add you comments to the list and we can discuss the next steps in the next mumble. After we agreed on the new features and texts, let us work out a way how to update the main website and improve our visibility.

Happy commenting.


Dear BitShares and Blockchain fans, we partnered up with our friends from the Bitcoin Meetup Group to present you monthly Blockchain & FinTech workshops in the heart of Munich.

We want to thank Michael for the great organisation and the Wayra team to provide us their awesome location in the heart of Munich!

Hope to see you all there!

Here are the infos for the event:

Hello crypto enthusiasts!

Apart from our more informal Stammtisch, we organize this monthly event with talks, presentations, demos and workshops. Usually we start off with an introductory primer for newcomers, explaining Bitcoin and the essentials of the Blockchain protocol and what the fuzz is all about, rounding things up with recent news in the space.

Then we'll have additional talks about a more specific subject, or have invited guests introduce and demonstrate their projects or their businesses. (You're always welcome to give a talk or present your project too. Just contact one of the organizers!)

Besides, you can bring your notebooks and devices and hack away, during or after the talks. We exchange our knowledge, inspire each other, advance our projects, and whatever else we would come up with. Also if you're a newcomer to the crypto-world or a non-programmer, we'll gladly explain and show the basics, e.g. how to install and use a wallet.

The event takes place in the heart of Munich at the Kaufingerstraße near the Marienplatz. A big thanks to Wayra for making their great location available to us.

We're excited to have you, and we'll continue to strive towards making this event a great success! We have big plans for the future!

Agenda: tba


cheers Chris



Hello and welcome to ECHO - The brand new social messenger that protects your privacy and supports all your favorite digital currencies plus Fiat! We can finally store, trade and spend our beloved Bitcoins, ETH, Dash or Doge everywhere we go with a simple chat message. ECHO will live encrypt and decentralize all your text-, video-, audio- and transfer messages through IPFS and scale thanks to the powerful Graphene toolkit.

We are happy to announce a Blockchain Wallet 2.0 that everybody can easily adopt too. Thank you that you took an interest in our platform and I hope we can earn your trust and passion that ECHO is the next logical step bringing digital currencies to anybody. Join the revolution of social messaging and join our ECHO live chat and get in contact with us. We would love to hear your opinion about ECHO.

Thank you again and see you around!

Kind regards,
Christoph Hering, Founder & CEO

Can you believe that we are living in 2016 and regular money transfers still take days? Politicians are calling for the war on cash and we are all terrorized by IBAN, SWIFT, and other ugly bank account information. Sending money to your family and friends have never been so confusing, frustrating and time-consuming as of today.

Over the last few years, we have seen a major jump in innovation with the emerge of the Bitcoin and Blockchain technology and we finally have an easier way to send our money. But Bitcoin was only the beginning and the real innovation is Blockchain technology itself. The Blockchain revolution has brought us control over our data and our money. We finally are in a position of control, we are the owner of our personal data and we decide what to do with that, free from 3rd parties with interest in those positions of great influence. But now what?
We have this great technology but mainstream adoption is slow and even Bitcoin was not successful yet to tear down the crypto barrier and introduce Bitcoin as an easy payment system for the masses.

We at ECHO think it is about time to think outside the crypto box, leverage modern Blockchain 2.0 technologies, and introduce a revolutionary 2.0 mobile wallet that supports all kinds of crypto and fiat currencies (!) in one app and merge the wallet with a social messaging platform!

ECHO is a state of the art social messenger with an all supporting global payment system as its driving engine.

Regular consumers do not need the 10th boring mobile payment app or another banking app. They need an easy & fun platform where they like to spend most of their time! That is the idea of ECHO. A new fun social messenger with self-destructing, peer-to-peer encrypted messages, and a global payment platform. Send selfies, emojis or money to your friends in a flash!

The primary goal of ECHO is to change how we share value with our family and friends today. On the one side, ECHO makes money transfer easy again. Sending money to your family and friends should be as easy as sending a text message! On the other side, ECHO reinvents our daily communication systems. Decentralized, peer-to-peer encrypted chat, voice and video messages are standard with our app.

Read more about how ECHO is starting a revolution in social messaging and introducing social cash!
  • ECHO is a decentralized P2P encrypted social messaging & digital payment platform. The platform is built on top of the Graphene Blockchain and leverages IPFS data storage.
  • ECHO is the first multi currency wallet that supports Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin and Fiat like USD, EUR, and CNY in one wallet!
  • ECHO is a decentralized, P2P, encrypted communications app (voice, video, and chat) built on the Graphene Blockchain and IPFS
  • ECHO is a mobile payment app that does not market crypto currencies at all! Regular ECHO users will not see any hash codes, IBAN, SWIFT or other confusing crypto terminology!
  • ECHO is inspired by the super successful social messenger WeChat with +650 million active monthly users.

