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Messages - speedy

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General Discussion / Re: Relative orders for bitBTC/bitUSD?
« on: January 13, 2015, 10:06:24 pm »
I'm wondering if it's planned to have them for cross pairs as well, such as bitBTC/bitUSD, using our price feeds relatively. It would give our exchange a completely unique selling point that no other bitcoin exchange has, since it makes it so easy to profit from market making.

Yeeess! I am so looking forward to seeing massive liquidity in bitBTC/bitUSD.

General Discussion / Re: NuBits is a Ponzi [BLOG POST]
« on: January 13, 2015, 10:01:10 pm »
To all those complaining about Bytemaster attacking Nubits, check out this risk table he made back in 2013:

His predictions have a tendency to be correct.

General Discussion / Re: NuBits is a Ponzi [BLOG POST]
« on: January 13, 2015, 09:31:48 pm »
Great blog post as always!

Unless the custodian liquidated to real USD they now have 50% of the capital required to buy back the NuBits.

You could have put in a bit of shameless plugging and said "liquidated to real USD (or BitUSD)"  :P

General Discussion / Re: Recommended Reading
« on: January 12, 2015, 11:10:08 pm »
Then I guess I shouldn't express my opinions on vaccinations ;)

Write a blog post on it (if you want)

Id be interested to hear your thoughts on it.

General Discussion / Re: possible way to optimize the bts client
« on: January 12, 2015, 11:04:25 pm »
Apart from Bitcoin there's probably no other blockchain that has a lightweight client. BTS is awesome +5%

General Discussion / Re: What is Bitcoin and why does it have value?
« on: January 12, 2015, 10:57:08 pm »
Agree with all your logical points here, but this reminds me of what Max says by "reputation problem":

I have left the Bitcoin blockchain to start BitShares because I want to remain true to the founding principles of Bitcoin.

Arent we meant to be marketing BitShares as the best exchange to trade Bitcoin on?

Maybe phrase that nicer "I am trying to demonstrate how efficient the Bitcoin blockchain could be."

General Discussion / Re: The current path of USD to bitUSD
« on: January 12, 2015, 09:03:46 pm »
To be fair my projections on certain gateways coming on line were based upon statements by Brian Page which turned out to be way off the mark. 

From what I know right now, there are several exchanges that are in the process of integrating with us.  We even have Dan & Eric actively working to produce a gateway.  Unfortunately, our dev team can do very little to accelerate the development teams of 3rd party exchanges.   It will take time, but slow and steady will win the race.

Thanks for the update Bytemaster!


Can we have names of these "several exchanges"?

I dont see the point in staying in stealth mode, and it just leaves lingering doubts for BTS holders.

For a good example of how to launch, the UK exchange Coinfloor announced their offering many months before going live. They were giving frequent updates on their development progress and security testing etc. I wish we had the same thing for the Bitshares gateways. I know that youre not directly responsible for them, but if we at least know who they are then we can tweet/upvote/support them.

How about switching some of your bot's funds to improve liquidity on BitBTC ?

Why are you writing this in C# instead of something cross platform like Python?

General Discussion / Re: Merging Ethereum and BitShares
« on: January 09, 2015, 01:24:56 am »
I say dont delete this post.

Here is another question: Can EtherUSD capture its transaction fees and return them to EtherUSD holders as yield? Or are they just sent into the mining vortex as usual? Again switching to PoS at a later date is another reason why BitShares does BitAssets more cleanly.

Would love to know what Charles thinks.

General Discussion / Re: Merging Ethereum and BitShares
« on: January 09, 2015, 01:17:04 am »
Q: Has Ethereum acknowledged that BitAssets are the best way to solve the volatility problem as well as the exchange counterparty risk problem?

Ethereum won't have to acknowledge this for market pegged assets to come into existence. If you already have a functional exchange, it's gonna be pretty easy to code market pegged assets into it.

Not disagreeing, but which do you trust more: the blockchain that specializes in and invented the crypto bank account & collateralized exchange, or some Serpent script that rips off the idea?

General Discussion / Re: Merging Ethereum and BitShares
« on: January 09, 2015, 12:37:42 am »
Yes very bold post, but...

Q: Has Ethereum acknowledged that BitAssets are the best way to solve the volatility problem as well as the exchange counterparty risk problem?
Q: Has Ethereum acknowledged that a blockchain needs to have an efficient consensus mechanism that doesnt burn wealth from the stake holders, or are they still lazily clinging on to mining?
Q: Is Ether going to be tied up as 300% collateral for dozens of BitAssets?

The answer to these questions are all no, so I think BitShares can hold its own. Also, wouldnt you say that as soon as Vitalik writes a blog post saying "we are copying DPOS", or "we are copying BitAssets using Serpent", that will be great publicity for us, and we have a cleaner more trustworthy implementation of BitAssets, as well as the BitUSD brand name.

Copying BitShares technology would be an admission that this is where the strongest blockchain innovation is. And if they dont copy BitAssets and DPOS, then what is the point of holding large amounts of Ether? Sure I might buy a few Ethers to run a few contracts, but do I need lots of it? No.

BitShares will be the most secure global Bitcoin exchange with the most liquidity and tightest spreads. Ethereum will host a few niche Dapps. What is the killer Dapp for Ethereum anyway?

In terms of a platform for decentralized websites, wouldnt you say MaidSafe will eventually be better?

Btw Gavin already wrote a blog post saying "no mergers".

If Ive said anything incorrect in this post, someone correct me...

General Discussion / Re: Max Keiser about BitShares
« on: January 08, 2015, 01:06:36 am »
Maybe reach out to him on twitter and ask him if he wants 10 BitUSD? That might get him interested if you say its collateralized 300% by BitShares. He is often talking on his show about how these days everything is fictional without any collateral.

My procedure:
-Have a machine that you only use for 1 thing - crypto.
-Install Linux on it
-Compile the BTS wallet yourself from source. Happy to help if you have any problems with that.
-BACKUP on usb drives.

I dont think we have cold storage yet. But Im not too worried about being hacked with those steps. Hope Im not tempting fate.

Technical Support / Re: I want to buy BTS without using BTER
« on: January 05, 2015, 11:44:49 pm »
Then later bitassets.   I don't know how I could ever live without bitassets which let me stay crypto as long as possible.

Thats exactly how I feel. If everyone into cryptocurrency really understood this, they would acknowledge that this is their dream blockchain.

Im gonna steal your quote :p

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