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Messages - EstefanTT

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General Discussion / Re: PebbleCoin, DPOS tiny new coin
« on: March 21, 2016, 09:35:29 pm »
With the recent news from the bunker, XPB - PebbleCoin might become the first sidechain of BitShares as they are already using DPOS !

BlockchainBunker - Uniting the World one Blockchain at a Time.

I feel this summer is going to be epic!
+5% ;p

Well, we still have to understand the process of providing the price feed in graphene and test it so it will work properly.
I'll have time to work on a basic but serious web site at the same time we complete the smartcoin techy part.

Off course, when we are ready to create the smartcoin, even if the web site is not ready, we will do it without waiting ! The web site can come later.

BITTWENTY o BITWENTY could be a good name. We are still thinking about it. Any idea is welcome !

First + 1 + 1 + 1  for going ahead with this.

 I definitely think you should use bitBTC as collateral. This also means btc should not be part of the index. [Using bitUSD is the only thing better but you will just not find people (in crypto space) believing that all/top crypto will go down against fiat, so no shorters..]

Why bitBTC :
- it is easy to bet on BTC as it is- you just hold btc. And 99.9% of the people already hold btc before even coming into BTS.
- you will have much more people interested in betting on top 20 cryptos against BTC (as opposed to against BTS)
- for the shorters - being short the index against BTS as easy as pie - you short bitBTC to yourself and use the bitBTC to short the bitTop20

I am absolutely positive going with BTS as collateral will be a big mistake. Drop me PM if you do not understand/want me to expand on the reasoning above.

I would prefer to create the debate in this thread than move it in a private channel.

Don't you think that we lack of liquidity in the BitShares BTC market to really kick off the Bit20 ?  Maybe if we had already the sidechain in place ... I don't want to wait we reach high liquidity in all our major smartcoins market to see grow the BIT20 but rather be able to start creating liquidity since the very first day.

I thought BTS was a good choice but the debate is pretty much alive !!

BTS has higher volatility than BTC, so more oportunities to make a profit will arise for buyers, sellers and shorters as the price spikes up and down.
That's also basically why I though BitUSD wouldn't be a great choice, I don't see anyone in his right mind shorting BIT20 Vs BitUSD.

When you create a smartcoin you can choose the collateral asset .. and by this you also choose a base market .. e.g. USD:BTS (BTS is collateral)
Any price in markets are actually relations between 2 assets. Gold price is denoted in USD or EUR (two assets). BTS price is denoted in BTC (two prices).

Now people shorting speculate on the USD/BTS price to go down .. e.g. BTS to worth more USD. .. or USD being worth less BTS. Then they buy back and make a profit.

This you can do with an index as well .. if the TOP10 index has BTS as collateral, then you speculate the BTS price against the price of all top10 coins .. e.g. the BTS asset to climb in the list of top10 assets.
If the smartcoin had bitUSD as collateral .. then you would speculate on the USD nomination of the top10 index to go up or down (pretty much like the number at the very top of

So there will CERTAINLY be people shorting it ... if they only knew about it!

So... Basically the collateral asset has to be something that many people believe it will be more valuable than the smartcoin it's backing. Otherwise there won't be enough incentive to borrow the smartcoin into existence.

If CRYPTO10 is backed with USD, it means that there has to be lots of people (or at least a few who are rich and willing to invest in this market) who think that the cryptoindex will lose value against dollar. Not very likely. So there is no incentive to create more CRYPTO10, because the creator has to be adding more collateral every now and then so that he won't get margin called or force settled.

If CRYPTO10 is backed with BTS, it means that there has to be people who believe that BTS price will rise faster than the index. This is certainly possible because we have lots of Bitshares believers in the forum and in the DEX, of course.

But if you believe that BTS is good collateral for CRYPTO10, why would you buy it? Wouldn't it be rational to invest only in BTS in this case?

