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Messages - Gentso1

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BitShares AGS / Re: 100btsx bounty for help importing ags dontation
« on: August 17, 2014, 06:45:07 pm »
no problem and very honorable. I will get in touch with him and let him know where it is coming from

General Discussion / Re: USDcoin anyone?
« on: August 17, 2014, 06:42:30 pm »
It would be cool if they used DPOS and honored the social consensus. We'd all be billionaires.

It would be nice :) But they'd release a pretty centralised coin and it would have little anonymity I would suspect.

I would have mixed feelings about being partnered with them. Yea we would all be rich but it would be completely opposite of what we are trying to do.  Can I buy new morals with money(idea for bitasset, lol) 

BitShares AGS / Re: 100btsx bounty for help importing ags dontation
« on: August 17, 2014, 06:13:37 pm »
Thank for the help guys and please delete the thread if you can it only reminds me

BitShares AGS / Re: 100btsx bounty for help importing ags dontation
« on: August 17, 2014, 06:10:33 pm »
I got it  :-*

It wasn't that wif key but because of that I found the actual cause.
I have 2 separate passwords for each wallet.  I was using the wrong password and btsx just kept saying wallet was successfully imported(bug?) even though it wasn't, which in turn just made me more confused.

Because of what you suggested I tried exporting private and public keys and that when I noticed I was trying to input the password for another wallet and thus lead me to the solution.

post your btsx account name sir 100 btsx to tonyk.

General Discussion / USDcoin anyone?
« on: August 17, 2014, 05:59:20 pm »

I found this to be a interesting article. While usdcoin would have many disadvantages as far as centralization and the fact that it is backed be a government that is trillions in debt.

It would have the advantage of well being backed by the gov and that tends to make most people feel, safer about it.

Who thinks they will actually release a gov backed coin? Will private companies be able to compete with digital gov backed coins? Would the masses accept a gov backed coin over a privately backed one?

BitShares AGS / 100btsx bounty for help importing ags dontation
« on: August 17, 2014, 05:48:05 pm »
Ok friends I give up and I need help importing my ags donation. this is my donation

I used electrum version 1.9.8. I have 2 wallet files I found the transaction in the wallet and checked the details and the same addy is listed that is listed in the block explorer(so I know I have the right one). I also imported both wallets but no change

When I import the wallet file into bitshares x it says that it was successful but I only have 1 transaction from genesis block and that was for my pts holdings. I was able to import the pts no problem. I can also provide screen shots to confirm everything I said. I am sure it is a mistake I am making on my end but I can not for the life of me figure out what it is.

First person that posts here whatever the missing piece is to this puzzle gets 100 btsx upon successful completion of me getting the 108,079.861715 BTSX that is shown on block explore. Thanks and good luck

General Discussion / Re: Earn 5% on your BitUSD Now with BitShares X
« on: August 16, 2014, 05:27:52 pm »
I believe that the one thing Bitshres eco system lacks is complexity.
It is so flat learning curve that in order to make it intriguing for every newcomer we need to add up everyday. Mass adoption will easily follow if everybody comes to Bitshares and do not finds the whole concept boring and lacking new ideas. If there is nothing progressive, innovative, experimental and groundbreaking they will simply leave. Actually if only a couple of groundbreaking innovations happen at the time of their visit they may leave and never return.

 The market peg is a Giant experiment in itself... DPOS TITAN a bunch other DACs...and that is for people already following the projects

Leave it for 3-6 mo. after we have working peg... will you?

I think we should focus on getting a point of sale device constructed now tha bitassets are coming.  Once this is accomplished exchanhes will all have btsx listed.

You mean like have the ability to use your cell phone to do transactions? :)

Why would a merchant pay for a point of sale device when they can just use a mobile device? for thought.
I would love to have a app for this, great idea.

Do exchanges know that they can use BTSX URLs? It would be nice if when attempting to deposit you could click one link that filled out the wallet transfer form with the required memo so ppl didn't neglect to include it in their transactions. It also would be nice if they hyper linked deposit/withdrawal transactions.


They probably don't even know, perhaps if we made a short how-to and just started emailing them as users they would be receptive. 

I think you have good vision and that is important.
You have my vote. If I run as a delegate I hope I can seek your vote when that time comes.

Thank you. Run and I'll vote. They/we need more individual delegates.
I agree on this 100%

Just to comment on a few other things you have said.....
Many people will run (including myself) their delegate server at a loss right now because frankly its needed. The platform is young and assets are just barely and I mean barely are starting to be traded. I think it is a little unrealistic to expect to be turning a profit or break even as a delegate for at least the next few months until the ecosystem is more developed and people start using it more.

