Is my protoshare public key the address I use to receive protoshares from others?
I just need to know what my public key is so that I can use it to dump my private key.
And eventually use that private key to claim future DAC shares (all correct?)
Still struggling with this one guys
Remember that your wallet contains several addresses that it doesn't display. These are change addresses used if you've ever sent less than your entire balance to another address. When you view your wallet balance it automatically adds up all the addresses in the key pool of that .dat file.
If you decide to go the route of dumping your private key please make sure to read up on change addresses and also the various console commands (like listaddressgroupings) to list all the addresses with balances in the .dat file. Otherwise when you import your privkey to another wallet you won't see the balance you're expecting.
Another option is to do the following:
1) Create a new wallet.dat file by exiting the client, renaming your existing .dat to something else, and then restarting the client.
2) Note down the public address of this new wallet.dat, encrypt the wallet, dump the privkey and note it down as well.
3) Shutdown the client and copy the wallet.dat to somewhere else safe.
4) Copy your original wallet.dat file back and start the client.
5) Send all your coins to the address you noted down in step 2.
This should leave you with an empty wallet and all your coins stored under a single address and privkey. I plan to do this before the BTS block is poured.