When you are designing smartcoins, it's important to understand the essentials of the market that you are creating:
- What are the incentives for somebody to borrow smartcoins into existence? What kind of beliefs that person has to have for long term? For example, fiat-smartcoins that are backed with BTS have pretty good incentives because there are lot of people who believe that price of BTS will rise in the future, so they can make money by creating fiat-smartcoins and selling them.
- What are the incentives for buyers? For example, if you create a smartcoin for a very inflationary fiatcurrency, you don't necessarily have any markets. Nobody wants to buy it.

The way I see it, the only way to create this market at the moment is backing the Bit20 with BTS.

If Bit20 is getting the attention of crypto investors who wants an easy investment (without crazy volatily to hold during the next years of crypto growth), there will be a big buyers book for the Bit20, probably well above the pricefeed.

If BTS is a good investment and you like playing with volatility, you will take advantage of the liquidity of the Bit20 book (buyers) to short it when BTS will have low price (about to rise)

There is also a correlation between the success of the smartcoin and the benefit you can generate from shorting it. If the demand of bit20 grows, the price grows. If shorters create new Bit20 to sell,  the index grows and liquidity also. The more liquidity and popularity, the more money comes into the BitShares ecosystem (200% bts collateral by Bit20) and the more the BTS price goes up. It would work like a retroalimentacion loop.

Maybe it's a simplistic point of view. Any feedback is very much appreciated.

To gather all the feedbacks in a proper place, I've just created a thread to discuss it :,21999.0.html


In july, with a friend, we made an index (BIT20) composed by the top 20 crypto currencies by MC. Every crypto in the basket is weighted in the same way popular indexes like the CAC40 are. This way, Bitcoin doesn't move strongly the value of the index and the last of the top 20 have an impact on the index if its value grow. We also created an other index called FIAT10 who is made in the same way to represent the top 10 FIAT. So we have been able to compare BIT20 to FIAT10 and see the globale evolution of the crypto sphere Vs the FIAT money since July 2015.

The unofficial beta web site is only made in french at the moment but you can easily take a look at the graphs and the way the 20 cryptos are weighted.

Home page with BIT20 Vs FIAT10 :
Individual crypto Vs the basket BIT20 :

A recent thread (,21955.0/all.html ) open our eyes on the fact that it wasn't that complicated to create a BitShares smartcoin based on what we already have working flawlessly since july 2015.

After some reflexions we are decided to continue and push the idea forwards.

The next steps we have in mind are :

# review and re-review our code and make it flawless and bullet proof
# learn how to create the smartcoin and provide the pricefeed in a decentralised way in graphene (I'm already in touch with Xeroc who kindly propose his help)
# revamp the web site in something more proffesssional (only in english for the release), I'm already looking for a nice CSS template.
# get the maximum opinions, reflexion and feedback on the project from the community so we can do it in a smart way
# Officially launch the web site, create the smartcoin and commercialise it.

After this minimum viable release of the web site and smartcoin, we are considering to make the website available in several lenguages and add it other kind of crypto economical informations and graphs.

Anyone wanting to join the team is very welcome, PM me.

Number of users in here beleive that a well done index representing the global evolution of the crypto currencies could grow quickly. There is probbaly lots of investors looking for something like that so they don't have to read 50 forum everyday to know where to invest. I completely agree with them and think that could also bring value to BitShares itself. Let's imagine for a second that this index would grow to be a very liquid, deep market, well-known basket or index in which you can invest in the global evolution of crypto currencies ... BitShares would sky rocket !

The project is moving forward right now and will be done probably sooner rather than later.

The quality of the smartcoin and the website will depend in big part of the feedback and brainstorming we will have in this thread.
There is a lot to discuss. Things like the best options and permissions of the smartcoin, with what we'll back it or what could we have in the website besides what we already have in the beta version (Poloniex troll box, BitShares tweeter feed news, ... ?)
Even the name BIT20 has to be change because numbers are not allow for the smartcoins ... any ideas ?

As this could bring value not only to the smartcoin itself but also to BitShares, I hope we can all join our mind to come with a great index all together.


