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Messages - G1ng3rBr34dM4n

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General Discussion / Re: Have a message for Invictus? Look here
« on: March 05, 2014, 07:31:45 pm »
  • How are Daniel and Stan related?

Ah, so Luke and Darth it is, my curiosity was really itching. Thank you.

General Discussion / Re: Have a message for Invictus? Look here
« on: March 05, 2014, 06:52:31 pm »
  • ...Perhaps someone else can answer this, but: In one, easy to understand sentence; What is the competitive advantage BitShares has compared to all the other competitors? (i.e.Eethereum, colored coins, Mastercoin, ripple, NXT, Counterparty)
  • How are you going to most effectively allow proper utilization of the funds raised from AGS?
  • How are Daniel and Stan related?
  • From a philosophical perspective, what are the biggest challenges that keep you up at night?
  • From a technical perspective, what are the biggest challenges that keep you up at night?
  • To each I3 employee - If you could have any mediocre superpower, what would it be?

General Discussion / Re: Bitcointalk Presence
« on: March 05, 2014, 05:14:58 pm »
Quick, everyone vote this question up and answer it.

Nice spot.  Done. 

Also added a link to

General Discussion / Re: which will be the next?
« on: March 03, 2014, 05:56:36 pm »
In any case, there should be enough resources to go parallel.


Adam - can you elaborate what you're referring to when you say "makes it uniquely Invictus"?

General Discussion / Re: On Marketing and Priorities
« on: March 03, 2014, 05:47:36 pm »
Adam - Thank you for initiating this conversation.  I don't know about anyone else, but I've been a part of this movement (PTS / BitShares, et al.) thanks ONLY to be a listener of LTB, specifically episode 57.  Keep up the great work on LTB too, btw.  You have definitely stepped up your game; I'm one of your listeners that has gone back and heard every episode from the beginning and can verify content and quality have been on the rise.   

Seems like a whole lot of ideas from the community, and the bottleneck is communicating with Invictus. Why don't we allocate some of the war chest, just like 10-20 BTC to start, to the community and let the community decide what we want to do with it. We can develop and purchase our own ads, media, etc.

Really an experiment here, but I think its worth trying.

I love it...and your use of the term "we" makes me smile.  I will simply urge one thing, however.  Rome was not built in a day...and in my experience all strong communities form over time as passionate and resolute members trickle in and become part of the family.  So be stubborn and dare to believe you are a valuable member!


The most effective movements start as organic, 'grassroots' initiatives. 

Again, Brian from Invictus - PUT US TO WORK!  How can we help?  We want to help!  Where can we post comments, upvote reddit posts, retweet hashtags, share Facebook posts, etc. etc. etc?!? This type of information isn't being captured and communicated to the forums in a way that we can help. 

I would propose generating a list of BitShares-related hashtags, pair tweets with #bitcoin, and utilize Twitter for the powerful media tool that it is.  Mainstream media is all over bitcoin right now like white on rice and I'm sure countless writers are spending hours scanning through bitcoin hashtags.  Let's design and create some strategic serendipity.  The timing is ripe for reinforcing the merits of a decentralized exchange in the wake of the Gox catastrophe.

3I - Let me know how I can help.

BitShares PTS / Re: What are Proto-Shares?
« on: February 26, 2014, 04:48:50 am »
As a financial Compliance office and developer I'm currently working with several partners in regards of building a exchange that will be core for the main forex market place and compliant with trade rules and regulations. We have been working with NYSE and CME and really interested in moving into this side of the market. if you have any suggestions or wish to participate lat me know

can I ask that there would be any potential legal issues with proto-shares/bitshares? like how bitcoin is abused by criminals, bitshares can be abused too, and the govt can pick on Invictus Corp.

Pick on me they may, stop BitShares and Proto-Shares they will not.    The point of this coin is to establish market demand for BitShares + other ideas of Invictus.  ANYONE could implement it and the social contract would be enforced because it is all open source code :)

Jus a quick question, when bts released those who hold pts will get a bts reward. so, that means, if they have 1 pts in there hand, they are getting 1 pts and 1 bts?

Yes, except I'm fairly certain you'll actually receive 1.3 BTS for each PTS.

Can anyone articulate the reason for holding PTS vs. selling for BTC and donating for AGS?  (projected 1.3 BTS / PTS vs. 3.33 BTS / AGS)  Am I missing something here?

Hi Adam,

From a noobs perspective I think you're overreacting a bit.

In this fast evolving crypto space, I'd rather see a company adapt and make changes, then just continue the lesser original plan. If the funding with PTS was simply just not enough, then AGS was necessary. Something could be said about how AGS devalued PTS in the short term, but it's to late to reverse. But the value of PTS to BTS and following DAC's hasn't got worse.

So far the decisions made by III seem logical.

I'm going to give this a +5% too.

