« on: November 30, 2014, 10:22:32 am »
I recently observed similar behaviour for some time - upgraded from 0.4.16, and found that wallet does not even start syncing.
Deleted everything except "wallets" folder, and after this entered exactly state being discussed here. Wallet was showing 12 connections:
>> getinfo
"blockchain_head_block_num": 0,
"blockchain_head_block_age": null,
"blockchain_head_block_timestamp": null,
"blockchain_average_delegate_participation": "0.00 %",
"blockchain_confirmation_requirement": 202,
"blockchain_share_supply": "2,499,002,518.57146 BTS",
"blockchain_blocks_left_in_round": 101,
"blockchain_next_round_time": null,
"blockchain_next_round_timestamp": null,
"blockchain_random_seed": "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
"client_data_dir": "C:/Users/yvg/AppData/Roaming/BitShares",
"client_version": "v0.4.24",
"network_num_connections": 12,
"network_num_connections_max": 200,
"network_chain_downloader_running": false,
"network_chain_downloader_blocks_remaining": null,
"ntp_time": "2014-11-30T09:54:55",
"ntp_time_error": 0.82485600000000003,
"wallet_open": true,
"wallet_unlocked": true,
"wallet_unlocked_until": "12 days in the future",
"wallet_unlocked_until_timestamp": "2014-12-11T23:40:32",
"wallet_last_scanned_block_timestamp": null,
"wallet_scan_progress": "0.00 %",
"wallet_block_production_enabled": false,
"wallet_next_block_production_time": null,
"wallet_next_block_production_timestamp": null
Somehow after [reasonably long] time [tens of minutes] wallet suddenly started syncing. Was it coincident or not, but it was right after I clicked "Overview" (I think it was coincident).
Another thing I currently observe (still syncing) is that "Successfully pushed sync block" count written to p2p.log does not match to one shown in GUI - getinfo shows more or less correct synchronization state, but block count shown in sync status popup in GUI lags really a lot.
CPU load is nearly 100%, and only process using it is BitShares.exe.
Currently I run client on an old Core 2 2.16 GHz machine with 4 Gb RAM (Win7 64-bit), so it can be that either client has some issues when running on slower/older hardware (especially because of some rare thread synchronization issues tend to show up on slow systems and resource starving conditions), or synchronization state visualization inconsistency.
At the moment of writing, "Last block synced" popup shows only about 56000 blocks (and stays in this state for half an hour or so), while getinfo shows 634000 blocks. Execution time of getinfo command is more than 10 seconds.