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Messages - EstefanTT

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Well, let's not get carry away with this anti dilution thing.

Better to look to solve this situation in a smart a peaceful way ;)

Well, it could be nice if this Sr. 极乐净土币 would introduce himself and the forking project he is working on ;)

The cryptocurrencies world is evolving very fast.
BM don't dilute anything, we vote for CNX to develop furthermore BTS.
Without that, we will be obsolete in 6 month or a year.
Thanks to that we are leading the crypto technology scene with a great tech.
The market is finally responding and we are finally having an uptrend chart this year.
Dilution is in big part coming from the merger and nothing can be done about it, just wait until november.

It seems that we are finally starting to go well !

The china move is "let's stop all development so we will go even better !" Come on guys, this is not realistic !

Why not coming with a proper solution, a realistic one. Because stopping every thing and cross the fingers is not a smart move.

That's probably why there is so much heavy reactions about it. Guys, provide a better solution or follow the one in place because destroying a working system without any idea of how to replace it is not smart at all.

PD :
I have this unpleasant theory ... everytime bts goes up, chinese whales dumb heavy even if bts prices are ridiculous compare to what we can expect (just look at what ETH did in six weeks). That looks like they loose hope in BTS. So, would it be impossible that they intentionally want to stop dilution to have bts goes up quickly (short terme) so they can dumb everything at higer price and be out for good ???

Maybe it's just the product of a paranoid mind always trying to find the worst case scenario ...

Look at who is dumping at whatever price and keep diluting at whatever price to make more dump .

I'm not sure to get it ... the devs ?

I was speaking about chinese whale dumping at low prices after loosing hope for BTS. The devs have to sell the BTS they earn, at least part of it, to pay for the basic life costs.

Maybe the Chinese whales just want to sell all the BTS they have to unload the financial risk and then find some way(Cheap Chinese developers) to develop features for BTS for worker proposal and get the BTS they've sold back without committing much financial risk like the ordinary investors while still enjoy the chance if BTS goes up in the future .

If I'm a whale , under the current system , this is the most reasonable way for me to do . '

I've already know one guy who brought BTS sold a lot and getting it back by worker dilution . Hmm , funny how the system works out in the end .

By enabling programmer oriented dilution , it turns whales into developers .
I don't understand this philosofy. Why try to stop development and AFTER try to find cheap or free solution for dev ?
Why not keep CNX and other workers improving BTS and NOW ... RIGHT NOW try to find other cheaper or free solutions to grow even faster or replace the actual too expensive dev ?

What will be different after stopping the workers ? What is it the chinese community is waiting to actually do something instead of criticising everything.

I see project blooming across USA and Europe and not much in this part of the world.

This project is also a community effort and I don't feel too much help from there.


Home page with BIT20 Vs FIAT10 :
Individual crypto Vs the basket BIT20 :

broken link, scam feelings

hehe that was a temporary website he will be moving it to a new domain... the whole idea of this "smartcoin" is that is really hard to get scam, its decentralized and the price responds to a public feed...
#sharebits "hcf27" 1 KUDOS

(Second intent, I deleted the past reply, I wrote kudos and not KUDOS, I hope it'll work this time)

It didnt work but you can just send it to my user on the DEX which is also hcf27

Is this KUDOS going to be the asset for supporting smart20?
No it's just a social token I made months ago to "+5%" in the forum.

It has no value at the moment.

The UIA representing the share of the index will be made but I want to first finish the beta web site and have the price feed running on the testnet, probably very very soon ;)

The cryptocurrencies world is evolving very fast.
BM don't dilute anything, we vote for CNX to develop furthermore BTS.
Without that, we will be obsolete in 6 month or a year.
Thanks to that we are leading the crypto technology scene with a great tech.
The market is finally responding and we are finally having an uptrend chart this year.
Dilution is in big part coming from the merger and nothing can be done about it, just wait until november.

It seems that we are finally starting to go well !

The china move is "let's stop all development so we will go even better !" Come on guys, this is not realistic !

Why not coming with a proper solution, a realistic one. Because stopping every thing and cross the fingers is not a smart move.

That's probably why there is so much heavy reactions about it. Guys, provide a better solution or follow the one in place because destroying a working system without any idea of how to replace it is not smart at all.

PD :
I have this unpleasant theory ... everytime bts goes up, chinese whales dumb heavy even if bts prices are ridiculous compare to what we can expect (just look at what ETH did in six weeks). That looks like they loose hope in BTS. So, would it be impossible that they intentionally want to stop dilution to have bts goes up quickly (short terme) so they can dumb everything at higer price and be out for good ???

Maybe it's just the product of a paranoid mind always trying to find the worst case scenario ...

Look at who is dumping at whatever price and keep diluting at whatever price to make more dump .

I'm not sure to get it ... the devs ?

I was speaking about chinese whale dumping at low prices after loosing hope for BTS. The devs have to sell the BTS they earn, at least part of it, to pay for the basic life costs.


Home page with BIT20 Vs FIAT10 :
Individual crypto Vs the basket BIT20 :

broken link, scam feelings

hehe that was a temporary website he will be moving it to a new domain... the whole idea of this "smartcoin" is that is really hard to get scam, its decentralized and the price responds to a public feed...
#sharebits "hcf27" 1 KUDOS

(Second intent, I deleted the past reply, I wrote kudos and not KUDOS, I hope it'll work this time)

The cryptocurrencies world is evolving very fast.
BM don't dilute anything, we vote for CNX to develop furthermore BTS.
Without that, we will be obsolete in 6 month or a year.
Thanks to that we are leading the crypto technology scene with a great tech.
The market is finally responding and we are finally having an uptrend chart this year.
Dilution is in big part coming from the merger and nothing can be done about it, just wait until november.

