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Topics - Profet

Pages: [1]
Hi, noob here. I have tried this a year ago and gave up.

I have problems importing my coins in Bitshares 2.0 light. I had a json file from an older version(the oldest wallet I think), imported in 0.9.3c then saved into another json file(I think I didn't wait for it to sync though). Then I imported the new file in Bitshares 2.0 and it displayed my number of coins and my old nick name. I hit import and the old nickname was added to my wallet but not the coins. I went to reclaim the coins but there were only 14 coins I could reclaim. I had just over 20k coins in my old wallet(was not synced though) but those were genesis coins and never made any payments(the coins were imported in the wallet).

Not sure if this is allowed but I offer 1000 BTS bounty if someone offers a good solution that starts either from the 2.0 wallet with only 14 coins, from the oldest wallet or from the 0.9.3c json.

Appreciate the help.

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