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Messages - G1ng3rBr34dM4n

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General Discussion / Re: How & When to Backup Your Wallet
« on: July 23, 2014, 09:29:16 pm »
Try c without parentheses.


Code: [Select]
>> c

Error: invalid command "c"

Marketplace / Re: THUNDERclap
« on: July 23, 2014, 05:34:02 pm »
When's the next hangout?!

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General Discussion / Re: How & When to Backup Your Wallet
« on: July 23, 2014, 04:52:43 pm »

Correct me if I was wrong. I am using the Windows package. When I was tried to move the wallet from one PC to another PC. I go to roaming folder and copy the wallet folder inside the BitShares X folder along. I saw that it works fine. Is it a good way to move/backup/restore the wallet?

I see that we have the backup option to export the .json file. I think it is used for backup at this point of time. The import function doesnt work yet?

Import works, it is just not user-friendly.  Your approach also works.

Can someone explain how to do this (through the command line??). 

My wallet crashed on one computer and I couldn't re-install and get it to reopen (Mac version, reference post here:  At least one other is having this problem too).

Able to get wallet operational on another computer but can't figure out how to import .json file.

HELP  :-\

edit: I also wanted to mention this is for a registered account on the blockchain, if it makes any difference.

Alright an update on my attempts to import the .json file:

Tried to use: wallet_create_from_json <json_filename> <wallet_name> <imported_wallet_passphrase>

and then received:

Code: [Select]
wallet must be open to execute this command. You can:
(o) Open an existing wallet
(c) Create a new wallet
(q) Abort command
Command aborted

So I type: (c) and get
Code: [Select]
>> (c)

Error: invalid command "(c)"

If anyone else has figure this out, let me know... I'm not a CS savvy guy, but I'd appreciate any help.  Happy to tip you.  :)

Beyond Bitcoin [closed] / Re: New Beyond Bitcoin Website!
« on: July 23, 2014, 02:40:31 pm »

Its kind of a secret but I assure you we will chat about it before launch.

Any chance to see a preview?

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General Discussion / Re: New Beyond Bitcoin Website (Link to thread)
« on: July 23, 2014, 02:35:10 pm »
+5% Great work Fuznuts!

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Marketplace / Re: THUNDERclap
« on: July 23, 2014, 01:45:26 pm »
Sounds good to me. If no one objects, I'm fine with using the community fund PTS to pay the 100$ thunderclap fee.

Still not 100% sure I get it though, is all they are doing sync our twitter, etc. posts to publish at the same time?

Yes - I believe that's how it works is it syncs all the twitter accounts that support the campaign and then sends out the tweet at the same time.  There's an impressive amount of potential social reach available through a campaign like this; it may not be the end all to tell the whole world about it, BUT it definitely wouldn't have any negative effects IMO.

I think the steps we need to take to bring this to fruition will be good for our community in any case. People will follow each other etc. and we'll get a more connected promotional front.

I agree completely.  I'll start by saying hi everyone! My twitter account is @BrianFalther

I can start putting together what needs to be filled out, etc. and then present to the community for review/edits (I'll edit original post and retain info there).  I'd like to get everything ready, but I wouldn't want to launch until all the wallet issues are settled, what do you guys think?

Ideally, it would be funneled through the official bitshares account, who's running that?! 

Great interview! 
Impressed by the LTB team by really doing a great job of balancing the interview and staying as objective as possible.

I was super excited when Andreas came storming out of the gates.  And the "1% of the 1% of the 1%" comment gave me goosebumps, in a good way.

[Mac] Couldn't even open (either that or it crashes instantly as I double click it) in OSX 10.7.5

burnourdough, I could be wrong, but I think I might be having the same issue.  Did you end up with this message?: 

General Discussion / Re: How & When to Backup Your Wallet
« on: July 23, 2014, 01:40:58 am »

Correct me if I was wrong. I am using the Windows package. When I was tried to move the wallet from one PC to another PC. I go to roaming folder and copy the wallet folder inside the BitShares X folder along. I saw that it works fine. Is it a good way to move/backup/restore the wallet?

