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Messages - robrigo

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General Discussion / Re: Invite only community marketing forum.
« on: November 20, 2014, 12:14:29 am »
 +5% lets get the word out!

Is there anybody that can help me to fund my new account in order for me to be able to register my account?
The account is BTSX7tjXfP5y26jGAPbJTMoX8mRP4MuA4H5Jgb6dUHpvPFCJBSHwMo.

Thank you very much!

Now that was fast!Thank you very much bobmalony!
Why does it not seem to work to import my PTS key in order to get BTS?

Best regards

Try using "wallet_check_sharedrop" in the GUI console. The balances are vesting over 2 years, so you will only have some % of your total available to claim before that 2 years is up.

I don't think the API has a function to retrieve the sharedropped balance just yet.

General Discussion / Re: Recreating wallet account
« on: November 17, 2014, 02:54:42 am »
If you dumped the private keys for your accounts, you would have been able to keep that written on paper and recover by importing those account keys into a new wallet at a later date.

General Discussion / Re: Recreating wallet account
« on: November 17, 2014, 01:31:17 am »
My computer had a hard drive failure and has already been fixed, but by reformating the hard drive. There was no any other way to recover or backup the data. My question is how do i recreate my old account that was registered in the blockchain and did have some funds?

Did you create a backup of that wallet file in the GUI and store it somewhere like a USB? If you don't have the wallet file, I don't think you will be able to access the stake.

General Discussion / Re: Where do you go for crypto 2.0 news?
« on: November 16, 2014, 03:57:35 pm »
After about a month of aggressively adding new feeds to my RSS reader, here's the collection I have now (in no particular order):

There are a number of other projects I'd like to keep an eye on, but they don't have RSS feeds, which makes it harder for me to get updates.

Nice list. Glad to see you're interested in FTF!

Another news site:

Make Love Not Porn seems like the perfect partner for this idea! They have been met with resistance trying to find a traditional banking service, have a long term outlook for the industry and a unique spin on porn, and are open to accepting crypto currencies. It could even be good PR with BitShares as they are looking to encourage open and respectful discussion of sex as opposed to hidden and demonized version of the industry.

Update: I emailed Cindy Gallop to pitch BitShares to her as a potential financial future solution for MNLP, and to start a discussion with her that the community is interested in helping high risk merchants. Thanks to Max for providing me with some good talking points and pros / cons. Will update if I hear back from her!

Stakeholder Proposals / Re: Bitshares client launch config
« on: November 16, 2014, 01:39:38 am »
I suggest you use either screen(1) or tmux(2) (recommended) to run the client in. These act as persistent shell sessions in which you can run the client and to which you can attach/detach your terminal, which allows you to take command of your client as if you'd never disconnected. Some would argue that those tools have archaic or non-intuitive default bindings, but really you only need to know a couple of shortcuts to be able to enjoy the power and ease-of-use that they bring, there are lots of tutorials on the web that can help you get started in 5-10 minutes with them.

This also has a nice side effect which is that if for whatever reason you lose connection with your server while working on a remote session, this doesn't crash the client because of it but leaves the client running as if you'd just walked away from keyboard. Whenever you get your connection back, you can re-attach to your session and resume what you were doing as if nothing ever happened. Which is quite nice :)


Agreed, screen or tmux are excellent and a must have. I run my feeds on one screen session and client on another. I haven't set up your delegate monitoring tools yet as I haven't gotten enough votes to be active anyways, but that would make a good candidate for a 3rd session.

Would love to see something specific for Bitshares. I know I'd be willing to throw some tips your way.

I feel's just rather time, effort, and money consuming to make a song like this professionally.  I tried to make it as all-encompassing of the crypto-space as possible...(focusing on the blockchain technology, spoke about DAC's, etc..)

I could go change every "bitcoin" for "bitshares" but would it be worthwhile for anyone involved? haha (I'm actually more of a Bitshares supporter than Bitcoin itself....I see Bitshares as Bitcoin 2.0)

Maybe we need to consider electing a few media delegates that are funded for their time and efforts in promoting BitShares?

I think it would be pretty interesting to see a mixtape that teaches some of the core concepts of blockchain tech / BitShares via the lyrics, with contributions from all of the musicians in the community. You could probably get the Bitcoins and Gravy podcast to feature it as well as PeerTracks when they launch.

Technical Support / Re: bitshares client command line parameters?
« on: November 15, 2014, 05:19:13 pm »
Translated the code referenced in my previous post to it's own page in the github wiki:

Technical Support / Re: bitshares client command line parameters?
« on: November 15, 2014, 04:47:39 pm »
I found it by searching the repository:

line 94-141

Many thanks! Really surprised this is not in the wiki!

I agree, it would fit well in the technical wiki. Looks like I can edit it... I'll try adding it as a page.

DAC PLAY / Re: Official Announcement for BitShares PLAY Allocation
« on: November 12, 2014, 01:55:11 pm »
Can BTS that is locked up in a margin order be included in the snapshot? My gut tells me, probably not. Unless you were to take the initial BTS put up as collateral from each side of the trade?

If not, will BTS locked up in orders as collateral be excluded from the total supply the 35% allocation is honoring?

yes, as you described, market orders will not be included, the exactly definition would be the balance records in balance db (the balance you see in your wallet).
This will kill the market.

We are currently evaluating this, and after a few tests, we may honor the market orders (_ask_db, _bid_db, _short_odb, _collateral_db) if the tests showing that it's OK to do so.

Thanks for addressing this question HackFisher. As was mentioned, snapshotting BTS in orders will help keep open orders on the BTS market during the snapshot. So it is a wise decision to find a solution for us early adopters that like to play in the market.

Either way, I am looking forward to seeing what is possible with the Play DAC. You have my support!

DAC PLAY / Re: Official Announcement for BitShares PLAY Allocation
« on: November 11, 2014, 07:48:58 pm »
Can BTS that is locked up in a margin order be included in the snapshot? My gut tells me, probably not. Unless you were to take the initial BTS put up as collateral from each side of the trade?

If not, will BTS locked up in orders as collateral be excluded from the total supply the 35% allocation is honoring?

General Discussion / Re: How can you hold BTS except keep dreaming
« on: November 11, 2014, 06:53:48 pm »
What makes you think the US government is going to allow a mutated version of the US dollar that they cant control hijack the real USD? You guys are brutal....

The fact that its on a blockchain and they cant stop it. :)

Up until your devs realize that they can get in trouble for enabling/creating anonymous digital dollars. Just like all the fear with the SEC etc.

Also BitUSD... let's break that down. Bit...United States Dollar. What an insult to the whole idea of cryptocurrency.

Don't like the USD? Use bitGOLD then! Also, this community transcends the United States. Although some of us are based in the U.S. there is a lot of people around the world that would like the stability the USD provides, but must pay a premium to hold them (dolar blue in Argentina for example).

General Discussion / Re: Slogans?
« on: November 11, 2014, 02:44:23 pm »

Why Bank, When You Can BitShare?


BitShares hands you the keys to Financial Freedom.

BitShares: Giving Humanity the Keys to Financial Freedom.

BitShares allows you to hold assets with a mathematical certainty YOU can verify!

BitShares: Trust bitUSD, not the Bourgeoisie.

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