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Messages - Akado

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If Emercoin did it...

Future prediction:
Azure partners with BitShares > NASDAQ adopts BitShares as a trading engine.

The key value system is a direct ripoff of namecoin aliases, then they tie it into the ddns system.

There is a dns server built in, and a pay per click model builtin which is interesting...

No unittests.. Its a sell for me.

I never even heard of it, I can't really give my opinion on their tech but it's an amazing feat getting on Azure. I wonder about us. I think we'd have a shot, unless of course that was achieved by someone with the right connections, which we seem we're lacking. But if they did it I'm sure we could too.

If Emercoin did it...
Future prediction:
Azure partners with BitShares > NASDAQ adopts BitShares as a trading engine.

General Discussion / Re: STEALTH / Confidential Milestones
« on: January 16, 2016, 02:56:11 pm »

Also, liked the detail of "stupid wallet makes me register to browse". That's definitely something that needs to change. Not being able to check it without registering puts people off.

We've changed this a couple of months ago, now you can browse before you create your first account.
@valzav good to know you're here. So can you please apply this change to Thanks!

Currently, open "" from Chrome from a new PC/mobile phone, it shows a login page.  :-X

OK, from the top we can click explore -> trade, so that a list of market will show. However when click on a market, it go back to login page.  :-X

By the way, if type in Google, we see only "loading...".

Yes, it should immediately show markets (bts/btc) and maybe a popup asking to register but that could be removed by the user so he could take a peak

Question in the tittle. I'm honestly surprised because I've never heard of emercoin

On the annoucement it mentions:
Emercoin: A leading digital currency and Blockchain platform that focuses on innovative, scalable enterprise services.

I haven't searched but I doubt it has all the features that their homepage mentions implemented already.. Like BitShares..

So, what could take us there? How did they manage to pull an Azure like ethereum? Azure should go for the best options, well, we're one of the best. I dont recall Emercoin having any PR so our lack of it doesn't make it the reason... Probably they know someone there?

What could take us there? Anyone has any contacts ?

Openledger / Re: Welcome to the ......WORLD of OBITS!
« on: January 16, 2016, 12:51:56 pm »
Ronny the video thumbnail (the image showing before you play it) needs to be changed. it might put people off and it's not attractive at all. A big red sign. Get it to be the OpenLedger logo instead

Believe me I have tried to ask, but I am told you are only able to choose yourself after first 100 subscribers have signed up, untill then the thumbnail is picked random by youtube. This is the information I am told, if anyone is able to change this or has knowledge  in that way, by all means, I have wanted to have it start from beginning ever since it was launched, just not that simple apparently.

I didn't know about that! Well then it's simple, OpenLedger needs to have 100 subscriptions!

Openledger / Re: Welcome to the ......WORLD of OBITS!
« on: January 16, 2016, 12:27:49 pm »
Ronny the video thumbnail (the image showing before you play it) needs to be changed. it might put people off and it's not attractive at all. A big red sign. Get it to be the OpenLedger logo instead

wmbutler was on holiday for 10 days or so .. he has started to work on the gui again

@xeroc are you in contact with him? 2 weeks have passed

General Discussion / Re: Mt Gox > Cryptsy - Time for BTS?
« on: January 16, 2016, 12:21:47 pm »
is bts ready ?  bts iou  have the same risk
atom cross trade  would it be possible?
QORA did have it?

Exactly, it's not. Please check the link above and give your input

General Discussion / Re: Bitshares price discussion
« on: January 16, 2016, 12:44:06 am »
We're holding up pretty well today, amidst the carnage around us.

vs USD

vs BTC, most are doing fine

General Discussion / Re: STEALTH / Confidential Milestones
« on: January 16, 2016, 12:41:31 am »

Also, liked the detail of "stupid wallet makes me register to browse". That's definitely something that needs to change. Not being able to check it without registering puts people off.

General Discussion / Re: Bitshares price discussion
« on: January 15, 2016, 07:50:58 pm »
on the bright side. we have a peg. 1/3 of a cent. still pegged though. challenge achieved.

General Discussion / Re: how about to pay salary to committee members?
« on: January 15, 2016, 04:07:07 pm »
yunbi proxy + bitcrab voting power are far less than being able to control the committee.

enough incentive already? why there are still 3 empty slots in the committee?

