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General Discussion / Re: Exactly one year ago...
« on: August 25, 2014, 12:17:09 am »
You guys have got me beat by quite a bit.  I didn't look into bitshares until mid February when I saw the spike on coinmarketcap as I was looking for something good to mine.  I didn't get into crypto to make money.  I got into it because it was a fun nerdy way to play with code and hardware, and I like the idea of competing with central banks.  Bitshares X didn't appeal to me when I first looked into it because I am not a trader (have still to this day never traded cash to crypto directly) and because I didn't understand its potential to do more than allow day traders to have fun.  Bitshares DNS and keyhotee intrigued me though.  This was a product I would actually use, and the first such product I had seen since bitcoin itself.  When I began to dig into the forums I found and that sold me.  When Dan talks about politics or economics it usually feels as if he has reached into my brain, taken my thoughts, organized them more efficiently than I do, and spoken them more clearly than I could.  I love the potential of DACs freeing us from the clutches of our overlords by making them irrelevant, or more appropriately showing the hoodwinked masses that they are irrelevant.  I am not above money, I am actually quite fond of it, but the real reason I am still here.  The reason I plan on sticking around is the potential I see in these technologies to improve the lives of all of us, by helping to get this monkey off of our backs.

General Discussion / Re: BTSX/NXT Trading Pair at
« on: August 24, 2014, 11:43:02 pm »
I might sell a few of my BTSX at $10. Definitely won't think about it before then.

$10 would be like 3x current Bitcoin market cap... Getting a bit ahead of yourself here.


But the funny thing is people can just have an order to buy BitUSD at those prices. :)

Exactly. Which is why, if you think about it, BTSX has far more uses than Bitcoin. I think there's a very real chance this could take off and reach escape velocity.
I think $10 is a long shot, but since that would mean that I could quit my day job and spend my time focusing on things that I'm more passionate about, I am willing to hold out.

General Discussion / Re: Why are linux users being ignored???
« on: August 24, 2014, 12:09:37 pm »
I'm happy building from source.

Good for you. I too am happy to build from source. Does not mean all users should be expected to want to do it or know how to.
It is simply unrealistic to expect all linux users to be techies. There millions of of linux users who do not want to compile anything.
I agree with you, I just think they have bigger fish to fry.  Sorry my first post didn't express that.

General Discussion / Re: Why are linux users being ignored???
« on: August 24, 2014, 11:57:49 am »
I'm happy building from source.

And in response to your question.  Because we are a minority and are generally capable of doing it ourselves.

General Discussion / Re: BTSX version 0.4.7 Bug Fix Status Thread
« on: August 24, 2014, 10:22:56 am »
Thanks for the suggestions Bytemaster.  I have got my webwallet and seednode set to restart automatically if they crash, and my delegate set as instructed.

General Discussion / forks
« on: August 24, 2014, 12:38:40 am »
Anyone else having forking issues?  My seed node decided it wanted to go play on a side chain with an average of three delegates and now that I'm connected to the main swarm I'm only showing about a 90% delegate participation rate.

Hi, can you help me ?

Please help. No BTSX to register my account.


Thank you!   :)


Me too please,

Random Discussion / Re: Circle kicks ass!
« on: August 23, 2014, 07:48:44 am »
I am also waiting for an invite.  This sounds like exactly what I have been looking for.

General Discussion / Re: BTSX 0.4.5 Bug Fix Status Update
« on: August 23, 2014, 05:49:56 am »
I have reported this to Dan & Eric who have this issue as their top priority.

Thanks.  I will post any further crashes directly at github


Thank you - I appreciate :)

If you could help that would be great! Thanks!  BTSX6Y7e2jZJBGz1uiVNVQGipjtjWph1RN5F2sdvYuNESPiYKPxFt2

General Discussion / Re: BTSX 0.4.5 Bug Fix Status Update
« on: August 23, 2014, 12:34:40 am »
another crash on my seed node.

Code: [Select]
--- there are now 31 active connections to the p2p network
(wallet closed) >>>
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
fc::tcp_socket::close (this=0x3a2265646f6322e3) at /home/user/bitsharesx/libraries/fc/src/network/tcp_socket.cpp:64
64              if( is_open() )
(gdb) bt
#0  fc::tcp_socket::close (this=0x3a2265646f6322e3) at /home/user/bitsharesx/libraries/fc/src/network/tcp_socket.cpp:64
#1  0x00000000007d6f9a in bts::net::stcp_socket::close (this=<optimized out>) at /home/user/bitsharesx/libraries/net/stcp_socket.cpp:107
#2  0x00000000007b888c in close_connection (this=<optimized out>) at /home/user/bitsharesx/libraries/net/message_oriented_connection.cpp:222
#3  bts::net::message_oriented_connection::close_connection (this=this@entry=0xd69eb38) at /home/user/bitsharesx/libraries/net/message_oriented_connection.cpp:289
#4  0x00000000007ad5be in bts::net::peer_connection::close_connection (this=this@entry=0xd69ead0) at /home/user/bitsharesx/libraries/net/peer_connection.cpp:231
#5  0x00000000007ae3c9 in bts::net::peer_connection::send_queued_messages_task (this=0xd69ead0) at /home/user/bitsharesx/libraries/net/peer_connection.cpp:186
#6  0x00000000007ae82c in operator() (__closure=<optimized out>) at /home/user/bitsharesx/libraries/net/peer_connection.cpp:223
#7  fc::detail::void_functor_run<bts::net::peer_connection::send_message(const bts::net::message&)::__lambda2>::run(void *, void *) (functor=<optimized out>, prom=0xd2fd6e0)
    at /home/user/bitsharesx/libraries/fc/include/fc/thread/task.hpp:56
#8  0x000000000066ea13 in fc::task_base::run_impl (this=this@entry=0xd2fd6f0) at /home/user/bitsharesx/libraries/fc/src/thread/task.cpp:42
#9  0x000000000066f0c5 in fc::task_base::run (this=this@entry=0xd2fd6f0) at /home/user/bitsharesx/libraries/fc/src/thread/task.cpp:31
#10 0x000000000066d24b in run_next_task (this=0x185a350) at /home/user/bitsharesx/libraries/fc/src/thread/thread_d.hpp:379
#11 fc::thread_d::process_tasks (this=this@entry=0x185a350) at /home/user/bitsharesx/libraries/fc/src/thread/thread_d.hpp:402
#12 0x000000000066d496 in fc::thread_d::start_process_tasks (my=25535312) at /home/user/bitsharesx/libraries/fc/src/thread/thread_d.hpp:359
#13 0x0000000000d53ace in make_fcontext ()
#14 0x000000000185a350 in ?? ()
#15 0x0000000000000000 in ?? ()

p2p log

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