Author Topic: What is BitShares PTS (proto-shares)?  (Read 132237 times)

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Re: What is BitShares PTS (proto-shares)?
« Reply #117 on: April 22, 2014, 01:40:39 pm »
The folders with the 'wallet.dat' files changed!!

Offline Michio Kaku

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Re: What is BitShares PTS (proto-shares)?
« Reply #116 on: April 22, 2014, 12:47:10 pm »
I bought some PTS and forgot about it until I learned only today about the snapshot event. Looks like I missed the opportunity as my PTS was in an exchange (Cryptsy).
Can someone please advise/explain how I can convert/sell PTS into Bitshares now? Thank you.
Since Bitshares XT is not actually available yet, there is really nothing you can do but wait. In the meantime, you might ask Cryptsy what their plans are for situations like yours. Ask them if they will send you the BTS once it's up and running.
Cryptsy could not do anything about that. However, when I checked my account today, the PTS I had bought initially is GONE! It is replaced by Bitshare PTS and my balance is ZERO. Have I just lost everything? How does this thing work? Help please!

Offline CryptoN8

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Re: What is BitShares PTS (proto-shares)?
« Reply #115 on: March 20, 2014, 05:30:52 pm »
So where to buy PTS? On crypsty and then send them to my wallet ?

How profitable is to put a DigitalOcean droplet to mine ?

Yes, Cryptsy or another exchange. Then send to your wallet.
It is not profitable to mine on a droplet anymore. You need lots of hardware these days.

Offline Vanduric

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Re: What is BitShares PTS (proto-shares)?
« Reply #114 on: March 20, 2014, 02:52:31 pm »
So where to buy PTS? On crypsty and then send them to my wallet ?

How profitable is to put a DigitalOcean droplet to mine ?

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Re: What is BitShares PTS (proto-shares)?
« Reply #113 on: March 09, 2014, 07:51:14 am »
I bought some PTS and forgot about it until I learned only today about the snapshot event. Looks like I missed the opportunity as my PTS was in an exchange (Cryptsy).
Can someone please advise/explain how I can convert/sell PTS into Bitshares now? Thank you.

I'll trade 85 PTS that's "being converted" on BeedUI for 85 PTS in hand.

I am willing to do that. Sent you PM.

Offline zvs

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Re: What is BitShares PTS (proto-shares)?
« Reply #112 on: March 06, 2014, 12:48:20 pm »
I bought some PTS and forgot about it until I learned only today about the snapshot event. Looks like I missed the opportunity as my PTS was in an exchange (Cryptsy).
Can someone please advise/explain how I can convert/sell PTS into Bitshares now? Thank you.

I'll trade 85 PTS that's "being converted" on BeedUI for 85 PTS in hand.
Pls to join Primedice 3 and frolic about merrily whilst gambling awe-inspiring quantities of bitcoins. The power of Christ compels you.

I have a dogecoin p2pool at Nogleg.

Offline CryptoN8

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Re: What is BitShares PTS (proto-shares)?
« Reply #111 on: March 04, 2014, 12:32:07 am »
I bought some PTS and forgot about it until I learned only today about the snapshot event. Looks like I missed the opportunity as my PTS was in an exchange (Cryptsy).
Can someone please advise/explain how I can convert/sell PTS into Bitshares now? Thank you.
Since Bitshares XT is not actually available yet, there is really nothing you can do but wait. In the meantime, you might ask Cryptsy what their plans are for situations like yours. Ask them if they will send you the BTS once it's up and running.

Offline Michio Kaku

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Re: What is BitShares PTS (proto-shares)?
« Reply #110 on: March 03, 2014, 11:08:45 pm »
I bought some PTS and forgot about it until I learned only today about the snapshot event. Looks like I missed the opportunity as my PTS was in an exchange (Cryptsy).
Can someone please advise/explain how I can convert/sell PTS into Bitshares now? Thank you.

Offline yellowecho

Re: What is BitShares PTS (proto-shares)?
« Reply #109 on: February 27, 2014, 11:53:16 pm »
.... can't wait to see them on MarketCap....
Can't wait until I see bitUSD and bitGLD in the top 50  8)

Offline Daxman

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Re: What is BitShares PTS (proto-shares)?
« Reply #108 on: February 27, 2014, 11:15:45 pm »
PTS are liquid, seem to hold their price well and offer dividends in future DACs.  Bitshares are still future, are not liquid, yet offer a ground floor op in some very interesting much needed DAC products.  I want in on both so I am holding my PTS and making some donations.  Some are concerned about a drop in price for PTS,  however, PTS holders will receive significant BTS as dividends so if PTS price drops somewhat, I am being paid BTS to hold them.  Yippee!  Invictus seems to be one of the few if not only firms that understands how to profit from DAC technologies.  Some of the other firms sound a bit too vague and ambiguous for me.  Ok boys, let's get these DACs released - the world is waiting .... can't wait to see them on MarketCap....

