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Messages - robrigo

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KeyID / Re: Wallet Not Syncing, Help
« on: October 18, 2014, 03:46:51 pm »
My KeyID v0.0.4 GUI client is also stuck at block 1251 on OS X 10.10.

Checking to see if the CLI syncs properly.

Update: able to sync fine on Mac using the CLI... maybe there is a problem with the latest KeyID.dmg.

What is CLI?
Command line interface. I cloned the KEY ID code from github and followed the instructions for building on OS X.

Can you give us some more details because it seems that you solved the problem
How do you clone the code and where did you find the instructions for building on OS X?
Were you able to import the pts wallet in the OS X keyid?


I can tell you what to do to build the client, but unless you are used to using the terminal, I would say hold off for a fix to the GUI... with that said:

1) Clone the keyid repository ( using git
    >git clone

2) Follow these instructions, replacing references to bitshares_toolkit with keyid:

Note: I didn't build the desktop client in this manner, but maybe if you do so it will work (the last step of the previous link explains how).

Now you can run the bitshares_client and use the API commands from the terminal... there should be a command to import the wallet and claim your stake. More information about the commands and other useful things can be read about in the technical wiki:

KeyID / Re: Wallet Not Syncing, Help
« on: October 18, 2014, 01:44:39 pm »
My KeyID v0.0.4 GUI client is also stuck at block 1251 on OS X 10.10.

Checking to see if the CLI syncs properly.

Update: able to sync fine on Mac using the CLI... maybe there is a problem with the latest KeyID.dmg.

What is CLI?
Command line interface. I cloned the KEY ID code from github and followed the instructions for building on OS X.

KeyID / Re: Wallet Not Syncing, Help
« on: October 18, 2014, 03:48:57 am »
My KeyID v0.0.4 GUI client is also stuck at block 1251 on OS X 10.10.

Checking to see if the CLI syncs properly.

Update: able to sync fine on Mac using the CLI... maybe there is a problem with the latest KeyID.dmg.

General Discussion / Re: VOTE DAC Just Got More Interesting 2.0
« on: October 18, 2014, 01:59:55 am »
It seems to me that there is a fair amount of misplaced concern in this thread that BTSX is getting pushed to the back burner. If you look at the commit history for the toolkit you'll notice there is a lot of work being pushed daily to fix stability issues:

The brilliance here is that this is bolstering ALL DACs! I think the recent price drop has some people in panic mode. Take a deep breath and BUY / HODL imo!

Oh, and as for the recent VOTE push... I would look at the latest FMV blog post:

Coupled with the bill that prompted the formation of CAVO:

Perhaps the newfound "push" is pursuant of a huge opportunity for BitVote (and democratic elections in the U.S. at large)? Perhaps this opportunity is constrained by time and a reorganization of some priorities are in order? Parallel computing is much faster and more efficient than single core after all. I for one trust Dan's task scheduling algorithm.

It would seem to me that a state sponsored election on BitVote is very much in the cards (pending the necessary functionality is implemented to demo to the state of California).

General Discussion / Re: Development Progress
« on: October 15, 2014, 03:41:05 pm »
A lot of the work is done in the core bitshares_toolkit repo:

The bitsharesx repo you linked is a fork of the bitshares_toolkit repo.

General Discussion / Re: Can PTS be made PoS as per PND or BlackCoin
« on: October 15, 2014, 02:24:38 am »
There's a discussion about moving PTS to DPOS here:

I think your IP would be exposed to the peers you are connected to in the network, but not in a public manner on the chain. Those nodes would likely have to log the IPs connected to them in order to get that information. Even then, I don't think the peers can determine which transaction correlates to which IP. I don't see how you could link the purchase of a specific song to an IP address on chain w/o the inherent security issues but I am by no means an expert or versed in the bitshares_toolkit network code.

My question for the torrent style distribution is how could you prevent a copycat from listing music that isn't their own for stream in a decentralized manner? The artists would want to register and distribute their own artistcoin, but if Carl comes along and registers beyoncecoin and starts uploading / streaming Beyonce on the torrent network, how can we prevent that in the fully distributed system? A centralized service like PeerTracks solves this by being able to disallow fakes / copycats. Sure, someone could take the name an artist wanted to use for a coin and register it as an asset. But the actual distribution can be restricted to music of verified musicians. Maybe artistcoin names could be auctioned DNS style?

I think the user experience would be simplified a lot using the centralized service like PeerTracks that can be accessed as a web app. Then the user doesn't need to interact with the BTS Music client. It seems to me a simple web experience would drive more mainstream users to use the system then dealing with the torrent streaming stuff in a client. It may seem pretty basic for this community but there is definitely a large number of people who aren't exactly sure what torrent networks are or how to use it them. Good food for thought, though. Maybe a separate app could be built that utilizes the Music DAC and facilitates something similar to what you are describing.

they could easily adapte to streaming. so dosen't matter if they want to sell or stream the songs.
That's what cob stated somewhere .. however they will start with the "dying" branch and (will have to) move over to a streaming platform ..

they could easily adapte to streaming. so dosen't matter if they want to sell or stream the songs.

It's not in the plans thus far. I would think if you're trying to get this off the ground, you would want to get a few popular musicians as well as younger more underground musicians to sign on as well as attract a base of young people to use it. I think the majority of young people don't buy music. I do however think that they buy a lot of merch and go to a lot of shows. I think that's what the purchase should be focusing on. It just makes more sense to start from a streaming platform than a buying platform.