ECHO is currently under development and has already finished the first POC’s (proof of concept). We are now raising additional funds to develop the IPFS based social messenger and merge it with the mobile wallet. We are in negotiations with leading industry partners in the retail, and money transfer industry to provide additional payment hotspots and easier Fiat Gateways to fund your ECHO account. The ECHO team is also working with several accelerator programs in Europe to ensure the successful launch of the product.

Please follow us on social media for our latest developments and the official launch of ECHO!

  • We want to unite all crypto communities and invite them to support the ECHO project and provide everybody a free social messenger // mobile wallet for their crypto currency
  • We are organizing a united community crowd sale to fund the development of the ECHO app
  • We will introduce a fresh, fun and state of the art messenger and wallet interface this year 2016
  • We will acquire the necessary licenses to operate as a money transfer institution in central Europe
  • We will add additional features like Stealth transactions, new currencies, and payment features to the ECHO platform
  • We will publish an open API for everyone so that other Start-ups can build on top of ECHO and provide extra value to the community
  • We will introduce a global withdraw network. Withdraw your funds via bank transfer or in cash worldwide

The team of ECHO is currently preparing all the marketing and video material for a future crowd funding. ECHO is an app for both worlds, the crypto community and the average consumer who does not care about Bitcoin or Blockchains at all. We want to unite both worlds and build an awesome new social messenger with social cash! We will publish the details of the ECHO crowd funding in the near future.

If you like our idea already and want to support us please donate BTC to 37xDWR5wiNQYLWoZcYMpXk2WEuyeWPZoiH

Every Satoshi helps!!! Thank you a lot!

ECHO will be developed as a free mobile application for iOS and Androids smart phones. ECHO will be coming with a built-in digital wallet 2.0 and provide fully encrypted and decentralized instant messaging (Text, Audio, Video, Pictures) provided via IPFS. ECHO will give any user the power to instantly send and receive all major crypto currencies Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, Dash and BitShares’ SmartCoins to family and friends.  ECHO users can send funds via the chat window, e-mail, phone number or ECHO-ID (e.g. echowallet1). No copy paste, no hashcodes, no annoying IBAN or Swift codes anymore! You even can scan QR-Codes at your favorite restaurant, retail chain or online store to transfer funds.

We all learned that the masses are frustrated with the current solutions but do not care enough about Bitcoin to adopt it. Most people do not have the time or motivation to get engaged with crypto currencies let alone care to learn about blockchain, cold storage, private keys or hashcodes. ECHO solves this problem by avoiding all the talk about crypto currency technologies, taking advantage of the great user experience of instant money transfer and packaging it into a modern fun social messenger. Crypto currency users will instantly adapt to the messenger and can send all kinds of crypto to their contacts without having to copy/paste long annoying hashcode addresses. ECHO will handle all that in the background without compromises. Each ECHO user handles and stores their own private keys in the app. People who are new to the concept of crypto currencies do not need to bother to learn since the ECHO interface is familiar, easy to understand and fun to use.

To conclude, ECHO introduces the first of its kind remote control for a 2.0 blockchain wallet, merged with a state of the art social messenger. We make money transfer and social messaging  easy again. ECHO is connecting millions through encrypted messaging and instant money transfers.

  • Free unlimited private instant messaging
  • Secure, private and encrypted text messaging. All communications are always encrypted and distributed over the IPFS Network
  • Easy fun and secure money transfer to your family and friends
  • Instant money transfer worldwide in 3 seconds
  • Supporting all kinds of crypto and fiat currencies in one wallet
  • Providing price stable crypto currencies (!) and loyalty tokens thanks to Graphene technologies
  • Stealth transactions
  • Easy fund deposit/withdraw via crypto currencies, direct debit and credit cards
  • Pay with ECHO at all modern SmartCoins POS (point of sale) systems
  • Total control over your private key and passphrase in your ECHO wallet
  • Profitable. Be rewarded for introducing new users to the network
  • Free app for iOS and Android - 100% Open Source

Don't see your favorite digital currency listed? Contact us at


When a new ECHO user registers an account we can choose his unique ECHO-ID, but we will register a random account name on the BitShares Blockchain to protect his privacy. Some people could register their full real Name as ECHO-ID and therefore trackable in the Block Explorer. It is our goal to protect non-crypto users and will prohibit third parties to match ECHO-ID and BitShares wallet addresses. That means you can see the wallet through the explorer but you do not know who it is.