Offline yellowecho

Re: What are Proto-Shares?
« Reply #107 on: February 26, 2014, 05:51:12 am »
Can anyone articulate the reason for holding PTS vs. selling for BTC and donating for AGS?  (projected 1.3 BTS / PTS vs. 3.33 BTS / AGS)  Am I missing something here?

Because you can also buy AGS using PTS..  no need to sell for BTC unless you think the daily donations will swing in your favor.
Another strategy would be to hold PTS until after the snapshot THEN buy AGS when the volume drops.  That'd give you a huge AGS position for future DAC releases.
« Last Edit: February 26, 2014, 05:54:07 am by yellowecho »

Offline G1ng3rBr34dM4n

Re: What are Proto-Shares?
« Reply #106 on: February 26, 2014, 04:48:50 am »
As a financial Compliance office and developer I'm currently working with several partners in regards of building a exchange that will be core for the main forex market place and compliant with trade rules and regulations. We have been working with NYSE and CME and really interested in moving into this side of the market. if you have any suggestions or wish to participate lat me know

can I ask that there would be any potential legal issues with proto-shares/bitshares? like how bitcoin is abused by criminals, bitshares can be abused too, and the govt can pick on Invictus Corp.

Pick on me they may, stop BitShares and Proto-Shares they will not.    The point of this coin is to establish market demand for BitShares + other ideas of Invictus.  ANYONE could implement it and the social contract would be enforced because it is all open source code :)

Jus a quick question, when bts released those who hold pts will get a bts reward. so, that means, if they have 1 pts in there hand, they are getting 1 pts and 1 bts?

Yes, except I'm fairly certain you'll actually receive 1.3 BTS for each PTS.

Can anyone articulate the reason for holding PTS vs. selling for BTC and donating for AGS?  (projected 1.3 BTS / PTS vs. 3.33 BTS / AGS)  Am I missing something here?

Offline yellowecho

Re: What are Proto-Shares?
« Reply #105 on: February 25, 2014, 10:52:21 pm »
As a financial Compliance office and developer I'm currently working with several partners in regards of building a exchange that will be core for the main forex market place and compliant with trade rules and regulations. We have been working with NYSE and CME and really interested in moving into this side of the market. if you have any suggestions or wish to participate lat me know

can I ask that there would be any potential legal issues with proto-shares/bitshares? like how bitcoin is abused by criminals, bitshares can be abused too, and the govt can pick on Invictus Corp.

Pick on me they may, stop BitShares and Proto-Shares they will not.    The point of this coin is to establish market demand for BitShares + other ideas of Invictus.  ANYONE could implement it and the social contract would be enforced because it is all open source code :)

Jus a quick question, when bts released those who hold pts will get a bts reward. so, that means, if they have 1 pts in there hand, they are getting 1 pts and 1 bts?

Yes, except I'm fairly certain you'll actually receive 1.3 BTS for each PTS.

Offline kickky

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Re: What are Proto-Shares?
« Reply #104 on: February 25, 2014, 04:56:23 pm »
As a financial Compliance office and developer I'm currently working with several partners in regards of building a exchange that will be core for the main forex market place and compliant with trade rules and regulations. We have been working with NYSE and CME and really interested in moving into this side of the market. if you have any suggestions or wish to participate lat me know

can I ask that there would be any potential legal issues with proto-shares/bitshares? like how bitcoin is abused by criminals, bitshares can be abused too, and the govt can pick on Invictus Corp.

Pick on me they may, stop BitShares and Proto-Shares they will not.    The point of this coin is to establish market demand for BitShares + other ideas of Invictus.  ANYONE could implement it and the social contract would be enforced because it is all open source code :)

Jus a quick question, when bts released those who hold pts will get a bts reward. so, that means, if they have 1 pts in there hand, they are getting 1 pts and 1 bts?

Offline jwiz168

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Re: What is BitShares PTS (proto-shares)?
« Reply #103 on: February 22, 2014, 03:36:07 am »
 +5%  +5%  +5%