I think we need to really break this down to the bare bones and keep it simple:  This, is bitcoin2.0;

One has to apply this mindset to investments in PTS/AGS/BTSX, et. al.... and compare how its holding against BTC.  A few months back, I invested half the BTC I owned into the 3I ecosystem; initially got in through mining PTS and then when the coyote pool shut down, buying on the exchanges; eventually converting to AGS (through selling PTS for BTC on an exchange and finally donating BTC for AGS).

Here's where things 'clicked' for me:  From that snapshot, the half of my BTC I let ride - witnessed a 40+% decline; meanwhile, the half invested in PTS, ....then AGS (..and soon to be BTS-X...) has appreciated 12%.  Daniel has mentioned a few times of "thinking in terms of buckets of value" and I really like that perspective.  Long story short, I've experienced much better gains through diversifying my investment portfolio [of cryptocurrencies] by reallocating the 'bucket of value' from BTC to AGS; and that - makes me a happy investor. 

I don't believe this is an instance of 3I, or anyone else, trying to influence the market for short-term returns; or as Adam stated, "fixation on short term value".  I believe this is market feedback to a system that's starting to wake up and begin breathing.  This has so far proven to be a great example of rapid iterations of building minimum viable products, that are operating favorably according to feedback.  Think: Lean Startup - that's the iterative product development process 3I is following, whether consciously or not.  I've been extremely impressed with each of the pivots made in order to maintain and excel value growth.

Keep up the good work, 3I - you guys are working hard and its really starting to show, IMHO - through market feedback and hard data.



    When you guys Officially come out with BTS.
 Make sure  there's a Mac Wallet.
    PLEASE consider the Mac users!!! 

(I'm still unable to claim any MMC from my PTS wallet.dat in a working Mac Memorycoin wallet.  :'(



General Discussion / Re: Division of Labor
« on: January 06, 2014, 05:04:22 pm »

Is it possible to re-direct the coyote miner to different pool?  If so, how?

Have you tried this?

Code: [Select]

I tried that with the PTSpool web address and got:
Code: [Select]
Broken pipe
    {"message":"Broken pipe"}
    asio  asio.cpp:28 read_write_handler/code]

Is it possible to re-direct the coyote miner to different pool?  If so, how?

BitShares PTS / Which is the better ROI on 10 PTS: Keyhotee ID or hold?
« on: December 04, 2013, 06:58:36 pm »
Hey All - I've been following along for almost a month now and even got into mining a few weeks back. 

I initially started mining because I was intrigued in obtaining a Keyhotee ID for 10 PTS.  However, after 2 weeks of mining in the coyote pool, I yielded about 4.5 PTS and I noticed the payout decreased the last several days (I've been off the grid the past week, so forgive my ignorance if this has been talked about as I try to catch up on everything, I noticed bytemaster mentioned something about people dropping from the pool...)

In any case, I THINK I may be able to come up with an additional 5.5 PTS by the projected launch date of New Years (mining + exchange purchases); but my question now is: which choice would have the bigger advantage in the long run, hold the 10 PTS or trade for a genesis block Keyhotee ID?

I don't have the means to buy very many shares like some folks; if I go the  Keyhotee route, that would hypothetically be my entire stash of PTS... is it worth it?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I'm interested in being an Alpha Tester as well.  Is this thread still 'current'?

General Discussion / Re: so what is the business model ?
« on: November 21, 2013, 05:53:06 pm »

Which of these resources, or others, would you recommend?

YouTube Videos
A New Approach to BTC Exchanges - Charles Hoskinson
Introduction to BitShares - Daniel Larimer  (an expanded version of Charles' overview above.)
Introduction to Keyhotee - Daniel Larimer

E57 - Protoshares and Selfish Mining - Adam Levine interviews Dan Larimer
E44 - I've Seen Better Days - Adam Levine interviews Dan Larimer
Keep One Eye on ProtoShares - Sovryn Tech Ep. 0048

DACs that Spawn DACs?  by Stan Larimer in
DACs Revisited by Dan Larimer in
Bitcoin and the Three Laws of Robotics by Stan Larimer in
BitShares as a Distributed Autonomous Bank  by Daniel Larimer
Bookie Bob's Solution to Bitcoin Volatility by Stan Larimer
A case study of The Associated Press, DAC  by Daniel Larimer
        Also The DAC Associated Press, in
Is Bitcoin Overpaying for Security?  by Daniel Larimer in
Bootstrapping DACs - 1  by Vitalik Buterin in Bitcoin Magazine
Bootstrapping DACs - 2  by Vitalik Buterin in Bitcoin Magazine
Bootstrapping DACS - 3  by Vitalik Buterin in Bitcoin Magazine
Own your own Identity with BitShares   by Daniel Larimer in
BitShares P2P trading platform to offer dividends on bitcoin by Danny Bradbury  in CoinDesk
Bitcoin is the new Napster   by Dan Steinhart at Casey Research

White Papers
Momentum Proof of Work White Paper by Daniel Larimer
Bitcoin Classic White Paper #1   by Satoshi Nakamoto
BitShares Classic White Paper #1   by Daniel Larimer, Charles Hoskinson and Stan Larimer

Links to articles as mentioned by Stan here:

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