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General Discussion / BitShares Mobile Wallet Video Tutorials
« on: February 14, 2016, 08:10:50 pm »
Hello Everyone,

Well, I'm finally getting my feet wet when it comes to video tutorials and explainer videos. 
For some time now I've been talking about doing this and I finally have the tools to do these videos. 
Since I'm a "newbie" and trying to learn Adobe After Affects (along with some other programs) I decided to jump in with something "easy". 

I'll have a total of 3 videos regarding the BitShares Mobile Wallet that covers the @kenCode and @Chris4210  OPENPOS/Odoo project. 

Video One - "BitShares Mobile Wallet Install Video"

Video Two - "BitShares Mobile Wallet Walk-Through"

Video Three - "BitShares Mobile Wallet Speed Test" (still in the works**)

Here is the play list link

The "Speed Test" video will get finalized once the beta version of the Mobile Wallet is released (couple weeks??). 
In this video I'll show a side by side, real time transfer between the OpenLedger wallet and the Mobile Wallet so we can show anyone just how amazingly fast our Bitshares network is.  NO more talk or gimmicks... lets show them!

I would also like to get everyone's feedback to what I've created thus far. 
Positive and/or negative feedback is appreciated!  So please don't shit talk,  just to shit talk. 
If you have a legitimate negative review/response... all I'm asking is for you to post (or PM me) your response like an ADULT and briefly explain what you don't like and why. 

Here's some other projects I'm looking to add into my queue (in no particular order),

1- How to install, login and properly setup Mumble for participating in the Hangouts *already started*
2- How to edit Mumble hangouts (well, the way I do it for Beyond Bitcoin anyways) *already started*
*I'm hoping someone can step up to help with the hangout edits. Plus people will see what work is involved and why it takes time to properly do edits.
3- How to start using the  ShareBot to tip inside and outside of the BitShares forum
4- What is BitShares? 
*I'm planning to tie in 3D'ish animation and attempt to portray the work flow and workings of the BitShares network
5- How and Why Businesses can benefit from using the Bitshares network
6- How to setup a Bitshares wallet while showing the in's and out's (kinda like the Mobile vids)
7- Why Exchanges and/or Gateways can benefit and integrate onto Bitshares 
8- What is a SmartCoin, how they're born and what's their benefits

I know there's a SLEW of topics that can easily get added to this list.  I'd be interested  to hear the community's thoughts and ideas on what topics take priority to be worked on and what they'd like to see added to the list.
But please keep in mind that I'm working solo and still climbing the Adobe learning curve.  So these projects won't be popping out on a daily or even weekly basis.

I've already started #2 and plan to finish that first,  then move on to the #1- Mumble how to.

For the moment I'm not asking anyone to vote in a Worker Proposal for this work. I'd like to get a few more video's done before doing so and then see if my work is worthy enough to justify it.
The flip side is... if people send enough generous BTS tips,  then I'll keep forging forward without asking for any worker proposals.  I'd personally prefer this route but we'll see what happens in the near future  :P 
Who DOESN'T like BTS tips????

Other than that, I hope you enjoy what I've done already with the Mobile Wallet vids and look forward to hear some feedback  :D

@fav - please let me know if you plan on moving this OP to another area. Thank you!


Technical Support / Lite Wallet Error
« on: January 25, 2016, 09:55:40 pm »
Hey there,
I'm running the 2.0.160121 lite wallet and I'm getting the "Please enter a valid amount and price" error mesg when trying to "Buy" off the DEX markets.
I know I'm putting in the correct values within the BUY fields.
Is anyone else having this issue?  I've tried "reload" the page and still get this errror.
I'm on Windows 10 64bit.

Any help would be appreciated!

General Discussion / An Interesting Read
« on: January 25, 2016, 09:22:11 pm »
I came across this recent article regarding a study done on Bitcoin.  It's not an overly detailed article, but thought I'd share.
I find this the most interesting...