BitShares Munich is a FinTech / Blockchain development company from Munich Germany. We are developing point-of-sales and mobile payment software based on modern Blockchain technologies. We are passionate Blockchain enthusiast and want to provide easy to use software for everybody.
Contact us for more information:

Our Founder and CEO presenting ECHO at the GTEC Blockchain Innovation Awards 2016

Blockchain Asia

You want to write about ECHO? Please reach out to

General FAQ
BitShares Munich & Echo Monthly Meetups
ECHO Forum
Support email:

Echo Developer Newsletter

General Discussion / How to be loud on Twitter - without being online!
« on: March 18, 2016, 09:35:50 am »
Hey we talked about doing more marketing for BitShares and being loud! I would like to share a great tool with you and walk you through, setting you up for a new social media master than can easily stays up to date on all relevant channels and can bomb fresh BitShares quotes to the crowd.

1. Go to  & login with your Twitter account. The tool is for free!

They will ask you for your user rights. Accept.

2. Set up your Social Media dashboard to stay up to date

Add new stream, go to Keywords and use e.g.

Tip: When you add “#btc” you will only get tweets with #btc in it. If you type “bitshares” you will get all tweets with “bitshares” in the whole text, no matter if tagged with # or @ .

#bts brings up a Korean K-pop band :D

b) You dashboard should look something like that.

You can now rapidly respond to post and news over all major channels without leaving the window. This is great!!

c) You can add other social media accounts too.

3. Set up a new post

You can now schedule a post automatically or define yourself when the tool posts for you.

It should look like that now. Setting up a few post can be done within ~15 mins for a whole month!! You do not have to come back everyday to feed that powerfull tool.

Tip: Follow Ethereums main account and get inspired in their way of marketing Ethereum. We still have a lot to learn.

Tip: Use the link short tool from hootsuite and get instant metrics about the popularity of your post. See who, when, where and how often clicked on your links!! Target marketing works like a charm with this tool.

And that is it!! Very easy and intuitive social media tool. There are many other cool features.

Please also check out the Hootsuite pro features!

Best regards,


Co - Founder BitShares Munich

Random Discussion / D10E Blockchain Event Amsterdam 17.02/18.02
« on: February 06, 2016, 07:11:13 pm »
Hi Blockchain Fans,

I would like to invite you to the D10E Blockchain event in Amsterdam 17.02/18.02! The D10E Amsterdam is the first event of its kind. It will focus on cutting-edge decentralization in FinTech, disruptive technology and culture, the sharing economy, and the future of work. During two-days at Beurs van Berlage, experts will share their insights and knowledge through concise and engaging short-form presentations. Main speakers: Roger Ver, Max Keiser and Brian Crain + many more.

Click here and get your personal 30% discount for your D10E ticket.

More information at

Hope to see you all there!!

Cheers Chris


Starting at 1500(3pm) GMT until 1800(6pm) GMT.
Please join us tomorrow during the Beyond Bitcoin mumble to get the discount code!
  • Send over 50K BTS and OPENPOS is only 23BTS!
  • Send over 150K BTS and OPENPOS is only 22BTS!
  • Send over 350K BTS and OPENPOS is only 21BTS!
  • Send over 500K BTS and OPENPOS is only 20BTS!
  • Send over 750K BTS and OPENPOS is only 19BTS!
How? Just send BTS to account: bitshares-munich
..or send BTC (uses the Blocktrades Bridge) to: 1JoBEMa5YwCtmcxMneVQqWDaTaHH8k5VBK
Just PM me @Chris4210X so that I know who sent what (please show proof) and where to send it. I will send you OPENPOS back within 24 hours.
Roughly $8k has been raised already in just the first days!
With only ~$11k remaining, let's make the BitShares mobile wallets and Smartcoins Point Of Sale (POS) systems a reality!!
If funded, we can have these POS systems rolling out to over 50K businesses by March!
The new BitShares Wallet for Android and iPhones as well as their integration with Smartcoins Point of Sale (POS) systems is very close. We already released the first alpha version which is now available for download (,20762.0/all.html). Lots of work has been done over the last few months so join us on Beyond Bitcoin tomorrow to learn about what else we are building.......
..and Thank You in advance for helping to support the OPENPOS project!! :D

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year from BitShares Munich!
Today we are happy to announce the OPENPOS token, now available for trading on the DEx!
This token helps us to fund the completion of 2 major software projects that we have been working on behind the scenes...
Smartcoins Point Of Sale (POS)

  • Integration with over 50K Odoo POS businesses (supermarket chains, restaurants, retail shops)
  • Instantly enables merchants to accept Smartcoins, User Issued Assets (UIAs), Bitcoin, Litecoin, Dogecoin, Dash, Peercoin and others.
  • QR Codes that can accept virtually any cryptocurrency
  • Funds are sent directly to the merchant's BitShares account (required)
  • JSON receipts (eReceipts) sent to users phone via QR
  • Zero reliance on WiFi, NFC or Bluetooth
  • Unlimited items per order
  • Accounting integration
  • Inventory integration
  • Sales integration
  • Reporting integration
  • If OPENPOS token is successful, Smartcoins POS can be launched in less than 2 months!

