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Messages - matt608

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General Discussion / Re: Status of Bitshares ME + user issued assets?
« on: December 03, 2014, 03:05:56 pm »
UIA creation/issuance is going to be back into the GUI in next release

Good to know.  Should we be advertising delegate spots for developers who can develop these features more? (the bonus features I outlined). 

We are soon to push the grassroots marketing initiative 'getting hired by the blockchain'.  Should getting developers for UIA features be one of the targets?  If so, what skills are needed in terms of coding languages etc - what to put on the job description?  This could be a great example 'job' to use.

General Discussion / Re: Hard Questions for Bytemaster
« on: December 03, 2014, 02:50:55 pm »
+5% Yeah baby. 

General Discussion / Status of Bitshares ME + user issued assets?
« on: December 03, 2014, 02:26:10 pm »
Is Bitshares ME + user issued assets the same thing?  How do I issue an asset?  I can see there are loads of them in the asset directory but after 10 mins of looking in the client I can't see how to create one.

It looks messy at the moment.  Current problems I encountered:

- Clicking on a UIA asset name or symbol in the directory goes to a page with naked code containing issuer info,  if this code is clicked i goes to their profile and gives an error message "account name (number) invalid account name!"  plus code in the "show details".
- Clicking in the "search markets" in the markets section makes my client repeatedly freeze for about a minute (on Mac)
- visiting a UIA market (having searched for it once the client unfreezes) gives the error "market is not initialised" with code appearing in the "show details".
- I can't see how to create an assest.

I'm just sending this as a repot for devs and a question, is this going to be fixed and ready for the "1.0" launch?   What I'm writing for bloggers is basically a promotion and guide of Bitshares ME/user issued assets.

This could be expanded to be a major income source for BTS.  User issued assets issuers should have the option of paying a big fees for the following bonus features:

- Their own light wallet just for their asset (more fees for each version, mac, windows etc).
- Mobile wallets just for their asset
- web wallet just for their asset
- Customise their wallet with brand integration (not automated, requires a delegate to hire designer/coder to do the work)
- a trading pair on a web based exchange (holy grail) for fiat/UIA (do deals with on/off ramp partners). 

Once a light client is developed for 1 UIA, could it be easily cloned and used for another?  Then big blogs and online newspapers could issue their own blog/author/newspaper coin (as well as tons of other markets like musicians in peertracks).

Is this kind of thing part of the plan for BTS?


OK Found it. (By searching for it. Not good...)

Added it. Voting for it from now on...with all of my uncollateralized stake!

Many thanks :)

Hey Tonyk, you once said this:

Actually I am on quite the opposite opinion on this...
Let's hire 10x more people that we have now. It will be like 60 delegates @ 100% .
Let's not evaluate them after 3 mo., let's do it in 4.5 mo...

It costs us 6.5%*0.6*4.5/12 or about  1.4625% inflation....

Do you stand by your statement?  Will you vote for me?  My campaign is live and every vote and endorsement counts.



I stand by the statement, now even more than when posted.
I will also vote for both you and the  mobile wallet devs separately ( I really see no need to try for just one delegate combined).
And for the actual voting - I do not see your delegate in the GUI. Is it below #200 or what is the problem? Is it on my end?

I should be in there, a search function was added recently, I should show up in that.  I can't check I'm in there myself right now (different machine) but will be able to look later today.

-   Have amazing bitUSD portal on complete with video.

quick question : what is bitUSD portal ?

and on-ramp and off-ramp for bitusd with fiat ?

Or an information portal on bitusd ?

It will have an explainer video in Spanish telling people in simple terms what bitUSD is and links for wallet downloads, and a links to local exchanges where users can buy bitUSD.  All marketing will direct people to this portal, to sell them the idea, get them to download a wallet and then direct them on to an exchange to fill up their wallet.

I'll be able to measure the wallet downloads to find out which traffic sources resulted in the highest or lowest conversion rate (downloading a bitUSD wallet + clicking through to an exchange) and modify the campaign accordingly in order to improve cost effectiveness over time.

Hey Tonyk, you once said this:

Actually I am on quite the opposite opinion on this...
Let's hire 10x more people that we have now. It will be like 60 delegates @ 100% .
Let's not evaluate them after 3 mo., let's do it in 4.5 mo...

It costs us 6.5%*0.6*4.5/12 or about  1.4625% inflation....

Do you stand by your statement?  Will you vote for me?  My campaign is live and every vote and endorsement counts.




MethodX and the Nullstreet Blues.  A grass roots marketing effort targeting, among other things, economies like Argentina where stable alternative currencies are most needed.

Great write up.  +5%

I just want to correct that MeTHoDx is not targeting Argentina at all, I am!  And it wont happen unless people get their votes in. 


If you had a 100% delegate, could Open Bazaar be something you could also handle?

You will have my vote  +5%

General Discussion / Re: User Issued Asset Upgrades
« on: December 02, 2014, 09:39:22 pm »
The wiki page is completely empty:

EVERYONE is invited to change that .. please go ahead! Write something .. I can't do all of it on my own

Part 2 of my article series will include a guide to creating a user issued asset complete with screenshots which could be recycled into wiki content.  I'll need to issue an asset myself to educate myself and take screenshots. 

General Discussion / Re: Community Marketing Newsletter - 12-02 - 2
« on: December 02, 2014, 07:55:29 pm »
Great writeup HPEnvy and thanks for the inclusion.

The sooner people vote for me the sooner I can get started on the bitUSD portal and cementing plans with bitUSD drops in Argentina.  Time is of the essence.  In the meantime I'm focusing my time on the article series at the bottom of the update.

General Discussion / Re: User Issued Asset Upgrades
« on: December 02, 2014, 07:49:20 pm »
Is there a place with all the information about user issued assets?  I'll need the info for part 2 of an article series I'm writing.   How much does it cost to issue an asset?  Did alts idea of a 'maintain fee' go ahead? The wiki page is completely empty:

I think price is something like 500 for 6-8 character asset names and 500k for 3-5 characters

For a minute there I thought you meant 500k USD lol. 

Details of the exact fees would be good.   

General Discussion / Re: User Issued Asset Upgrades
« on: December 02, 2014, 07:42:24 pm »
Is there a place with all the information about user issued assets?  I'll need the info for part 2 of an article series I'm writing.   How much does it cost to issue an asset?  Did alts idea of a 'maintain fee' go ahead? The wiki page is completely empty:

Stakeholder Proposals / Re: Slate for *.delegate.xeroc
« on: December 02, 2014, 07:10:10 pm »
Thanks xeroc!  :)

General Discussion / Re: BitAssets on the main Coinmarketcap page :)
« on: December 02, 2014, 03:32:00 pm »
They've updated it to point to as per my request.

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