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Topics - Whiskeylake

Pages: [1]
Anyone interested in trading some NXT for BTC?

General Discussion / Advertisements will be eliminated, which isn't good?
« on: February 23, 2014, 02:52:17 am »
If amazon, ebay and so on starts adopting keyhotee then they will not have any way of getting info of or to you.
So they wont be able to give you personalized advertisement, most of these companies are 100% dependent on being able to advertise their products to you.

So why would anyone ever want to use this?

So I want to get as much Bitshare X as possible obviously like anyone else, but how do one go about doing that?

Buy PTS ? Buy AGS? And what about the donations, how does that work?

This is so fucking confusing and I'm experiencedin the crypto world, yet this is just puzzling.

General Discussion / Best way to get Bitshare X ?
« on: February 22, 2014, 08:48:01 am »
I am thoroughly confused about the entire process of Bitshares and Protoshares and all that jazz.
From what I have gathered protoshare holders will get some bitshareX once it launches on Feb 28th, correct?
But is this the only and most effective way to get BitshareX ?

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