BitShares Wallet v1.0 for Android and iPhone

  • Works with all Smartcoin enabled Point Of Sale (POS) systems at merchants worldwide
  • Absolute Security; BitShares blockchain based, BrainKey, multi-signature account permissions, auto-encrypted Backups, auto-close, auto-timeout and PIN verifications
  • No Bluetooth, NFC, merchant wireless service or special hardware is required
  • Use QR Codes to Send locally (uses your phone’s camera to scan their QR Code)
  • Use QR Codes to Receive locally (displays your QR Code so your friend can scan it)
  • Send and Receive Smartcoins (bitUSD, bitEUR, bitCNY, bitBTC, bitSILVER, etc)
  • Send and Receive User Issued Assets (UIAs) - (OPENPOS, OBITS, OPENBTC, COFFEE, etc)
  • Full support for QR-based eReceipts
  • Supports a large Memo field with sending payments (for personal notes or notes to the recipient)
  • Share the BitShares Wallet app with friends and get reward$
  • Totally Open-Source Software (OSS) and verifiable on Github (/kenCode-de)
  • Contacts can be organized by BitShares account address or nickname label. Notes and Avatars are supported too!
  • Quickly and Easily share your payment address via email, chat, wireless, social media and telephone
  • Monitor all Balances and Transactions in real-time Reactjs/Sockets; UI/UX never needs a refresh!
  • Filter and export Transactions to multiple file formats for accounting, etc.
  • Cold Storage and Paper Wallets fully supported
  • Now in 22 languages!

Why did we choose BitShares for fund raising?
One of the most important advantages of crowdfunding is the fact that it keeps us in touch with you, the BitShares community. You are the main reason why we develop high quality products & services like the BitShares Wallet app - we want you to use BitShares! Without you, we cannot afford the development costs of our products, bringing BitShares to the mainstream. We need you to make the Smartcoins POS systems a reality and bring it to the maximum number of merchants and online stores. We hope you will join us on this journey, by supporting and using our BitShares Munich products, so you can have the same wonderful experience we are having by creating it.
Token Issued: Due to the current legal situation with BitShares UIAs, BitShares Munich has accepted an agreement with Crypto Coins Exchange Denmark ApS (CCEDK). CCEDK has created and issued 500K OPENPOS Tokens and sent them to the BitShares Munich account. All OPENPOS tokens will initially be sold through BitShares Munich. All collected OPENPOS trading fees are paid out to CCEDK as compensation.
Risk: As with any fund raiser, there is associated risk. BitShares Munich will use the funds to invest in the above projects for the BitShares ecosystem. User adoption of said products could fail or a business may prefer to use only fiat payments over cryptocurrencies. We strongly remind you, only invest what you can afford to lose. You use all BitShares related products and services at your own risk.
Competition: There is no real competition with the BitShares ecosystem yet. Bitcoin has the first POS systems field tested, but suffers from the high Exchange fees and unstable Bitcoin prices. We did not see a mass adoption of Bitcoin POS systems yet. Also many merchants have stopped offering Bitcoin due to the high payment processing fees eating up their margins. BitShares Munich is convinced that merchants will benefit from stable Smartcoins like bitUSD, bitEUR and bitCNY and prefer the Smartcoins POS systems in the very near future.
Disclaimer: We make no guarantee about the future value or returns related to the OPENPOS token and all purchases are at the buyers risk. This is not an investment proposition, or a binding contract. We are not liable for any losses incurred, direct or indirect by participating in this fundraiser.
Rewarding OPENPOS Investors with a monthly buyback program
We believe the OPENPOS tokens provide a unique investment opportunity for you because this token grants you direct access to all future income of the Smartcoins POS system on Odoo. Over 50-thousand businesses currently use the open source Odoo POS hardware/software. 50% of all accumulated profits generated through the POS system will be sent to you. That means, all OPENPOS Investors will directly earn a reward on every Smartcoins POS merchant transaction at every cash register at every Odoo business in the network. Investors have the opportunity to sell their OPENPOS any time at market value or sell the Tokens through the monthly buyback program. BitShares Munich will create a new market order and buy back all available OPENPOS at the beginning of each month. OPENPOS can be traded against bitEUR, bitCNY, bitUSD and BTS. This will lead to a constant buy pressure for the OPENPOS tokens and raise its value for all investors.
Please note, all donations collected by the BitShares Wallet will be reinvested in the future development of the BitShares Wallet and are not part of the OPENPOS buyback program. All fees generated through OPENPOS trading belong to the UIA token issuer CCEDK (
How to buy
You can purchase the OPENPOS tokens which represents our stake, initially on the BitShares DEx priced in BTS, bitEUR, bitUSD and bitCNY. The price of OPENPOS in each market is calculated to have the same value as if you purchased from the BTS market. We will start to sell 500K OPENPOS over 3 weeks. OPENPOS tokens are listed on the BitShares DEx market: OPENPOS/BTS, OPENPOS/EUR, OPENPOS/USD, OPENPOS/CNY
Want to know more?
Please read through our offer again and send us your question. We will be more than happy to answer all your questions about the BitShares Munich products and the future earning potential of the OPENPOS tokens. Please have a look at the FAQ below...

