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Topics - amatoB

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Muse/SoundDAC / NOTE trading symbol taken?
« on: November 01, 2014, 08:52:11 pm »
Just saw on Coinmarketcap something called "DNote", which apparently has the trading symbol "NOTE". Bummer--I wouldn't be surprised if this was done on purpose to preempt Music. Does this mean that Bitshares music will now have to choose a different symbol?

Muse/SoundDAC / How can Notes pre-sale activity be improved?
« on: October 25, 2014, 09:17:37 pm »
Is it just me, or is the pre-sale activity for Notes surprisingly weak? I would've expected buying to ramp up by now given the interviews and the online banner ads on Coinmarketcap. I guess what we need is more word-of-mouth and awareness on Bitcoin-centric forums. Since pre-sale Notes cannot be purchased with altcoins, only with BTC, maybe Coinmarketcap is not the best place for banner ads. Maybe Bitcointalk would be better.

Being able to buy Notes at dirt-cheap prices right now is cool, but more buying would ultimately be better for AGS and PTS because that would give Peertracks more funds to work with. After all, the more BTC that Peertracks can raise now, the less likely they'll need to resort to dilution later to obtain funding.

So, AGS and PTS holders, this is a call to arms... we're the main stakeholders in this. We can help by buying Notes ourselves or spreading awareness on Bitcointalk and other Bitcoin forums. What we need is a sustained effort lasting through the pre-sale period. Let's pave the way for a successful Bitshares Music rocket-ride to the moon and beyond!

General Discussion / Contingency Planning?
« on: March 25, 2014, 03:44:56 am »
I'm not a really a techie type, but have recently been reading a good amount about bitshares. From what I've read, bitUSD is intended to track USD closely. If it does that, then I believe bitshares X and the entire bitshares movement could be a huge success.

But what if, after launch of Bitshares X, bitUSD decouples from the USD? Granted, if people believe that the focal point in this "prediction market" is that bitUSD will track the USD closely, then perhaps it will. But there are plenty of cases in the financial world where things that should track an underlying asset don't. Just look at closed-end mutual funds, or Royal Dutch-Shell, or any one of a number of examples of anomalous stock price behavior.

Will bitUSD track well? That is the $64 billion question, I guess, and the outcome of the Bitshares XT experiment will have implications for most or all future bitshares DACs. If tracking does not occur, would that be the end of Bitshares X? Does 3I have a contingency plan in case Bitshares X doesn't succeed?

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