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Messages - Gentso1

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gamey i only chose google docs because i did not know something similar, if you know something better just suggest it i will change it.

I didn't mean to imply there was anything wrong with that choice.  I was just reminding everyone how it'd be nice to have a reddit upvote squad. hrmmmm.

I smell a low cost marketing idea here and it smells good..........

Pay a few user's some btsx, perhaps some btsx that came from a I3 marketing fund or if they were unwilling get a small block of delegates who have all ready said the would donate a portion of their fees toward marketing........

People may have the gripes with cryptsy but they have always treated me fairly.

What do you mean by that?  Are saying you have never waited for 7-10 days for response from them before finally getting that one:

You ticket was closed due to inactivity”
“You are closing the ticket because we have not heard from you for more than… days”

Consider yourself lucky.
It's a little early to get Cryptsy involved. They usually wait a bit with new currencies, after Big Vern builds his stash. I've heard some real horror stories like yours before, but in my experience Cryptsy has worked well. The one time a trade got stuck for me, they responded and fixed it within a couple of hours.

Yes I am saying that I have had no issue's with cryptsy. I have read plenty about many user's complaining about everything from wait time of deposit or withdraw to straight up theft in extreme cases.

Even if we don't agree on cryptsy lets look at what we do agree on and thats btc-e. These guys are at the top of there game as far as exchanges go.In my experience you also see a higher satisfaction rate from users who post about their experience.   

General Discussion / Re: Benefits of holding bitusd vs. USD
« on: August 14, 2014, 10:06:57 pm »
The ultimate goal is for merchants to use BitUSD like they use their bank and to pay their suppliers in BitUSD.

Yes of course, but until we get to that point, would you agree on the idea that a payment processor would throw adoption to warp 9? 

AWESOME :'((they are tears of joy)

First its great that someone is taking on the forum as I am sure it is going to be getting very busy around here.

If discourse is the same software GAW miners switched too  I have used it and I am not a big fan. I may be alone in these thoughts but anyone who is more used to a traditional BB experience it will take some adjusting.  Like I said though I think it is great that you are going to try to organize the mess around here because we really need it if we are going to be taken seriously.

Lastly I have asked this question to other delegates and I would like to hear your thoughts, How do you feel about single individuals or companies running multiply delegate accounts?The argument I have heard is that there is not enough people that what to be delegates but I and the list of delegates beg to differ.
So do you think centralization through the running of multiple delegate accounts further compounds the problem? Or do you believe that with only 101 positions that the running of multiple accounts does nothing to hurt the network?   


have done this in june ... idk (rough draft) ... maybe i could upload an alternative BitSharesX shirt tomorrow ... let me know what you're thinking

The one thing I dont like will probably be the one thing others do and thats the front and the way it is layed out across the shirt.I want a shirt that causes a stir, that splashes through the puddles instead of walking around them.

I think the answer lies in 2 completely different designs to suit give people 2 completely different flavors.  I would be happy to have my friend that is doing my shirts also to do yours. The price should be the same or cheaper then those of the big sites but with a higher quality product. The min run is 30 and perhaps with some support from I3 we could have 2 completely unique designs and they could do some give away's or wear the shirts them selves and we could build a image.  We are talking about a total of 600$(plus shipping) for roughly for 60 tee's, 2 unique designs and if they wanted the could recoup some of the funds through sales of the shirt(we don't have to give them all away) :P.


I am assuming you are talking my latest design and not the one skyscaraperfarms posted.
What I dont understand it if you are talking about my design I feel like you are almost starting to troll me a bit because this is exactly as you described earlier in this thread. 

I was talking about skyscraperfarms
In that case my mistake and thanks. Would you have any direction on who I could send the mock up to from I3. Also Do we have a vector bitshares logo so we can make a high quality print.

IDK maybe arlen or brian?

cass has vector logos
Thanks again for your help I have pm'd cass about the logo and permission. Right now thats the only thing stopping the shirts from being printed.

I am assuming you are talking my latest design and not the one skyscaraperfarms posted.
What I dont understand it if you are talking about my design I feel like you are almost starting to troll me a bit because this is exactly as you described earlier in this thread. 

I was talking about skyscraperfarms
In that case my mistake and thanks. Would you have any direction on who I could send the mock up to from I3. Also Do we have a vector bitshares logo so we can make a high quality print.

Let's take I killed the bank out of the quotations and leave Andrew jackson out too

When quoting someone I am pretty sure its good practice to give them credit for their words. Taking the actually "" out might make it look a little more pleasing.
I made some designs too.

Check here:

I accidentally deleted that post when trying to merge it into this thread, sorry! =P
Please keep it in one thread.

Also, would not wear those designs.

I am assuming you are talking my latest design and not the one skyscaraperfarms posted.
What I dont understand is, if you are talking about my design, I feel like you are almost starting to troll me a bit because this is exactly as you described earlier in this thread. 

On a side not is there a certain person I should get in touch with from I3 to get permission to make some shirts?

We live in a world of smartphones, laptops and search engines. 

One line and a brand is a good way to pique curiosity.  Once on site the visitor can find the rest of the Bitshares ecosystem

KISS works very well with marketing in our one click you are gone world
So your suggestion would also be to drop the DAC's on the back and to keep the logo and qoute in there current placement? I just want to clarify.

Front: bitshares, small in left
Back:  "I killed the bank", larger bitshares centered below.

I prefer black.

General Discussion / Re: Benefits of holding bitusd vs. USD
« on: August 13, 2014, 03:07:33 pm »
What is going to be the process of actually using bitusd with a merchant per-say. Is there any plans to have some sort of payment processor(coinbase kinda thing). I feel like there needs to be a way to bridge the digital to fiat divide. At least in the begging because people will want to cash in and out of different assets.