The researchers found that:
People who had no experience with Bitcoin thought that it would be too hard or "too scary to use," according to Lindqvist.
People who actively use Bitcoin are not necessarily well-versed in how it works.
Bitcoin users also had misconceptions about Bitcoin's ability to protect their anonymity because transactions are recorded in a public ledger and are traceable with some effort, Lindqvist said. The users in the study trust the security and privacy mechanisms of Bitcoin more than they actually should.
Bitcoin users want government insurance of Bitcoin deposits, despite being largely anti-government and anti-regulation.
Study participants' ideas of an ideal payment system generally matched features that Bitcoin already provides.

Here is the article link...

General Discussion / GPS to Crypto conversion
« on: January 01, 2016, 10:22:03 pm »
Sorry to make this long,  hastily put together post but thought it may interest someone out there!

This past holiday season I was having a discussion with my family regarding the current state of crypto (as I see it) and learning how it still boggle's their mind how a digital token can be perceived as "value" and thus become a useful replacement for our current economic system. 
We've all been in these situations before... till we're blue in the face... trying to explain the process and/or painting a picture of analogy's,  just so the laymen out there can easily grasp crypto concepts and how it all ties together. 
But during our discussion,  a thought entered my head that relates to the challenges Dan Robbles ( @ingenesist ) is trying to overcome with Curisome'. 
More specifically,  how he put's it...  "how do we get crypto to 'touch' the ground and meet real world, tangible assets?" like buildings, bridges, roads or just Real Estate in general. 

IMO there's some obvious answers to this question that could be, to some extent, quickly implemented.   

One possibility is using the current Deeds to Real Estate public records and attaching/assigning those deeds to a specific digital token and therefor be transferred or sold  easily to another entity/owner with the added benefit of using a global public blockchain. 
One hurdle (among with many others) is locating and/or informing the correct owner of that Deed and handing over the corresponding digital token assigned to that Deed. 
The other immediate problem (and I'm using this as very crude example) is that the world as a whole does not use a paper Deeding system. 
For example,  a tribe that's habitat-ed a certain area of land for 100's of years.  They don't use, or have a public/government recording system to process a paper deeded system allowing them to claim stake of their ownership/use of that area.   To some extent they have "human" squatter rights but still,  there's no proof of "ownership" for those inhabitants.

If this Deed to Crypto conversion could work and was implemented,  another issue arises would be the lack and/or difficulty to parcel out that said Real Estate. 
For example,  If you own 20 acres of land and you own a crypto token for that specific 20 acres and would like to subdivide it into twenty 1 acre lots allowing you to sell off those new parcels... how would that work? 
That one token would then have to be divided up into 20 separate units, which creates a whole slew of other steps and consideration in verifying the accuracy of that token along with matching subdivided land. Creating a bottleneck for the usefulness to easily transfer over to the new property holder.
With this previous thought/challenge of subdividing property running through my head,  it dawned on me...

What if a crypto token could be assigned not to paper deeds but to the GPS system???

Most people are familiar with GPS now-a-days but I'm not sure how in depth their knowledge actually reaches into the inner working/layout.  GPS, as some know, is basically a numbered grid system with varying degrees of precision.  GPS, just like Crypto currency can be broken down to "X" amount of decimal places.  Majority of Land Surveying equipment used today can obtain a precision of 6 decimal places all the way down to the 8th decimal place.  If you're wanting a quick read on GPS accuracy, here's a great thread with some charts and explanations...

So imagine this... what if a cryto token was created and assigned/embedded to each specific GPS coordinate around the world with a consensus based on GPS accuracy of 6 decimal places (.11m or 4.33")? 
First thing that comes to mind is how many damn tokens would have to get created,  representing every individual GPS coordinate point based on a global grid with the corresponding scale of 4 inch by 4 inch?   I haven't done the math to find out, but it would be a hell of a lot!! 
Adding more to the complexity;  what if the grid not only went 2D around the surface of the earth but, also implementing it into 3D space? i.e. from 1 mile beneath the earth surface to 1 mile into the air?  That is a shit ton of reference points!!

