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Messages - puppies

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General Discussion / Re: how about to pay salary to committee members?
« on: January 15, 2016, 09:16:00 pm »
Xeroc would be a great committee member.  So would abit.  As part of the job of committee members is to modify blockchain parameters as needed, one of the requirements should be an in depth knowledge of the system.  Outside of cnx, I can think of no one with a greater understanding of graphene.

General Discussion / Re: Crowd Donations for Mike Hearn Hangout
« on: January 15, 2016, 07:28:59 pm »
#sharebits "fuzzy" 5000 BTS

General Discussion / Re: how about to pay salary to committee members?
« on: January 15, 2016, 06:24:01 pm »
I am opposed to paying committee members at this point.  I think we already have 8 high quality committee members.  There is no  need to rush the last 3. 

General Discussion / Re: Mt Gox > Cryptsy - Time for BTS?
« on: January 15, 2016, 05:40:59 am »
So.  They kept their bitcoin and litecoin wallets on the same server that they kept their lucky7coin? 

General Discussion / Re: Reasons for Lowering Fees
« on: January 14, 2016, 10:35:12 pm »
Percentage based transfer fees for bitassets with a minimum and maximum would be a great development.   UIA's could keep a single transfer fee. 

General Discussion / Re: I just sold all my Bitshares!
« on: January 14, 2016, 10:19:52 pm »
Me too me too!

"I hereby state for the public record and to all tax collectors that I have sold 95% of all my cryptocurrency, at a huge loss, but don't worry, because I will not be claiming this loss on my taxes, and the other 5% of my crypto was lost in a boating accident (when my paper wallet got wet).

But I will still hang around here religiously because no other coin community is giving weekly updates that blow my mind every time."

Oh my God.  Exact same thing happened to me.

General Discussion / Re: Cryptofresh Block Explorer + MUSE now available
« on: January 14, 2016, 08:40:38 pm »
In the spirit of alts message to announce I have created twitter.puppies and changed the memo key to the same key as announce.  Any messages to twitter.puppies will show up unencrypted on cryptofresh, and in any wallet that has the memo private key of announce imported.

Could you tell us how yo did it step by step,  like we are 5  or 85 ? thank you

Its really easy and can be completed 100% inside the GUI.  I am at work, and don't have a GUI handy at the moment.

Basically you create an account.  I do this in the CLI, but you can do it in the GUI, or just have OL register a new account with you as the referrer. 

Once you have your account you select it and go to the permissions tab.  From there select the memo key tab towards the top.  Replace the current memo key with BTS6fUJfBNkD88eDmoBhHGu3r98aTnieVwwqZVSzkzDaxzF57c4ce then press submit.

It is very important that you change your memo key and not your owner or active key. 

All memos sent to this account will now be readable on cryptofresh.  If you want to be able to read them within your wallet.  You will need to import the memo private key into your wallet.  Off of memory that is click the options button.  Cick the very bottom button, its called account management console or something like that.  Then click import key, and paste that key in.

General Discussion / Re: Cryptofresh Block Explorer + MUSE now available
« on: January 14, 2016, 07:21:34 pm »
In the spirit of alts message to announce I have created twitter.puppies and changed the memo key to the same key as announce.  Any messages to twitter.puppies will show up unencrypted on cryptofresh, and in any wallet that has the memo private key of announce imported.

General Discussion / Re: Dogecoin cap is 2x of bts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
« on: January 14, 2016, 06:45:19 am »
Wait.  They have rubies, and all we have is bits?


Yup, need to pay in cash. Found that out the hard way lol. Guess this is my first rodeo.

Thread derail in 3.....2.....

I'm not sure I want to win the lottery. It's like gaming when you turn on god mode. You'd think having unlimited money would be awesome but it sucks the life out of the game. Would life mirror art?

Even if I was filthy rich, I'm confident there would still be plenty of challenge left in life. 

I think its a great Idea Clayop.  I would love to see a bunch of different wallets catering to different markets.  I would still like to see prediction market functionality in the core wallet.  That will prevent me from having to use a different app if I feel like using a prediction market.

If we're gonna go the FBA route why don't we just have the top five hodlers of the FBA responsible for providing the correct result.  If they cheat then no one will use the system and their revenue stream will end.

Very nice work Ken

General Discussion / Re: snapshots from Shanghai blockchain hackathon
« on: January 13, 2016, 05:58:24 pm »
Very nice.  Thanks bitcrab.

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