In that case, why would someone spend the time and efforts to create a smartcoin if there is no economical incventives ? Pure altruisme is not the strong suit of human beeing ...
Did I understand it well ?
I've been around for some time and still don't really quite understand the mechanics of this and what's at stake.
Am I risking losing money if I borrow some BitCHF for instance?
Or if the closest sell for BitUSD is too far from settlement price, could I make a profit by borrowing some USD and selling it at a fair price?
It just seems a bit like wizardry, the rules are not so clear (or I failed to grasp them) .. maybe the incentives are not set up right.. I don't know.
It would be nice if someone has a nice article/blog post explaining this in a way that a trading noobie could grasp.
Other than that.. this really seems like a good idea, I'd buy 500€ worth of the stuff every month!