Either way,  I think this could be a VERY intriguing way to put a Crytpo token to use.  If a system like this was place and implemented,  basically anything built upon or used within our physical space can be accounted for. 
Buildings, roads, houses, land,  waterways etc,  you name it... could now have an easier way to transfer ownership within that space, based on the GPS coordinate system and represented token on the block chain.

There is obviously WAY more details involved that can be discussed,  but I more or less just wanted to share this idea with you guys... even if it seems "way out there"!

I haven't come across anyone talking about this type of approach before... so this idea may be old news? 

IMO, very powerful none the less.

General Discussion / Quick Poll for turning "OFF" Tx history within the GUI
« on: December 04, 2015, 05:47:49 am »
Hey everyone,

I had this discussion earlier with someone regarding "privacy" on the blockchain and though I've had this thought before,  why not just "turn off" the ability for anyone to just peep into someone's account history at the GUI level??
Or at the very least make it very ambiguous?
Like... 100 BTS Sent/Received on 12/3/2015 
or  100 BTS transferred in/out 12/3/2015

Let me be clear... I'm only stating this could/should be done when people are looking at OTHER people's accounts,  not within their own.
If I have my own wallet unlocked I would obviously like seeing the full TX history details showing/listed,  as they currently show in the GUI.

Me personally, this could be a more comfortable way going about some privacy until STEALTH TX's can get fully implemented in the back end of the block chain.
Hell, this simple change could make people want to start using their wallets more frequently???    Could be just me, but it seems things are a bit "stagnant" at the moment in the BTS ecosystem?

Anywho... My view is this,  I don't mind people knowing what I have... I do mind that other people can easily see who I transact with.  If someone is really, really, really hell bent to know "where" my money went and to whom,  then let them take the extra steps/time to go through a command line (if that's possible? IDK?) to find that information out.

This is simple curiosity on my part as to why I published this poll... just to see if there's any others who share my same line of thinking.  :P

Technical Support / Membership upgrade??
« on: October 21, 2015, 02:42:58 pm »
I wasn't sure where exactly to post this question... but I just updated the newest light wallet and half my accounts (16 total) are showing Lifetime Membership, while the other account are asking to for Membership upgrade?
All 16 of those accounts were registered back in 2014.... shouldn't all these be Lifetime Members by default?
Any suggestions?

General Discussion / Skinny Dippin
« on: October 14, 2015, 04:30:05 am »
Man, It's like I'm running around naked with all this 2.0 transparency LOL

Technical Support / NOTES not showing in 2.0 wallet
« on: October 14, 2015, 03:07:39 am »
Hey there,
I just finished transferring over my 1.0 wallet into the 2.0 Lite wallet.
Looks like all my balances are showing correctly but NOTES.  NOTES isn't even showing up at all.

I think I remember that  NOTES did it's snapshot instep with the BTS 1.0 rollover snapshot.  Is this reason for NOTES not showing in 2.0?
Will I just need wait for NOTES chain/wallet to roll out,  import my keys and reclaim my balances at that time?

Thanks for any clarification and/or help!

Technical Support / Allocating Proxy Vote
« on: September 13, 2015, 05:03:30 am »
So I was rearranging the allocations in my 401k today and was wondering if this could be easily implemented into Bitshares voting?
If this has been answered or brought up already, sorry to beat a dead horse but I don't recall this subject coming up.
I do know that Proxy voting is going to be implemented but my understanding is it'll  just be 100% of my stake to one assigned individual.
What about if I'd like to spread my stake across multiple people to diversify my voting stake, ie...
30% to BM
30% to Fuzzy
30% to Xeroc
10% to Newmine

Obviously this is just an example and I'm not voicing any favorites over any others but, you get the jest.