I also agree with your marketing strategy. I am currently trying to push of run a tee shirts. Not as lofty as your goals but with a smaller price tag. The shirt's can be used for giveaways and to get crypto celebs to wear (added cost to pay them of course ;D) but these are fairly low cost ideas. As the platform develops I would love to have delegates that have pledged part of their fees towards marketing to then pool some general funds to get ideas like your off the ground.

You have my vote and feel free to shoot me a pm if you wanted to try to coordinate a joint or multi-delegate marketing fund. It would be a way to promote yourself and a way for a group of us trying to get into that 101 to set our self apart from others.   

IDentabit / Re: New remittance DAC
« on: August 16, 2014, 12:39:19 pm »
Any comments on the use of setting up a local exchange for people to cross the digital back to fiat divide?

Once the system is more developed hopefully users will just keep bitusd or whatever asset they choose(and have the option of using said asset directly with a merchant). Even better offer a exchange/store all in one place where people could use there assets right their on the spot without receiving dirty fiat.It wouldn't need to be huge (at first) but it would offer the basic's, real world goods or receiving hard pesos. To develop the idea you could get together with some local business leaders and have them agree to accept bitpesos or bitusd directly.

If you make it cheaper/easier faster then Wu with the ability to cash out this would get big quick.

General Discussion / Re: Ethereum & BitShares Partnership?
« on: August 16, 2014, 12:27:47 pm »
For all the differences  the projects have I believe you have even more in common. You guys seem to agree on many items in principle its just the way you are attempting to solve the problems that are different. The above photo of you two just walking and talking, working to solve the issue's that both platforms are working towards is truly great.

I don't claim to know all the in's and out's of all the technology being used by both parties but when 2 very intelligent minds can get together and both be excited about the meeting and pull away problem solving ideas in just 1 night........imagine what 2 great teams could do working with each other on a daily basis, or better yet re imagine it ;D.

(cliff notes, this is some unicorn,Philosopher's stone, pot of gold at the end of the rainbow shit)

IDentabit / Re: New remittance DAC
« on: August 15, 2014, 02:55:53 am »
We will be launching a fully funded remittance play with the backing of local Philippine business leaders, initially in the Philippines and then in other markets as we prefect the business model.

We have spend some months researching the environment, platforms and business models yet it was only recently we concluded how to upend the remittance market.

Part of our model demands rapid transaction times so Bitshares and Nxt are both in play as we make our final decision.

Whilst we have extensive experience in technology, business and the Philippine OFW market we realise we will NEED help in coming to terms with the chosen platform as speed is of the essence.

So we are interested in whether or not the Bitshares team and community can rally around our objective to succeed in changing the lives of millions of migrant workers, disinter-mediating the remittance parasites and getting behind a model where the final product will utilise the blockchain for millions of merchant transactions.

Finally we are intent upon supporting the ideals of Satoshi and the betterment of the community we create but rest assured we are focused on making money for us and those in our community.

Take care all and thanks for reading

As someone who has been to the Philippine's Its a perfect place to start. Remittance is a way of life for locals and ex-pats that have settled there. Oh and did I mention the high fees.

Will you operate a local exchanger? If so what city will it be out of? The key, I believe to this idea is that there will have to be a local exchange for people to cash out of. With the family based culture their and sometimes few working family members, most of these people live check to check. So if you can give them a place to cash out for less fees It will be a huge success. 

中文 (Chinese) / Re: ROSE白皮书
« on: August 15, 2014, 02:47:08 am »
只有运行的支持代表一委托帐户运行。支持 x.ebit


BTSX needs momentum; market cap is how the avalanche will start.

BTC is what is today not because of social media presence, trendy ads, political lobbying or clever P2P marketing.

BTC is what it is because there are a few very powerful and connected hands pulling the strings.

We need a few whales, not a bunch of minnows.

I3/Brian are doing this right.
Once I better understood what BitShares was trying to do it made sense that this isn't a tool looking for adoption by the masses. It's a tool for businesses and those that work/play in the ForEx and equities markets.

The DACs built with the toolkit will need to appeal to the masses if that's their market (music vs vote).

I see the marketing of this more like the marketing we see for DuPont, 3M, or Java. It's more about making people aware of the framework than trying to sell it to them so that when a DAC says it's built with BitShares people aren't hearing it for the first time.

With that in mind I too feel I3 is doing this right.

Thats funny because I look at the platform as a great equalizer. A place where minnow and whale can compete with no edge. We could make a wallstreet where home user and billionaire all enjoy the same advantages of the software and ecosystem. Why only market from one group to one demographic? What possible advantages are there to making  your average joe feel like we aren't interested in his business because he is a few zero's shy.

Millionaire's are both made and borne(born into money vs self made) lets just give them a level field to play on and let the pieces fall where they may.

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