I'll probably send a mail to Xerox to have an idea of the steps to migrate the Bit20 index in the BC as a smartcoin. Maybe the Fiat10 would also be a nice smartcoin. First I'll try to figure out the most of it by myself to avoid consuming the Xeroc time, I'm sure he have a lot of things going on.

When I will have a good idea of the way to do this, I'll create an offical thread on for anyone who is willing to give us feedbacks and participate.

As I intent to to fix a % on trades (around 0.1% probably), there will be potential incomes coming from the creation, commercialisation and liquidity of this index and an incentive for anyone wanting to participe in exchanges for the shares of future revenues.
I was thinking about creating a UIA with limited supply that would represent 100% of the revenue generated by the 0.1% on the trades of the Bit20 index. That would allow us to reward anybody helping with this project with an actual % of all trades made on this Smartcoin untill the end of time. When liquidity and trades would kick off, we could use a buy back or dividends system.

I still have to think about it but the idea would be :

# Create the BIT20 smartcoin, maybe also the FIAT10 (with other name as we can't have numbers in asset names)
# Revamp the bit20 web site :
       - Decides the content of the website : Bit20 graph and info only or more Crypto stuff (Troll box, news, mini bog, ... ?)
       - Global spirit and design
# Decide how many languages the website will offert : English only ? French, spanish, chinese, portuguese, ... ??


General Discussion / Re: BLOCKCHAIN BUNKER Debuts on The Daily Decrypt
« on: March 18, 2016, 01:23:51 am »
That's an awsome interview, some basics about bts and boum .... Bts connecting blochains for their security as sidechains and allowing them to trade on the dex. If I was one of these investor in crypto without bts in my portfolio, I would be feeling like I'll miss something and quickly trying to buy some cheap ones. Come on guys, lets tweets, retweets, FB, reddit, ... this ep of the DD !!! This interview as to be viewed by everyone ;p

I'd like to see speculation on:

AltCrypto10 (#2 - #11)
Crypto10 (#1 - #10)

I think you will have 2 different markets that have different opinions about adding in Bitcoin.
The way the index is done limit the % (the weight) of the biggest MC. BTC doesn't weight more than 10% in the Bit20 ( index of the 20 top crypto.)
Also, the index doesn't include ripple, we felt we can't consider it like an crypto-currency because of the centralisation.

I think the distinction BTC / Altcoins is going to disapear slowly. We'll soon call all of them "cryptocurrencies". Last week, ETH was value at 1/6th of BTC MC, it didn't feel like an Altcoin to me. Neither will BTS when it will be 4x the MC of BTC ... ;p

now let's assume we had a liquid USD .. then you could create that index with USD as collateral .. and really let people speculate on that one number on CMC :)

Shoot me a PM if you want to make this real and need concrete technical assistance!
Thanks ! I will !

I have to talk first with the friend who made this with me and see what he thinks about that but he will probably be thrill be the idea.

We will probably have to review our math and ponderations to be sure it's perfect before going any further.

In that case, why would someone spend the time and efforts to create a smartcoin if there is no economical incventives ? Pure altruisme is not the strong suit of human beeing ...

Did I understand it well ?

I've been around for some time and still don't really quite understand the mechanics of this and what's at stake.

Am I risking losing money if I borrow some BitCHF for instance?

Or if the closest sell for BitUSD is too far from settlement price, could I make a profit by borrowing some USD and selling it at a fair price?

It just seems a bit like wizardry, the rules are not so clear (or I failed to grasp them) .. maybe the incentives are not set up right.. I don't know.

It would be nice if someone has a nice article/blog post explaining this in a way that a trading noobie could grasp.

Other than that.. this really seems like a good idea, I'd buy 500€ worth of the stuff every month!
Lots of persons would put some money in it, even invest part of their bank account fiat money. The index can't hardly go down on the long run. It would be like a hell of a good investment oportunity.