How do I buy OPENPOS tokens?
You can buy OPENPOS at the discounted price either as an Early Bird Investor (see below), or wait until after January 10th to trade OPENPOS on the DEx at market prices.

How can I ensure I am being given my fair profit cut?
The Smartcoins POS system will be built on top of BitShares and all collected OPENPOS fees are published on the Blockchain. Chris will publish a monthly revenue report for all Investors. 50% of all POS profits will be used for the monthly buyback on the DEx.
Are there any hidden fees involved in receiving of the profits?
No, all fees are publicly available. Investors will only pay the BitShares network transaction fees.
Where can I trade OPENPOS?
You can trade OPENPOS exclusively on the DEx.
What is the "buyback" feature?
The buyback feature is the rewarding program. We will take 50% of the monthly generated profits and buy back OPENPOS Tokens from the market. Investors can sell their tokens at the current market price or at the next buyback.
How much do you want to raise for your projects?
We plan to raise 19k EUR for the whole development of the BitShares Wallet and the Smartcoin POS. The BitShares Wallet is already build and will be available for download January 4th 2016. We screened the best Odoo developer teams and spoke to the Odoo Management about our project within the last couple of weeks. We are confident we got the best team to finish this job. As soon as we get the funding for the first down payment, we will start developing the Smartcoin POS.
Early Bird Investors! (Have purchased before January 10th!)
 Pledge $100 or more Bronze
 Pledge $250 or more Silver
 Pledge $1000 or more Gold
 Pledge $2000 or more Platinum

Special thanks goes to our first round of Early Bird Investors for their outstanding support!!
btswolf   Silver

Last updated: 10.01.2016
Check out OPENPOS now on the "Rich List"!! 

The Team
Christoph Hering: CEO/CMO/CFO and Crypto Coach at BitShares Munich.
Ken Code: Developer, DAC Builder and Crypto Coach at BitShares Munich.
BitShares Munich (meet us in person!) (explainer videos too!)
Contact @Chris4210 directly or email Chris[at] to get your discounted OPENPOS today!

OpenLedger – Verdiene mit deiner persönlichen DEX!1

Die Dänische Cryptocurrency und Bitcoin Börse CCEDK präsentiert OBITS: Mit diesem Token erhalten alle Investoren eine Gewinnbeteiligung an allen aktuellen und zukünftigen Gewinnen.

Die Crypto Welt ist im konstanten schnellen Wandel. Fast täglich werden neue Technologien entwickelt, Märkte und Coins strotzen voller geladener Volatilität und ganze Communities und Unternehmen erleben traumhafte Aufstiege oder zerfallen zu Staub innerhalb weniger Augenblicke. Es ist unmöglich alle diese Entwicklungen persönlich zu verfolgen oder keiner hat auch nur annähernd die Chance alle Informationen in sich aufzunehmen. Zahlreiche vielversprechende Initiativen bleiben auf der Strecke oder können sich nicht gegen die unzähligen Betrüger, Kopien oder unnützen Ideen in der Crypto Welt durchsetzen. Es gibt bis heute keine einfache Lösung wie du direkt von diesen guten Ideen profitieren kannst.

Genau mit diesen Problemen hat sich die Dänische Cryptocurrency Börse CCEDK beschäftigt und bietet jetzt mit dem Start des neuen Token OBITS eine Lösung.

Die Tokens werden kontinuierlich zurück gekauft und anschließend zerstört um den Wert der verbleibenden Tokens auf dem Markt zu erhöhen.

