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Messages - akledirs

Pages: [1] 2 3
General Discussion / HERO Feed: Something Wrong
« on: May 22, 2021, 12:21:07 am »
After dip price and GS on bitUSD witness terradacs-bp and liondani stopped provide feed prices for HERO on more 3 hours (Typical period was 1 hours). What is it? Manipulations? Dependence from bitUSD?
If 21 hours not provide feed - new borrows and settles will be unavailable.

Why only 2 delegates provide feeds?
Why switch off feed price now, although price feed lifetime - 24 hours?

Revive unavailable without feed price.

General Discussion / Re: 2021-04-02 bitCNY parameters adjustment
« on: April 15, 2021, 12:55:10 pm »
1. Price feed threshold 0.12 CNY/BTS
2. Force-settlement is disabled

Translate on human:
1. We not will pay our debts if BTS will down. We will lie about cost and give fake price.
2. Collateral there is but you not get it

General Discussion / Re: 2021-04-02 bitUSD parameters adjustment
« on: April 15, 2021, 12:28:09 pm »
(9,65 BTS + 2% + 3% + 24h delay + 0.5% max/h) for settlement. BitUSD just 1 USD? Similar on 0.95$.
Topic in General Discussion. Discussion? What a discussion? - all decided!

General Discussion / Re: 2020-10-04 EUR and RUBLE force-settment disabled
« on: October 09, 2020, 07:20:42 am »
Reason of margin call in trading practice not only low collateralize but and request owners their assets for withdraw. Brokers use assets of clients for provide it other clients which want use short-operations, but if clients-owners of assets want go away from this broker and broker not have enough free assets - broker can do request back provided assets at shorters. Analogically there is - holders MPA provide VALUE for borrowers, which want use short-operations, and have full right get VALUE back when they want away. They not obligate wait when borrowers gaming in shorts or positions of shorters will be not enough collateralized. And this economic model was there is. MPA holders get assets and use their on such terms, and borrowers give borrow on this terms. Changing terms - changes balance in side preference for borrowers without use opinions MPA-holders.
See, in last day bitRuble lost 10% value. Bitruble-holders provide liquidity - BTS-holders - No. In such situation MPA-holders not have mechanism get provided VALUE back in full volume. Their value was stolen by decision of Abit.

General Discussion / Re: 2020-10-04 EUR and RUBLE force-settment disabled
« on: October 08, 2020, 01:58:13 pm »
In trading practice brokers have right margin call at borrowers in any moment despite collateral level. Here also was such rules. Now this rules changed, and changed in 1-side-way for open contracts. Not all MPA-holders may traders - they not must provide higher prices - they clients Bitshares DAC and must get nominal value if want go away from this platform. If abit want to get an asset with different rules - will create a new. Change significant terms on the fly for open and using contacts - very bad practice.

General Discussion / Re: 2020-10-04 EUR and RUBLE force-settment disabled
« on: October 08, 2020, 10:57:52 am »
What a fool wiil be buy asset without possibility get collateral on noliquid market?
It's will reason that this assets will be traded with discount at real currency, and holders bitassets will be lost value. Again.
Or use your stack for provide possibility sell this assets on adequate price in BTS/RUBLE and BTS/EUR. Without this - you again kick holders bitassets.
IMHO, your place in prison.

General Discussion / Re: Shorting Attack Protection?
« on: September 26, 2019, 08:20:15 pm »
Again damage mechanismes which garantee collateral for MPA? BSIP42 was not enough? Again bitcrab? :(BTS RiP

btsindex, please give feedprice and do force settle for all if not can give feeds constantly. I few months not can close position on S&P.

General Discussion / Re: Reduce MSSR of bitCNY to 1.01
« on: April 02, 2019, 03:28:48 pm »
Such method may will be cause new blackswan

When update? I want settle this on true price.

General Discussion / Re: S&P 500, Dow and other indexes as smart assets
« on: February 22, 2019, 10:10:55 am »
Thanks, akledirs. You're right. That's because of the bitUSD global settlement. The script gets the BTS/USD price from the blockchain. And it doesn't make sense anymore. I'll probably update it later to get the price from the outside. That can trigger the global settlement for INDEXSPX. If anyone knows how to contact babydragon, please warn them about that. That's the only borrower at the moment. Don't borrow the asset until that update!
His ratio 3.75, blackswan will not happen. Simple changing - use pricefeed from bts/usd but not market price.

General Discussion / Re: S&P 500, Dow and other indexes as smart assets
« on: February 21, 2019, 07:30:38 am »
Why you give price indexspx ~54500 bts if current price S&P=2792$, BTS= 0.0452$ and S&P=2792/0.0452=61769 BTS ? >13% different

General Discussion / Re: S&P 500, Dow and other indexes as smart assets
« on: February 20, 2019, 07:56:47 am »
Anybody know contacts bts-index? He stopped feedprice 15 feb 2019.

General Discussion / Re: BTC MPA backed by gateway.BTC
« on: February 20, 2019, 07:55:13 am »
If one from few gateway will be bankrupt, then MPA.BTC backed UIAs.BTC also will be uncollateralized. I think it bad idea merge risks few UIA in one asset.

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