Not because there are no incentives but probably because there aren't as many people with enough knowledge that can fit that position. Or maybe shareholders think so and don't vote whoever is trying to get in.

I mean, if someone has the knowledge and cares about BitShares I assume they would go for it. I assume everyone wants to protect their investment. I might be wrong though, but there might not be enough people with the knowledge/skills needed to hold that position.

I don't know about the Chinese community but I think you're the only one on the committee? I would like to see more Chinese make part of it in hope there would be more communication and debate. As well as having more influence on Chinese exchanges since there's where most of the money seems to be.

Most of the committee is currently Asian actually.

I have been attempting to get committee members to committee to weekly meetings but I have only gotten three even reply to the idea and offer any input on their availability... rest just say nothing and so we can't get a weekly meeting going.

At present there isn't enough activity from the present members to justify any sort of pay. In addition to this I have been encouraging more transparency on discussions and I think until this becomes the regular practice there should be no money coming in for fear it will become the defacto standard to not have weekly meetings and not communicate with the community and get paid all the while.

Once we have established a working process with agenda and regular meetings with parameters of the extent of work w are undertaking.. at that point we can talk about pay. Until then we shouldn't be considering writing blank cheques to members.

My thoughts anyways.

But do they speak chinese? Just asking because this could bring the community more together. There seems to be some lack of communication between both communities which is a shame. Together we could do much more!

I thought you already did this or have a communication channel (ie chat) for committee members only. The same way we have mumbles at friday you should get some schedule to met up and debate stuff. Of course this is easier said than done, unfortunately..

Agree with your post

General Discussion / Re: [EBM] Poloniex
« on: January 15, 2016, 01:55:38 pm »
Does anyone have a chart showing Polo's volume evolution throughout time? Or about any other exchanges? Also when did they started leverage trading?

Same question for any other exchanges with leverage.

I think this would be interesting to know so we have an idea on what to expect if we implement Bond Markets. The potential for our current volume to grow.

btw @puppies xeroc and alt have shared their bots with the community

This will probably be answered when Dan gives the usual update but in case he doesn't mention it..

- The first milestone of the STEALTH implementation was scheduled to be finish around January 15th (today). We know there are always delays, could you tell us if you're close to achieve it?

- Could you sometime around this next week provide us with a budget on how much would Bond Markets cost us if you were to implement it? Even if a rough estimate. I think that would be interesting to know since it's something people have showed interest in. It would be cool to debate to see if the shareholders who use the forum think it's worth it vs the cost you present us with.
Edit: Noticed this was basically the same as Bhuz's last question.

Random Discussion / Re: Mike Hearn:Why has Bitcoin failed?
« on: January 15, 2016, 01:32:05 pm »
My responce:

I would only add that shareholders can easily kick out any malicious committee members by voting.

I also think Bitcoin's consensus is broken. Proof is the blocksize debate and how this has escalated. I don't really like to go into "my coin is better than yours" type of arguments, but we could actually do that in a very short period of time. Even if it's a polemic action and we see unhappy people on the forums, in the end the shareholders vote and if something is approved that means there is consensus, meaning all whining is irrelevant.

Bitcoin is just stuck on an endless loop of useless arguments. The few people that actually decide to take action and go with XT got DDoS'ed  and shut down lol the exact opposite of what Bitcoin should be. Once again something that started with good intentions got corrupted by politics and 3rd party interests.

The thing that really got me excited about Bitcoin and why I think it had the potential to be so powerful is because it could end or at least decrease corruption. However it's current methods aren't working. The ones who take initiative are attacked.

It would be just as simple as let people go with XT and see if the majority would adopt or not. If it's forked and now we have 2 "Bitcoins" competing, what's the problem? Are people worried it could take the whole thing down? That only proves it wasn't good enough to begin with.

Bitcoin is corrupted. The community I see on forums is just the worst and they aren't any better than altcoin pumpers and shills. I just see no difference. It has become something way toxic. It wasn't either good enough from the start or maybe it was just too good and people just aren't ready and let corruption get the best of them. Pick one, the end result is the same and at the sight of everyone.

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