1.# DEX: Dezentralisierte Tauschbörse, die all-inklusive Tauschbörse von OpenLedger. Im Vergleich zu einer zentralisierten Tauschbörse, hast du die volle Kontrolle über dein Konto Guthaben. Nutze das volle Potenzial der DEX und starte mit grenzenlosen Onlinebanking, Finanzierungen, Trading und vielen mehr. Du behältst die volle Kontrolle über deine Privaten Schlüssel und somit zu deinem persönlichen Safe – 24/7 erreichbar durch dein Browser basiertes Web Wallet.

OpenLedger – Host, Wallet, Tauschbörse & Safe

Die OBITS Token werden auf der dezentralisierten Tauschbörse OpenLedger verwahrt. Das heißt, de facto auf der BitShares 2.0 Plattform. Die revolutionäre FinTech Plattform, OpenLedger, bietet seinen Nutzern das volle Potenzial der Dezentralisierung, ohne dabei auf gewohnte Features regulärer Börsen zu verzichten. Nutzer können wie gewohnt schnell und unkompliziert Handel treiben und über Ihre Kontoguthaben verfügen. Openledger wurde ihn Kooperation von CCEDK und den Blockchain Experten und Entwicklern des Graphene Toolkit Cryptonomex gegründet und bis heute betrieben.

Ronny Boesing, Gründer von CCEDK, ist überzeugt dass OBITS ein zukünftiger Katalysator für die Sharing Economy sein wird. In Zukunft können alle OBITS Besitzer an allen generierten Handelsgebühren und Affiliate Gebühren von OpenLedger mit verdienen. Das heißt konkret, OBITS gewährt seinen Investoren einen Gewinn Anteil an allen zukünftigen Initiativen die von CCEDK entwickelt werden, einschließlich Fiat Gateways, Ripple, PayPal und der NanoCard Integration plus viele weitere Projekte.

Investiere in OBITS und sichere dir deine Gewinnanteile an OpenLedger

Wie wäre es, wenn du an volatilen Cryptocurrency Märkten mit verdienen könntest ohne selber ein Trading Experte zu werden? Stell dir vor, du würdest bei jeder Börsen Transaktion ein paar Cents mit verdienen, und dass ohne die Börse selber zu betreiben!

Darum geht es bei OBITS

Mit OBITS hast du die Chance an allen aktuellen und zukünftigen Transaktionen auf OpenLedger mit zu verdienen. Du erwirbst durch den Kauf von OBITS einen Anteil an OpenLedger. Das Gute daran ist, du bekommst nicht nur eine Gewinnbeteiligung, sondern erhältst durch unser exklusives Wahlsystem ein Mitbestimmungsrecht über die zukünftige Entwicklung von OpenLedger.

Gewinn Aufteilung

OpenLeger generiert die meisten Umsätze durch das interne Affiliat Programm von BitShares. Wie bei jedem anderen Unternehmen haben wir auch Umsätze und Kosten. Wir erklären euch jetzt wie alle OBITS Investoren mit den folgenden zwei Phasen Plan profitieren können.
Phase 1: Verkauf von OBITS
Privater Vorverkauf und der Offizielle Launch von OBITS

OBITS können noch bis zum 30. November 2015 im Vorverkauf direkt von OpenLedger gekauft werden. Ab den 1. Dezember starten wir mit offiziellem Verkauf, und wir werden größere Mengen OBITS auf verschiedenen Marktplätzen zum aktuellen Marktpreis anbieten. Sichert euch jetzt noch die günstigeren Vorverkaufspreise vor dem offiziellen Launch.

Phase 2: OBITS Rückkauf

OpenLedger verwendet 100% der generierten Gebühren und kauft OBITS zum Marktpreis zurück. Auf der OBITS Webseite findet ihr eine Liste mit allen OpenLedger Gebühren. Mehr Informationen in kürze.

Beispiel #1: Alice verkauft 1 OBITS für 30 BTS. Ihre Verkaufs-Order ist die günstigste an diesem Rückkauf Tag, somit Kauft CCEDK 1 OBITS für 30 BTS von Alice. Dabei werden  ausschließlich die gesammelten Gebühren für den Kauf benutzt. Zusätzlich werden alle OBITS die auf diesem Weg vom Markt zurück gekauften werden, im Anschluss vernichtet. Das erhöht den Wert aller verbleibenden OBITS Tokens auf dem Markt.