If I wanted to take advantage of the proxy feature, I would really like this idea of spreading my voting powers to multiple people and not hand my whole kitty to one individual.
This would obviously help to keep one popular person (like BM for example)  from getting "majority" of the proxy's and possibly gaining to much power.
It would be nice to see a Max of 10 people that I could allocate proxy to and maybe set a minimum of 2?

Again, sorry if this has been brought up already!

Technical Support / Corrections needed for Bitshares blog
« on: September 12, 2015, 04:34:13 pm »
Hey guys,
I was reading the post at
and noticed some mistakes...

1. Postpone Bond Market
Back in June we announced on the forum the decision to postpone the Bond market features until after BitShares 2.0 was released. This decision was driven by an inability to fully test this feature and the belief that it was the most likely to need refinement, community feed back, and that it would woudl be unusable without a GUI.

5. Increased Block Interval to 3 seconds

Our goal of 1 second blocks has been postponed due to limitations in the P2P code we inhereted (inherited)from BTS 0.9. Initial tests showed on a global scale the latency would result in too many forks without developing a new P2P protocol. We have designed a new protocol that should be have dramatically lower latency. The witnesses/delegates can lower the block interval to 1 second without a hardfork as soon as they are confident that the network communication can operate reliably at 1hz(?) on a test network.

General Discussion / Migrating from older BTS to BTS 2.0
« on: September 10, 2015, 02:19:57 am »
Seeing that Operation PitchFork 2.0 has just been announced and is underway; IMO it would make sense starting a Pregame to-do check list.
Doing this will help avoid countless and redundant threads of people asking "How do I import my old BTS wallet to the new one?"
So maybe we can use this thread as a brainstorm for a temporary  "how to" template and then create a Sticky of it once it's cleaned up and organized?

- What Steps Should I Take Saving My Old BTS Wallet Before Migrating?
First you should update to the most current BTS wallet (v0.9.2). Download links here...
*note- please be aware BTS may have one more wallet update from v0.9.2 making migrating easier... so these steps may have to be done one more time*

(Windows) Here's a quick how-to for updating older wallet versions to v0.9.2

1. For your current client version, copy the C:\Users\*account name*\AppData\Roaming\Bitshares\wallet directory as a backup in another dir.  (Export your wallet as .json as well for safety).  If you don't have the wallets dir, create it by importing your .json file & running the client.

(IMPORTANT-Make sure you're 120% positive you did step 1 correclty BEFORE proceeding!!!)

2.  Uninstall your current version by deleting the C:\Users\*account name*\AppData\Roaming\Bitshares folder. Reboot Windows

3.  Install v0.9.2.  Before running the new client do these initial steps...
     a) go to your C:\Program Files\Bitshare\bin folder and right click BitShares.exe, go to properties>compatibility and check mark  "Run this program as Admin". 
          Please do this same step for the bitshares_client.exe.
     b) Make sure firewalls are set to allow Bitshares.exe and are not blocking it. Set it to allow for "Private" and "Public" network access (just in case).
4.  Now launch the BTS wallet (click yes when Admin rights pop-up)  and let it download and sync the network (*fingers crossed)

5.  If wallet sync was successful... Close the program... go back to C:\Users\*account name*\AppData\Roaming\Bitshares\wallet and proceed to copy and paste your old wallet
     backup (from step 1) over the newest Bitshares dir.

6.  Run the new client again, enter password, allow it to re-scan for transaction history and you should be up and running.

- Where Can I Get The New 2.0 Wallet?
Actually...  you don't need to download anything!
BitShares 2.0 front-end (UI) is now browser-based, so continue using your favorite Firefox, Chrome or Windows browsers.

If you want to help support the networks back-end, you can either download the full node software (witness node)
or the GUI and host your own wallet (graphene-ui).
Both are hosted here on github   _____link to github?_____

- I Have Multiple Accounts In My Current Wallet,  Now What?
You can import all of your accounts and funds easily.
Under Bitshares 2.0 you'll be given a choice as to which "New" account you would like your previous balances/funds transferred to.

