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Messages - hpenvy

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The problem is the wallet's API is so different from Bitcoin.  If it is possible with our blockchain then I again ask that the developers abstract out the payment transaction handling into something where bitcoin api can be implemented without major disruption. 

I'd really like to hear an answer to this question above.


The problem is the wallet's API is so different from Bitcoin.  If it is possible with our blockchain then I again ask that the developers abstract out the payment transaction handling into something where bitcoin api can be implemented without major disruption. 

This is why none of these guys accept bitUSD, it is too much work for them.  We can fix that by doing the work on our end. 

I realize that this is a bitter pill, but please explain to us that it can't be reasonably done or start taking steps in that direction.  There are a lot of goofy ideas with marginal utility floating about.  IMO this is closer to a necessity .... OR we just ignore being part of the crypto economy until we don't need them much and  instead they need us.


I agree having a BitUSD store of some kind would be huge...

We need a shopping cart for BitUSD ASAP.

The merchants I've talked to have no interest in BitUSD because nobody uses it. Once BitUSD is being used as a store of value, 3rd party developers will do all the heavy lifting on their own. Focus on the low hanging fruit to get momentum.

It's much easier to have a conversation with businesses on a platform such as Shopify when it takes a barely no effort to accept through an established payment processor. When average Joe asks "So where can you use this BitUSD", it would be nice to be able to respond that it's accepted by tens of thousands of businesses. To me, that's the low hanging fruit.  They are also making headway into iGaming, another huge opportunity.

General Discussion / BTCChina and OKCoin, BitUSD
« on: October 29, 2014, 07:20:43 pm »
Have we made face to face contact with either BTCChina or OKCoin at any of the Bitcoin Conferences? I know members of the community have sent emails, I was curious if we actually had any type of in person conversations.  From what I read, it looks like BTCChina is also entering the payment processor market.


"With the integration, GoCoin will be made available as a payment option to more than 120,000 merchants who conduct their online sales through the Shopify platform. The list of merchants using the platform now includes companies like General Electric and Tesla Motors."

1. Has anyone from the marketing team made contact with GoCoin? I believe they were at the Inside Bitcoins event?
2. If so, have they communicated any challenges or requirements before considering to add?

If you're not a fan of a payment processor and rather merchants just accept BitUSD directly, I want to argue a few points.

- A payment processor would allow the merchant to decide on the percentages. For the crypto enthusiasts, they can request a higher percentage of BitUSD and lower amount of fiat for any purchase. For those that aren't interested in crypto at all, that merchant could be paid in all or mostly fiat. Either way, BitUSD is becoming more a name.

- The price stability is a safer choice for a payment processor than Litecoin or Doge.

- The liquidity would drastically increase as BitUSD is now being used as a medium of exchange.

General Discussion / Re: Marketing Direction - Why not How or What...
« on: October 29, 2014, 04:20:30 am »

1) We need a bitcoind compatible api if the blockchain would support it.  This is for all the services that want to support bts/btsx but can't.  Since I have received no answer whether it is possible, then I'm going to harp on the bitcoind thing until I hear it isn't possible. 

2) We need a super simple and stable bitUSD wallet that would ideally work on android/ios in addition to the desktop operating systems.

With android wallet etc we can likely also airdrop bitusd onto users.  Google does a lot of authentication stuff to keep you from making an unrelated google account.

This is important.

 +5%  +5%  +5%

Time is better spent focused on the solution, rather than the problem.

The solution to corruption is distribution of power and wealth. Which is why BitShares and other cryto offering are so important, those enable the individual and do away with third parties. Getting rid of third parties is not just about that being cheaper and more efficient; it is also about empowering individuals and reducing corruption - or perhaps more frequently ineffective and unrepresentative actions.

 +5% +5%

General Discussion / Re: BM:i tell you why you are the bigest bug of bts
« on: October 23, 2014, 12:38:18 pm »
I dream of a day where the forum feels less like an episode of The View and more like the start of an emerging technology.

General Discussion / Re: Proposed Allocation for Merger
« on: October 23, 2014, 04:54:41 am »
bitUSD: I'll form the head

 +5% Stan, ready to see it come together.

We know the attacks will amp up, I'm just suggesting we start preparing for the criticisms ahead of time.  Once the superDAC is finalized, flood gates will open.

Mars.Walker got me thinking about quite a few things with his posts about professional investors and our communication challenges as we start appealing to more mainstream.  Once the final proposal is approved, we know all these different opinions within the forum will be used to attack us.  I would recommend hosting a mumble session or 2, beating the crap out of it and developing strong responses in a central location. Let's put ourselves in their shoes and be ready to have concrete responses to maximize time.

Let me draw your attention to the posts that members such as Xeroc made on LetstalkBitcon

I'm impressed, the answers from all our community members were professional and not the least bit defensive. In one of the posts, the BitUSD was mentioned. We know BitUSD will be compared to the Fed Reserve System. The responses helped me see a better way to explain it the next time I see it come up on a thread out in the wild.  I understand we have an FAQ, I'm thinking something even beyond that to head off the attacks that will come in the following weeks. It's great we have some experts that can make these types of responses, it would be useful if the lowest common denominator, like myself that's still fairly new, can also assist.

General Discussion / Re: Perspective is Everything
« on: October 23, 2014, 03:36:31 am »
If you want to discuss,we can hold mumble,off the record,brain storm,whatever with Bytemaster regularly.
But the forum,every major competitors is trying to dig dirt in it.Once they dig it,they would be having a field day.

I really appreciated the mumble sessions that Bytemaster recently attended. I agree, there's better ways we can brainstorm with BM and not give our competitors ammo.  We have so many challenges ahead, why make their lives any easier?

General Discussion / Thread Cleanup
« on: October 23, 2014, 03:26:43 am »
Once the proposal is finalized, is there any plan to move all the different proposals and ideas to an archive thread or a just a separate board?  Right now, it's really useful to have in the main discussion. That usefulness will be clutter once things get moving in whatever direction is decided.

General Discussion / Re: BitsharesX Marketing Slogan
« on: October 22, 2014, 09:52:16 pm »
Bitshares - Finance now has company

General Discussion / Re: Dan's Keynote Let's Talk Bitcoin
« on: October 22, 2014, 02:25:53 pm »
In the replies on LTB, some of the posters are having some difficulty with the Bitshares approach.  It would be great if a few of us that have a deeper understand could assist.

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