Beispiel #2:  Bob hat 100 OBITS zum Preis von 15 BTS/OBITS gekauft (insgesamt 1.500 BTS). Er hat sich dazu entschlossen an dem nächsten Rückkaufs Tag 10% seiner OBITS zum Preis von 150 BTS/OBITS zu verkaufen (insgesamt 1.500 BTS). Wie bereits erwähnt verwenden wir ausschließlich die generierten Fees von OpenLedger um OBITS zurück zu kaufen. Dieses Beispiel zeigt das Bob mit dem Verkauf von 10% sein ursprüngliches Investments wieder zurück bekommen hat. Er behält die restlichen 90% für zukünftige Rückkaufs Tage.

Wie viele OBITS sollte ich kaufen?

Die Gewinne werden über unsere Rückkauf Programme verteilt, das heißt wir verwenden unsere Gewinne und kaufen monatlich einen Teil der Tokens wieder zurück. Das ist eine flexible Option für unsere OBITS Investoren. Du kannst jederzeit OBTIS auf OpenLedger kaufen oder verkaufen und je länger du deine OBITS behältst desto größer wird die Chance dass du einen guten Gewinn mit deinem Investment machst.
Es fällt schwer die Frage zu beantworten, wie viele OBITS du kaufen solltest. Die bessere Frage wäre, wie viel Gewinnanteile von OpenLedger möchtest du haben?

Der erste geplante Rückkauf ist am 1. Februar, 2016

Die ersten 20% der OBITS sind bereits im Vorverkauf erhältlich und fast alle sind verkauft. Weitere 50% werden am offiziellen Launch am 1. Dezember 2015 für alle anderen zugänglich. Wir geben in der ersten Phase 70% aller OBITS aus. Falls wir unser Ziel erreichen und 70% bis Ende Dezember 2015 verkaufen, werden wir den ersten Rückkauf für den 2. Januar 2016 organisieren. Ansonsten verschieben wir, unabhängig von der bis dato verkaufen Menge, den Rückkauf auf den 1. Februar 2016.

Wir verwenden alle Gewinne die wir zwischen dem Launch von OpenLedger am 13. Oktober 2015 und dem ersten Rückkauf Programm erwirtschaftet haben. Zu den eingenommen Plattform gebühren rechnen wir zusätzlich das Affiliat Einkommen von OpenLedger dazu. (Das sind 80% alle Gebühren plus Überweisungsgebühren die durch OpenLedger Affiliats generiert wurden. Die restlichen 20% sind Netzwerk Gebühren für die Graphene Blockchain)

Für den Rückkauf werden auch alle weiteren Gewinnquellen wie Handelsgebühren, Einzahlungs– Auszahlungsgebühren sowie alle anderen Einkommensquellen in denen OpenLedger (ala CCEDK) involviert sind berücksichtigt.

Der erste Rückkauf – Darauf solltest du achten

 Mit großer Sicherheit ist der erste Rückkauf der wichtigste und wahrscheinlich auch der größte für OpenLedger. Unser Ziel ist es durch den Verkauf der OBITS Token genug Geld einzusammeln um die zukünftige Weiterentwicklung der OpenLedger Plattform zu finanzieren. Es sind umfangreiche Marketingmaßnahmen und weitere Software Entwicklungen geplant um OpenLedger konstant weiterzuentwickeln. Wir haben uns zum Ziel gesetzt dass OpenLedger die  erste Wahl für weltweites Trading ist!

Mit dem gesteigerten Interesse für OpenLedger werden sich auch unsere Einnahmen für den Crypto Currency Handel und Transaktionen steigern und somit indirekt den Wert von OBITS erhöhen. Sollte bei einem der Rückkäufe nicht das gesamte Rückkauf Guthaben aufgebraucht werden, dann wird der Restbetrag auf den nächsten Monat übertragen, und so weiter.

Es ist unser höchstes Ziel OpenLedger – und somit auch OBITS – zu einem langfristigen Investment für euch zu entwickel: mit einem natürlichen Wertezuwachs basierend auf der konstanten Weiterentwicklung der Plattform. Somit profitieren alle OpenLedger Nutzer und OBITS Investoren zusammen.

Zwei Rückkauf Optionen: BTS und BTC

Die meisten Gebühren werden in BitShares 2 (BTS) generiert. Ein Teil unser Kunden handelt aber auch direkt in Bitcoin und generiert Bitcoin gebühren. Gerne berücksichtigen wir auch Investoren außerhalb von BitShares und teilen daher den Rückkauf auf BTS (90%) und Bitcoin (10%) auf.

2.BitShares 2.0 ist eine hocheffiziente smart contract Plattform, besitzt aber auch seine eigene Crypto Währung BitShares (BTS).