- What Steps Are Involved To Transferring My Account(s) Into Graphene BTS 2.0?
Upon opening the BTS2.0 wallet (per web browser) you'll be prompted to import the wallet data that you exported from BTS1.

***Note*** Importing your wallet data does NOT mean you're uploading your wallet details to some other's server.
All key management is secured on your end and is stored within your local browser database.
Hence, the browser will offer a tool to help make regular backups as often as you'd like!

- I Currently Have a UIA. What Steps Should I Take Before Migrating?
Erm .. None!

- What If I Still Have Unclaimed BTS From The Genesis and/or
   Unclaimed Vested BTS From The Merger?
   Should I Claim My Stack From The Genesis Before Migrating To Bitshares 2.0?

Genesis stake will move over as is. All vesting balances should report correctly and still appear as vesting in BTS 2.0

- What's The Status Regarding Privacy of Transactions in 2.0?  Give Me The tl;dr?
There will be Blinded, Stealth, and Stealth-blinded transactions.

Blinded:  transactions will "hide" the amount and keep everything else readable by everyone
Stealth: addresses remove the identity of the receiver
Stealth-Blinded: is a transaction with "hidden" amount to an unknown receiver.
***Keep in mind that stealth addresses will not work on web wallets AFAIK.

- Will Leaving My BTS On External Exchanges Be Converted Automatically Into BTS 2.0?
During any snapshot or migration period it's ALWAYS advised to move ALL funds off ANY External Exchanges and into your local wallet that YOU have the Keys too!!
Doing this is a sure fire way of keeping your funds safely in your control while going through the transition phase. In addition this will allow you to backup your nest egg!!
Otherwise, you're trusting any External Exchange (ie 3rd Party) to honor the snapshot/migration period and hoping nothing gets botched up and lose your BTS funds.
***NOTE*** If you have BTS/Assets on the DEX (Bitshares Internal Decentralized Exchange) there's no need to remove funds.
                     Trading will stop and any outstanding funds will be refunded to the their appropriate accounts.


Anyone in the Community can chime in and post additional info/answers/topics/questions.
Once compiled I'll take the posted information, clean it up, make a new Thread and see if we can't make it a sticky.

I find this could be very helpful, do you?
If so, please help  :P

General Discussion / Beyond Bitcoin 9/04/2015 edited Hangout
« on: September 06, 2015, 03:42:26 am »
Hey everyone,

Here's the edited Beyond Bitcoin Hangout from yesterday with bytemaster....

Thanks for your patience  :D

General Discussion / Could this idea be a useful 2.0 proposal
« on: September 03, 2015, 03:41:21 pm »
Hey everyone,

Just came across this article and wanted to share it.

I'm sure with some people here this is old news but, either way I find it interesting.
Could this "custom basket" idea get implemented easily into Bitshares 2.0 and give us the ability to profit from selling these custom basket settings?
If so, this should definitely get a Worker proposal IMO.

IDentabit / Identabit Hangout w/ John Underwood
« on: September 01, 2015, 05:12:23 pm »
Hey everyone,

I'm posting this into the General section so we can get this Hangout pushed out into the forums main traffic.

From what I gather, this past Saturday's Hangout is just the first of many to come  :D
Tentatively these Hangouts with John Underwood (Identabit) will occur weekly, every Saturday @ 5pm EST.

So help yourselves and listen to this weeks first recording in regards to this project and stay in the know.!

@Fav - if you think this post needs moved...could you at least keep this here please for a couple days before moving, or until we start a dedicated sticky??? Thanks!

Hey everyone,

Here is the edited Beyond Bitcoin Hangout...

I would like to appologize for the late posting. There was a few hicupps with the recordings this go around and delayed the editing process.
I hope you enjoy it none the less  :D

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