« on: October 09, 2020, 07:20:42 am »
Reason of margin call in trading practice not only low collateralize but and request owners their assets for withdraw. Brokers use assets of clients for provide it other clients which want use short-operations, but if clients-owners of assets want go away from this broker and broker not have enough free assets - broker can do request back provided assets at shorters. Analogically there is - holders MPA provide VALUE for borrowers, which want use short-operations, and have full right get VALUE back when they want away. They not obligate wait when borrowers gaming in shorts or positions of shorters will be not enough collateralized. And this economic model was there is. MPA holders get assets and use their on such terms, and borrowers give borrow on this terms. Changing terms - changes balance in side preference for borrowers without use opinions MPA-holders.
See, in last day bitRuble lost 10% value. Bitruble-holders provide liquidity - BTS-holders - No. In such situation MPA-holders not have mechanism get provided VALUE back in full volume. Their value was stolen by decision of Abit.