Wie kaufe ich OBITS?
Vorverkauf: bis zum 30. November 2015

1. Frage Ronny direkt unter , oder bestelle deine OBITS direkt auf der OBITS Webseite
2. Sende deine Bestellung in BTS, OPENBTC oder OPENLTC an den Account ccedkbts, gehe sicher du schreibst „OBITS“ in das memo Feld
3. Bestelle über Bitcoin, sende BTC an 17FuUu5Dy4fUumidhNWJhX6KVktSi9YHhp und sende eine E-Mail an, plus der Transaktion ID und deiner BTS Adresse um die OBITS zurück zu schicken
4. Wir senden deine Bestellung von unserem Account OBITS an die BTS Absender Adresse oder wie anders angegeben.
5. Du kannst auch OBITS im Vorverkauf für Bitcoin (BTC), BitShares (BTS), Litecoin (LTC), Peercoin (PPC), DASH, DOGE, NuBits – always a dollar (NBT) und Etherum (ETH) oder für Fiat Währungen EUR, USD, CNY kaufen. Gerne senden wir dir für diese Option die Details plus Zahlungsinformationen.

Offizieller Launch: 1 Dezember 2015

1. Schaue auf der OBITS Webseite nach welche Börse OBITS Tokens anbietet

2. Du kannst OBITS auf verschiedenen Börsen handeln, einschließlich BTC/OBITS, BTS/OBITS plus weitere Crypto Währungen und Fiat

Mehr Informationen gibt es auf:

Hi all,

I want to reach out to the community because i need your help. I am going to the 2. International Digital Finance Crypto Tech Event in Zug, Switzerland next week. The event on the 3.11.2015 is for free and has an very interesting Agenda with many startups from Zug and Zurich.
That brings us to my request.

I thought BitShares is underrepresented in this Event so i asked for a speaking slot and even got one! I now have the chance to give a 7 minute speech about the universe of BitShares and kick Ethereum´s ass.

What do you guys think? What kind of story can i tell about Bitshares 2.0.

We will have another great chance to present our technology, our passion and our business solution for financial institutions.

I am looking forward to your comments and suggestions. Please feel free to join if you are in the area next Tuesday!

More info´s at

8:45 Welcome & Keynotes
Keynote Crypto:  Jun. Prof. Dr. Sebastian Faust, Ruhr University Bochum, Germany
Keynote Internationalization of FinTech Startups:  Megadon, Dr. Donhuysen, VC und Serial Entrepreneur
Keynote Regulatory Issues, Ethereum, Ming Chan, CEO
Panel Discussion Regulatory Issues, MME Legal, Bitcoin Suisse, Ethereum, FINMA and DFCA

11:00 Opportunities for international collaborations - the EUREKA and Eurostar Initiatives – SERI

2 Metaco (CH)
3 Bitcoin Suisse (CH)
4 Xapo (USA)
5 Ethereum (CH)
6 cashcloud (Germany)
7 Yacuna (UK)
8 Augur (USA)
9 Bitfinitum (CH)
10 Digix (Singapore)
11 etherlabs (Romania)
12 Coinalytics (USA)
13 Ascribe (Germany)
14 Credits (UK)

Technical Support / Importing 0.9.3c to 2.0
« on: October 19, 2015, 08:15:20 pm »
Hi all,

I have problems to integrate my backup from 0.9.3c to 2.0. I am using windows 7 and i used the CLI to create my backup.

First i tried to update through the Windows light client 2.0 . It took me 15 minutes to look for all my keys on the blockchain. The system crashed after i tried to integrate 151k keys into my wallet. The light wallet client turned white and nothing happend. I could see all my accounts with the different keys.

Second i tried to use open ledger to upload my backup. I went to the option, wallet, and selected import keys and chrome crashed.

Third i tried it with Firefox and crashed at the same spot, looking up my keys for each account on the blockchain. Firefox gave me this error. Skript:

I tried to follow
I also looked at

No help.

Any suggestions for me? How can i claim my funds on BitShares 2.0? There is no walk through guide in the forum.

Thank you for your help.


Technical Support / BTS 2.0 immegration - only BTS on the Blockchain?
« on: September 14, 2015, 09:30:04 am »
Hi all,

Since the BTS 2.0 upgrade is announced I was wondering how it all will go down.

All current BTS  on the Blockchain 0.9.2 will be transferred to the new Graphene blockchain right? 1=1

What is with BTS 0.9.2 which are not on the Blockchain directly? Like those who are on Poloniex , BTC38 or CCEDK? Will those also immigrate?

Or should we transfer all our BTS to the 0.9.2 blockchain to get transferred too?

Thank you for your answers.

Cheers Chris

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