As a merchant you can receive payment in BitUSD and hold a BitUSD balance.  When you want to withdraw to real USD then you convert to BTC and from BTC to USD... at least in the short term.  Your volatility risk is now limited to the time it takes to execute those trades. 

Now ideally we would work with someone that takes real USD to allow a direct BitUSD USD market to form on something like Bitstamp.

Much better solution of course is to convince the payment processors to make the bitUSD to USD conversion for the merchants. The problem is convincing 1 such payment processor to start doing it...

This would of course be the ultimate goal but I feel to really fuel adoption we need a payment processor.  But yes, I can now see the forest for the trees.  What about trying to market towards current processor like coinbase. While bringing in outside companies will add to the overall cost of crossing the digital divide I believe it would be wise to make it a option.   

Back on

The bounty is gone man. It was clearly stated it was inside Appolo.

Bounty or now bounty, I have posted even before the dry run how the order matching system can be exploited. I cannot prove it, in a dry run or out of it, because you have to be a broker (fill an order for somebody else) or in some other way know about upcoming order. Other than that I do not think there is much to exploit in the order matching. Said system is just a terribly annoying way to do the things and you will hear a lot about it when people start using it for real….

I don't completely understand the matching system tbh. I understand the market pegged asset's and I follow the use of collateral but I don't really have a back round in trading so I will leave my .02cents out of what I barely understand. As long as the team is receptive to change when it is warranted the the platform is properly vetted BEFORE trading of assets I think/hope we will be all right.

What I am trying to understand is how the system can be exploited just by someone acting as a broker. If you have a more in depth explanation I would love to give it a read weather it's here or pm or perhaps a thread you could point me too.

It so not so big of a deal as it sounds, really. BTSX is supposed to prevent front running : by using an order matching system called ‘get what you asked for (i.e. not more)’. Well it actually is not preventing it – which is not a big deal because no system as  of now successfully prevents it, afaik.

Here is a thread where I try to explain why it will not be good  experience for customers:

Let see this with an example. I will use bter as most everybody here is probably familiar with it and their order placing is pretty well done:

Code: [Select]
Sell orders
Price (BTC/BTSX)    Amount(BTSX)
0.0000155 1000
0.0000158 3000
0.0000163 1000

 If you click on the third price in bter – your buy order box will be pre- populated with the total amount 5000=(1000+3000+1000) and the max price of 0.0000163. If you do submit this order (as it is pre-populated) you will pay:
(1000*155+3000*158+1000*163)/10^7=0.0792 BTC

In the BTSX “get what you asked for” system submitting the same order you will pay:
5000*163/10^7 = 0.0815 BTC or  ~3% more.
If you want to avoid this you have to submit 3 orders – for 1000@ 0.0000155; 3000@ 0.0000158 and 1000@ 0.0000163  …
Imagine if you want to buy more and the order book starts with 7 miniscule orders. The result is annoying experience for the customers.

Your bter analogy is great and easy to understand. If what you are saying is indeed true, why would we be doing this.
I am not a day trader but when you place a buy order you want it filled from the top down until is is filled as cheaply as possible.  I don't understand what attack vectors or market manipulation we would be preventing by increasing fees to get orders filled that can be circumvented by creating many small orders.

Maybe this is just one of the things that I won't "get" but in this area I don't see a reason to reinvent the wheel but again my understanding of this is I feel is just barely starting to scratch the surface. Either way thanks for dumbing it down a bit for me as I now understand you point of view.

General Discussion / Re: Benefits of holding bitusd vs. USD
« on: August 13, 2014, 02:13:54 pm »
What is going to be the process of actually using bitusd with a merchant per-say. Is there any plans to have some sort of payment processor(coinbase kinda thing). I feel like there needs to be a way to bridge the digital to fiat divide. At least in the begging because people will want to cash in and out of different assets. 

DAC PLAY / Re: BitShares Vegas
« on: August 13, 2014, 02:07:02 pm »
The challenge is efficiently collecting the votes... far better to have a trusted feed with profit motive for providing accurate data... then have all bets reference the feed.  Risk of cheating would be priced in and bets could reference 3 feeds if they do not trust one feed... at 3x the cost.

Voting is inefficient and slow.  Avoid as much as possible.

How do you think a feed would operate?  Would it be based on reputation of one person?
Why not use a site like the following that or even better perhaps a group of sites and then take a average of the odds placed on each site. This would give you multiple feeds from places that also have a stake in producing accurate odds(because they are producing bets themselves).   

The bounty is gone man. It was clearly stated it was inside Appolo.

Bounty or now bounty, I have posted even before the dry run how the order matching system can be exploited. I cannot prove it, in a dry run or out of it, because you have to be a broker (fill an order for somebody else) or in some other way know about upcoming order. Other than that I do not think there is much to exploit in the order matching. Said system is just a terribly annoying way to do the things and you will hear a lot about it when people start using it for real….

I don't completely understand the matching system tbh. I understand the market pegged asset's and I follow the use of collateral but I don't really have a back round in trading so I will leave my .02cents out of what I barely understand. As long as the team is receptive to change when it is warranted the the platform is properly vetted BEFORE trading of assets I think/hope we will be all right.

What I am trying to understand is how the system can be exploited just by someone acting as a broker. If you have a more in depth explanation I would love to give it a read weather it's here or pm or perhaps a thread you could point me too.

Any way to see the doc without having to sign in for gmail?

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