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Technical Support / Re: wallet_account_transaction_history
« on: March 26, 2015, 08:38:30 am »
I have few questions about balance API:

1. When calling wallet_account_transaction_history it returns is_market and is_market_cancel, what do they mean?

Market transactions a are generated internally when trades are executed, by applying the market logic to the existing bids/asks/shorts/covers. Not sure about is_market_cancel.

2. How to find reference for bitshares asset_id, i know BTS is 0, what is asset_id for USD?

blockchain_list_assets or blockchain_get_asset

3. Calling wallet_account_balance will return:

    [ 0 ] => Array
            [ 0 ] => accountname
            [ 1 ] => Array
                    [ 0 ] => Array
                            [ 0 ] => 0
                            [ 1 ] => 889000




which 0 represents asset_id? red, blue, or green?

Thank you


General Discussion / Re: BitShares 0.8.0 Feedback
« on: March 26, 2015, 08:15:26 am »
I'm also getting "Network Problems" again (had it last night, but ws Ok this morning - but now back). Is there a way to check how many delegates are participating in my case and whether or not I am on a fork?

In the console, type get_info and look for these lines:

Code: [Select]
"blockchain_head_block_age": "8 seconds old",
"blockchain_average_delegate_participation": "82.11 %",

head_block_age should be less than a minute, and anything above 50% should mean you're on the good fork.

General Discussion / Re: Delegate of the Month
« on: March 25, 2015, 04:19:20 pm »
Wow .. what an honor .. Didn't see that one coming :)

You certainly deserve it. Congrats!

You can't use 0.6.x anymore. Due to the changes in the market engine in 0.7 and 0.8 your client will arrive at a different market state than the other delegates after applying transactions, and at some point it will get stuck because processing new transactions with that invalid state will no longer be possible.
Please upgrade.

General Discussion / Re: BitShares 0.8.0 Feedback
« on: March 24, 2015, 09:45:28 am »
One of the things I like about the latest upgrades, is there's no need to re-index the entire blockchain anymore. Is this a new feature?

A re-index is only necessary when there are changes in the internal database structures. 0.8.0 is only a bugfix release, so the database structure didn't change.

Future releases will most likely require re-indexing.

General Discussion / Re: Ubuntu BitShares PPA
« on: March 24, 2015, 08:27:05 am »
In my RPM repo at I have solved the nodejs/lineman problem by creating a separate lineman package that is used for builds only. For running the GUI you don't need node.js nor lineman.

The lineman package is rather ugly, it combines several hundred node.js modules. But that's not much of a problem because it is not intended for installation, only for building BTS + derivates. Maybe a similar approach is possible for PPA, I'm not familiar with that.

General Discussion / Re: What's happening with the price?
« on: March 23, 2015, 11:10:41 am »

introduse tones of bugs
Sure .. that's how coding works ..

Argh! No, not really. But bugs do happen.

 that's by the way why the release number is
0.7.0 and not 3.4 or even 10 (X) ... The sofware is still labeled beta .. If you
are not fine with that.. dont use it.. don't invest into it..

+1 !

General Discussion / Re: UIA Overhaul in Bitshares 0.7.0?
« on: March 22, 2015, 09:26:17 pm »
^^ Is there any logic to the X.Y.Z versioning?

Because having 0.7.0 and then 0.8.0 a week or two later seems a bit.... strange.

Almost as if we're rushing madly all the way to 1.0.

Z is increased for minor updates, Y for hard forks. 0.7.0 was somewhat unplanned bugfix release.

Deutsch (German) / Re: BTSwolf ist online
« on: March 22, 2015, 07:54:02 pm »

    Zinsrate aktiver Shorts (max. 1000%)
Wird spätestens in 0.8.0 auf 50% gedeckelt

Ist seit dem 0.7.0-Hardfork auf 50% begrenzt. Die Änderung ist Teil der aktuellen Probleme.

What about feature requests tho, or a consensus driven to-do list for the devs?

Feature requests can go on github, too. At least when they're sufficiently specified. Anything that needs discussion should be discussed on the forum first.

As a general rule, small features have a certain chance of getting integrated quickly, while anything larger will most likely have to wait until after 1.0.

A consensus driven to-do list is an interesting but tricky subject. Thanks to voter apathy it's really difficult to come up with a reasonable *and* practical definition of "consensus".

Isn't this a "client-side feature'? with 10 secs transaction confirmation you can do triangle trading within 20 secs helping with arbitrage ..

+1 We shouldn't make the internal market engine more complicated than necessary.

General Discussion / Re: EMERGENCY : the market is broken
« on: March 22, 2015, 08:32:39 am »
What's the "10%" is people are referring to? I thought in the current system expiring shorts sit at the price feed if there are no lower asks (i.e. no penalty), and that called shorts can buy as high as 110% (i.e. a 10% penalty)- is that incorrect? Sorry if my understanding is wrong, I've just not seen these confirmed.

This is another market bug that was introduced (in 6.2 I believe): not only the called shorts but also the expired ones will buy as high as 110%. How you describe it is how it should work and how it used to.

It's been like that since 0.4.19 at least. I think that will change with the new market engine.

As for the shorter's price and interest rate argument, I want to confirm that the first preference is the price (the lower, the higher priority) and if the price being equal, the system compares the interest rate (the highter, the more priority), is that correct? Thanks.

No. The interest rate is compared first, the short with the highest interest rate always wins. This has also been like that for ages.
The new market engine will prefer the higher interest rate only for shorts at the feed price, and order the others by their price limit.

General Discussion / Re: BitShares 0.7.0 Feedback
« on: March 20, 2015, 03:20:17 pm »
That seems to be the case. And I see no rationale for this rule in any shape or form.

It's not a rule in itself. It is an unfortunate side effect of the market rules concerning shorts, namely that shorts with a high APR are preferred over those with low APR.

The market engine is being worked on. In the new version, shorts at the price feed will be ordered by APR and shorts with a limit below the feed will be ordered by their limit. See .

General Discussion / Re: Yunbi's two delegates back at the top
« on: March 19, 2015, 05:48:15 pm »
I've contacted BTC38 , they did it by accident . They'll down vote them tomorrow
Good job!

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