Side note:
Nobody has commented on the geographic mapping tool yet. Does anybody think that this would help bring artists on board?

I spoke with cob in Vegas for a while (we also were lucky to be next to each other on the plane home lol) and he mentioned something about the idea of also providing an incentive to users who create the best playlists on PeerTracks, with user curated playlists like has. Not sure if that was on the road map explicitly or just brainstorming but I think that would be successful. Google Music All Access streaming is human curated streams. That's what Beats Music was supposed to be as well. Now there is more reason to participate than just reputation on the site, as users can get rewarded for curating excellent playlists.

I could see the geographic tool being useful but that seems like something that would have to be off chain, as IP addresses aren't exposed AFAIK. So PeerTracks, as a centralized service, could provide that using the IP addresses of their users but a decentralized version just based off users in the DAC seems infeasible / more complex. You'd compromise security by linking users to IP addresses on chain.

The points made about buying music being a dying concept- I've wondered myself what % on average of a musician's income comes from online music sales. The price point of the current digital music distribution model is a major turn off for me- I might buy a digital album or two per year for musicians I really like, but $10-15 always seems lot a lot for digital media. If this price point came down to $5 or less on average for an album, I could see myself making more purchases. Especially if I know the artist is receiving most / all of that money. This is the possibility with PeerTracks.

I also think that musicians involved with the project would promote it directly to their fans as the best way to support their music, and I can definitely see musicians taking their own coin "to the next level" as far as incentivizing or interacting with fans. At the end of the day, BitShares Music / PeerTracks will hinge on the artists that decide to use it for distribution, and getting the point across to music fans that they can profit by finding the best talent on the DAC and holding their coins.

Another thing I've seen a lot of people bring up that you haven't addressed is the problem of people copying other people's music on the DAC and just taking it and distributing it. There's no way to get around that in the modern day and age, so why not build a protocol around the assumptions and encourage it in a way that allows artists and shareholders to profit? We could do this by creating a P2P database in the DAC protocol that would create audio fingerprints for songs uploaded and for each upload check the database to make sure it's not replicated. There are ways to do this on a decentralized, P2P basis.

From my understanding, the audio files won't be stored on chain, but rather PeerTracks will be authorizing downloads from their servers. Their app watches the blockchain for a music sale, then allows that account in PeerTracks to D/L the file. I assume that musicians that wish to use the PeerTracks service will have to do some form of verification to prove that they are the actual musician they claim to be.

General Discussion / PeerTracks and BitShares Music mentioned on CoinDesk
« on: October 14, 2014, 03:56:14 pm »
Kudos cob for giving them the crux of the matter: new solutions targeting larger demographics that utilize a blockchain behind the scenes.

General Discussion / Re: Better than Bitcoin Interview with Bit N Mortar
« on: October 13, 2014, 10:44:08 pm »
Considering BTC as a "cryptocurrency" is a misnomer for the reasons stated above as well as the fact that a useful function of currency is the property of being a stable store of value- which BTC obviously lacks.

KeyID / Re: KeyID v0.0.3 - MANDATORY UPDATE - key graph and updated fees
« on: October 13, 2014, 09:31:23 pm »
0% pay robrigo-delegate updated.

Muse/SoundDAC / Re: BitShares Music non-technical paper. Updated.
« on: October 09, 2014, 11:45:11 pm »
So peertracks never handles any funds.

Cob, does that mean that Peertracks definitely wont be accepting any fiat for music purchases? I thought the plan was to accept fiat which is use to buy BitUSD for music purchases on the blockchain.

If peertracks wont take any fiat, that means the only avenue for sales is from existing Notes holders correct? If I want to promote an artist an pump his artistcoins, I need friends to put in their fiat into his songs.

Maybe a fiat on ramp that has a seamless experience could facilitate this on behalf of PeerTracks. I wonder if that is the plan for the on ramp "funnels"? Imagine a checkout plugin that would automatically, securely convert your credit / debit card into bitUSD that could be used to buy the artistcoin programmatically. To the user the transaction would be like any other online purchase, peertracks would not handle the PCI compliance, they would just be given bitUSD as per the arrangement with the on ramp to programmatically buy the artistcoin.

I have an account over there but I am not seeing how to set up a delegate profile on I've looked under Profile, Settings, etc. It also doesn't appear to be an option when you register. If you can advise me where to add myself as a delegate there I would be happy to. Thanks!

Edit- found the page to add a delegate:

KeyID / Re: [DNS] v0.0.2 - Trade the snapshot and fight for delegate pay
« on: October 06, 2014, 11:40:50 am »
Can someone tell me what I need to type in the wallet to get the information I need to send DNS to it from BTER (or to receive it from a donator)?

I'm setting up a Delegate as we speak.  The account has been created, password made, but it is not yet registered..

0% pay robrigo-delegate standing by and eager to produce blocks!

@ Fuzz: I will try my best to keep this page up to date with the latest versions of each DAC client:

Not the same as a stickied thread but it's something.  ;)
Thanks man :)

Np! You can register your name with faucet and then send DNS from BTER to your newly registered account name. I tried sending from bter to the public key of an account but it isn't supported yet (transaction gets canceled).

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