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Messages - Profet

Pages: [1]
Technical Support / Re: Importing old wallets
« on: May 20, 2017, 11:31:24 am »
1. Export json from 0.4. It is not .dat file
2. Install 0.9.3
3. Download torrent with blocks for 0.9.3 and place the whole chain directory in the 0.9.3 install folder. I don't have torrent link but you can easily find it on this forum
4. Start 0.9.3. It should take a few hours to reach 100%
5. Import json from 0.4 and you can also import private keys, bitcoin or protoshare wallet
6. Go to command line and enter: rescan. This should take around 1 hour.
7. You should now see all your balance and previous transaction. If not import more stuff and rescan
8. Export private keys with command. Something like export keys to json file
9. Install and start 2.0
10. Import json from 0.9.3 and claim balance

Done with the help from fluxer555.

Technical Support / Re: Import Problem
« on: May 14, 2017, 04:41:43 pm »
I seem to have the exact problem as you. Can you explain in more detail the steps you took to solve it? I have a 4000 BTS bounty on this.

"dont forget to add .bin when you make a backup" you mean backup as bin file?

Interesting. My account was not registered to blockchain either.

I get the same error if trying to import private key "Key import error: TypeError: Cannot read property 'key' of null."

But I can log in is just I don't see my coins in 2.0

Technical Support / Re: Password hell
« on: May 14, 2017, 04:25:46 pm »
Happened to me, it was because I have a wallet password not account password. So after app start, click the lock to unlock it and the you have a button to switch between account model and wallet model.

If you go to settings you will see that you can change password and the current password works.

It only works if exported via command line. My importing is instant.

Thanks for help. I closed it for 14 months still nothing.

First time I tried to import it in 2.0 it showed the correct number of coins but when I hit import only the previous username was imported.

I also tried to import via private key.

My only guess is something went bad due to having both installations on the same drive.

But really how can I see what happened between 0.9c and 2.0? My 0.9c user was not registered.

Bounty up to 4000 BTS.

Is there any way to check what happened between 0.9c and 2.0? I mean check the transactions on a block explorer.

Back in the bitshares0.9 days, did you ever move your coins *AFTER* you made your backup?

Hi, I never used any wallet besides the original one.

I have both 0.9c and 2.0 installed on the same drive can that be an issue somehow?

Ok so I copied only chain blocks and managed to start 0.9.3c, then imported BTC/PTS wallets and now 0.9.3c is showing the correct balance. I exported using command and indeed the json file is bigger than previously.

Importing in 2.0 showed weird balances (like 418 or so) but gave an error when claiming. When trying to re import I get the "keys already imported".


In 2.0 I had a new account created and this account was able to claim those 418 coins. I have no idea were those numbers are coming from.

How on earth is this working? The first time I tried to import in 2.0 it showed the correct balance but when I hit coins only the name was transfered.

Bounty up to 2000 BTS.

I tried some more, I can see my balance if I open up 0.9.3c but only the part from Bitshares not the part from Angelshares. I downloadded the chain for 0.9.3c but it is not starting with it. Just shows first screen.

Exported json from 0.9.3c with command, but when trying to import in 2.0 it says it is already imported. Reinstalled 2.0, imported successfully, still showing 14 BTS balance.

Hi, noob here. I have tried this a year ago and gave up.

I have problems importing my coins in Bitshares 2.0 light. I had a json file from an older version(the oldest wallet I think), imported in 0.9.3c then saved into another json file(I think I didn't wait for it to sync though). Then I imported the new file in Bitshares 2.0 and it displayed my number of coins and my old nick name. I hit import and the old nickname was added to my wallet but not the coins. I went to reclaim the coins but there were only 14 coins I could reclaim. I had just over 20k coins in my old wallet(was not synced though) but those were genesis coins and never made any payments(the coins were imported in the wallet).

Not sure if this is allowed but I offer 1000 BTS bounty if someone offers a good solution that starts either from the 2.0 wallet with only 14 coins, from the oldest wallet or from the 0.9.3c json.

Appreciate the help.

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