If anyone can answer the questions in this thread, (s)he is very welcomebto participate.

Personally I'd say going the Smartcoin way is the best option here. It's better if we dont' have to trust a 3rd party, especially over years .. otherwise it's no better than a brokerage account (well, less fees, but that's it) .. if the broker goes bust, that's it.

In fact, it's worse in this case, because the broker (UIA creator) would be small fish.

We need to take advantage of the Smartcoins.. getting rid of centralization and having to trust a third party was/is one of the big things which Bitshares could/can use to distinguish itself... IMO.

That's also what I think !

An UIA will never be a popular index because of the risk associated with one person in control of the funds.

In the case of a smartcoin, the index becomes decentralised, the witness provides the price feed based on a script and the token only can exist with shorters. It belongs to the Blockchain and nobody can profit from it except BitShares itself from the transactions and trades made with the smartcoin.

In that case, why would someone spend the time and efforts to create a smartcoin if there is no economical incventives ? Pure altruisme is not the strong suit of human beeing ...

Did I understand it well ?

When creating this index and website with my friend, we first though about creating an IUA and make a market of it with a 0.1% cut on the trades so we can grow the project with these funds on communication, better website, ... the problem is, it would be centralised and anybody would trust us with large funds.
So we have to make a smartcoin out of it. Is there a way to benefit from the creation and liquidity of a smartcoin ?
The ecomical incentive is important because it would cost a lot of time to evolve this project. BTS didn't reach 1€ this month and still have to work to pay the rent and my free time is already absorbed by the website.

I'm not familiar with the smartcoin creation and ownership if there is such thing. Am I missing something ?

We gave it a shot with a friend during these last months. It's a beta web site around two indexes.
"Bit20" is a weighted index of the top 20 crypto. The wieght is done like a classical index as the cac40.
To be able to related to fiat, we also created an index for fiat with the top 10 fiat, the FIAT10.
I'm no sure where I'm going with that but the math and calibration of the indexes are pretty decents.

You can find all the graphs, math and ponderations on the beta website here :

Unfortunately, it's only available in french right now .. even like that, graphs are very cool to watch ;p

Anyone wanting to participate, translate, grow this project is very welcome.

This is pretty cool, You can probably talk to @xeroc and he can help you build a smartcoin for Bit20 ... I know a lot of people would be interested in something like this so I am down if you need any help... I can translate from english to spanish but no french lol
The french texts needs an update, they were made in july. I was thinking to update them and make a first draft in english and look for someone to correct it.
A spanish version would be cool !

Create a smartcoin like that would be amazing I agree. It could even bring crypto investors in Bitshares !

We gave it a shot with a friend during these last months. It's a beta web site around two indexes.
"Bit20" is a weighted index of the top 20 crypto. The wieght is done like a classical index as the cac40.
To be able to related to fiat, we also created an index for fiat with the top 10 fiat, the FIAT10.
I'm no sure where I'm going with that but the math and calibration of the indexes are pretty decents.

You can find all the graphs, math and ponderations on the beta website here :

Unfortunately, it's only available in french right now .. even like that, graphs are very cool to watch ;p

Anyone wanting to participate, translate, grow this project is very welcome.

This is so damn cool! I want to keep both bit20 and fiat10 on blockchain.

I though about creating a market for both pair but it shouldn't be centralised. I'm probably out of my league to produce something like that in a decentralised way.

We gave it a shot with a friend during these last months. It's a beta web site around two indexes.
"Bit20" is a weighted index of the top 20 crypto. The weight is done like a classical weighted index (like the cac40)
To be able to comoare it to fiat, we also created an index for fiat with the top 10 fiat, the FIAT10.
I'm no sure where I'm going with that project but the math and calibration of the indexes are pretty decents.

You can find all the graphs, math and ponderations on the beta website here :

Unfortunately, it's only available in french right now .. even like that, graphs are very cool to watch ;p

Anyone wanting to participate, translate, grow this project is very welcome.

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