It seems that we are finally starting to go well !

The china move is "let's stop all development so we will go even better !" Come on guys, this is not realistic !

Why not coming with a proper solution, a realistic one. Because stopping every thing and cross the fingers is not a smart move.

That's probably why there is so much heavy reactions about it. Guys, provide a better solution or follow the one in place because destroying a working system without any idea of how to replace it is not smart at all.

PD :
I have this unpleasant theory ... everytime bts goes up, chinese whales dumb heavy even if bts prices are ridiculous compare to what we can expect (just look at what ETH did in six weeks). That looks like they loose hope in BTS. So, would it be impossible that they intentionally want to stop dilution to have bts goes up quickly (short terme) so they can dumb everything at higer price and be out for good ???

Maybe it's just the product of a paranoid mind always trying to find the worst case scenario ...

General Discussion / Re: problem
« on: March 30, 2016, 09:39:24 am »
Related but not the same problem. I tried to tip two days ago in the forum here

The tip didn't show ...


Home page with BIT20 Vs FIAT10 :
Individual crypto Vs the basket BIT20 :

broken link, scam feelings
A few posts after that one with the links I said that I was disabling the links to the web site in construction until it's finished.

It's almost done, you' ll see by yourself that there would be no scam possible in the way I wil provide the pricefeed and explain how the index is made (vérifiable by anyone)

I would like to see other smartcoins like this:

POW10 for 10 most valued pure Proof of Work coins
POS10  for 10 most valued pure Proof of Stake coins
DPOS3 - how many DPOS coins we have? 3 - Bitshares, Muse, Lisk or more?

IMO DPOS3 would be awesome. That would be a way of trading a Lisk before anyone else :) That also would be a great promotion for BTS and MUSE :)

I already thought about it.

I wanted to see how the Bit20 is going, the volume, shorters, ... first.
If it's going well it's already in my plan to create another website dedicated to indexes.

Eventually top POW, POS, .. storage/cloud coin, .. social coin ...

I'm not a quiet person, if bit20 take off, even a little, I won't be stopping there ;p

I'll have to share the info and name of the asset rather soon for reviewing the texts but I don't want someone to spend a bad joke on me a register the smartcoin asset name before I'm ready to create it.
So I'm thinking about create the smartcoin with the basic setting and all the permissions ON. So when I'm ready to launch it properly, I'll just have to tweak the settings and disable the permissions I don't want. That way, the smartcoin name is reserved and can speak freely about it and show the website under construction if needed.
Am I right to suppose that it's the good way to go ? I just fear to create the smartcoin with an irreversible setting. If I understand it well, if all the permission are allowed, it shouldn't be the case ... ? ... Right ? Guys ?

Sounds like the way to go. How I understand it, once something is disabled it can't be reabled. Is this right?

If you disable a permission, you can not enable it back again.
If you only disable a flag, you can enable it back.

So, until you are 100% sure, just keep all permissions enabled
Thanks, it makes sense to keep them all "enable" then.

I'll do that ;)

I'll have to share the info and name of the asset rather soon for reviewing the texts but I don't want someone to spend a bad joke on me a register the smartcoin asset name before I'm ready to create it.
So I'm thinking about create the smartcoin with the basic setting and all the permissions ON. So when I'm ready to launch it properly, I'll just have to tweak the settings and disable the permissions I don't want. That way, the smartcoin name is reserved and can speak freely about it and show the website under construction if needed.
Am I right to suppose that it's the good way to go ? I just fear to create the smartcoin with an irreversible setting. If I understand it well, if all the permission are allowed, it shouldn't be the case ... ? ... Right ? Guys ?

Sounds like the way to go. How I understand it, once something is disabled it can't be reabled. Is this right?
It seems that way !

I had also another confirmation on telegram.

Thanks for participating !

I'll have to share the info and name of the asset rather soon for reviewing the texts but I don't want someone to spend a bad joke on me a register the smartcoin asset name before I'm ready to create it.
So I'm thinking about create the smartcoin with the basic setting and all the permissions ON. So when I'm ready to launch it properly, I'll just have to tweak the settings and disable the permissions I don't want. That way, the smartcoin name is reserved and can speak freely about it and show the website under construction if needed.
Am I right to suppose that it's the good way to go ? I just fear to create the smartcoin with an irreversible setting. If I understand it well, if all the permission are allowed, it shouldn't be the case ... ? ... Right ? Guys ?

I've just created the INDEX on the testnet :
I will test it there until I have it right and then create it on the DEX. I'm now trying to understand the process of proving the price feed.

I'm also almost done with web site. I'm loooking for someone to review the explanations in english I have made about the index.
All the texts to review are regroup in a google doc of 1000 words, less than 2 pages. I need a english native person who will be able not only to review orthography but also re-shape the sentences in an serious and elegant way if necesary (not all the text sentences but some sentences will defenitively need this). My english is not good enough to let the texts as I wrote them.

It would take probably less that an hour to do that. Is someone interested in making 1000 bts by helping me with that, shoot me a PM !

Technical Support / Re: antispam verification for every post
« on: March 27, 2016, 02:04:33 pm »
It will go away after some posts .. may be 15 .. or 45 .. dont know .. i passed that threshold more than 2 years ago :)
With the crazy rate you have, you've probably passed the threshold a few minuts after registering [emoji23]

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