I see that we have the backup option to export the .json file. I think it is used for backup at this point of time. The import function doesnt work yet?

Import works, it is just not user-friendly.  Your approach also works.

Can someone explain how to do this (through the command line??). 

My wallet crashed on one computer and I couldn't re-install and get it to reopen (Mac version, reference post here:  At least one other is having this problem too).

Able to get wallet operational on another computer but can't figure out how to import .json file.

HELP  :-\

edit: I also wanted to mention this is for a registered account on the blockchain, if it makes any difference.

Marketplace / Re: THUNDERclap
« on: July 22, 2014, 02:20:47 pm »
Alright gang,

I had the chance to play around with the Thunderclap campaign platform.  Basically, how Thunderclap works is kind of like a kickstarter campaign, but for social media posts.  Once the campaign is successful; at a determined date - a mass "Thunderclap" will be sent through everyone's social media accounts (i.e. Twitter) and post for them at the same time.  The idea behind this is a coordinated effort for an organic, grass roots marketing approach.

The process works like this:
  • Create the campaign (description, video, logos, etc.)
  • Select the supporter goal (100, 250, or 500)
  • Select & Purchase the campaign
  • Recruit Supporters
  • Launch (after 100%+ supported by deadline date)
  • Reap the benefits of massive social reach ;)

Here's the options for support goal:

How many people in the BitShares community would back this with social media?

Campaign Options:

I would put my vote towards the "Storm" ($100) - as it's the most cost-effective campaign that also allows the embedding of videos

Comparison of different campaigns:

What do you guys think?


this is not the greatest crypto in the world.

this is just a tribute.

Hahaha awesome!!! So glad to see a tenacious d reference here. :D


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General Discussion / Re: Disingenuous Delegates Deceit
« on: July 22, 2014, 01:42:51 am »
I have thrown some weight behind more delegates that are not clearly dishonest.   (he is no longer an active delegate that I know of)
Well done!
Hmm, now the network has come to a consensus that *you can't be an active delegate unless you get approved by bytemaster*.

wait the funds to come in to the bitshares ecosystem and everything will change...
It is the beginning, please see the positive side of things, like security etc.  It is better/importand for every new born baby to not get seek the first few weeks  ;)
Definitely no.
I've already seen Chinese people joining in team to vote only for members in the team. When more funds come in, there will definitely be a team with more than 51%, much like what bytemaster's angel account's position (>51%) at the moment. When that happens, the network will be totally dominated by that team, just like what's happening right now that bytemaster is controlling all the delegates.
I think we should at least go back to discussing a better voting scheme:

Goomboo, easy on the FUD.

Like toast said, voting is at 1% - the system just needs some dilution.  ...Take a teaspoon of salt and throw it in a glass of water and take a sip.  Take a teaspoon of salt and throw it in a lake then take a sip.

BitShares is well on its way to becoming a Great Lake.

I've been having a problem with the BitSharesX (Mac version 0.2.1) wallet crashing every time I open it and get the following notification:

Has anyone else had an issue with this?
If I click "reopen" or if I click "Don't reopen", the same result is "An error occurred while trying to start."

..I've even re-installed the wallet twice and to no avail.  I did back up the .json file and still have control off all my private keys, so no worries there. 

General Discussion / Re: Dacsunlimited Website
« on: July 21, 2014, 06:57:28 pm »

Coming Soon...

Really looking good, I like it.  The "This isn't your Mother's Blockchain" quip made me chuckle.

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I'd still be interested in a tutorial as well, dragging and dropping hasn't been working for me.  Trying to import PTS wallet and get:

RPC Server Error: In method 'wallet_import_bitcoin': Db::open: No such file or directory (13)

How do you export private keys from the PTS wallet?  I've only figured out how to create backups... is that the same thing?

go to help > debug > console

then type
dumpprivkey <BitShares-PTS address>

*if your wallet is encrypted you will need to type
walletpassphrase <your password>  <timeout in seconds>

Thank you puppies! That worked for me. 
I did have my wallet encrypted, for anyone else that needs to do the same; the timeout default is 5000.

Now how can I vote for you for delegate to return the favor?  ;)

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