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Messages - faddat

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Random Discussion / Re: Fork of steem, "calibrae"
« on: October 26, 2017, 09:58:55 pm »
faddat,  you are still around?

Your last post was 5 months ago on steemit.

Please tell us what you are up to, especially after you abandoned fuzzy's project and left him hanging. I am interested.

If your newest project makes money, is there anything in your schedule of things to refund him a portion of the funds you took for an uncompleted project? Curious?

Please don't take this as me being negative. I appreciate your ambition.  However, there is something that needs to be done to clean up what happened within the last year.

I'm going to ruminate on this some, publicly.

Project to develop a steem front end for fuzzy did go south. Some, but not all of that was on me. I don't feel like I owe a refund, but I do feel like I owe a tip of the hat, and supplying an alternative to what couldn't be built.

#1) Steem docs didn't exist when I started.
#2) Steem docs were frequently wrong.
#3) Project was never carefully scoped/spec'd out. If I were to take a project like this in the future, I'd be putting the whole thing in the public domain from the start, including the spec.
#4) I was an amateur (and I said as much).... and I still am.
#5) Steem didn't always function as described.

It was laying alphas, on alphas. If you're curious what I've been up to, well, I'll ruminate on that publicly, as well. Round the time that Dawn failed, I lost my sanity. I mean that so literally that it hurts. Literally.

I lost all my crypto keys (deleted them, you see... because I thought that was a good idea)
I lost a lot of business associates and friends, and have to deal with the reality that I was an asshole to a lot of them. (this includes fuz)

After an inglorious incident involving a truck full of sand, I got my way to a mental hospital where I was given lithium for bipolar disorder with psychotic features. So, once I'd taken the lithium for three days, I no longer thought I was going to be made king of cambodia, and no longer thought that I needed to meet my ex-girlfriend at the intersection of routes 5 and 6 in phnom penh cambodia, and had no desire to go naked street fighting anymore.

So at the moment, there's not a chance I can do anything to recompensate fuzzy financially. It's possible that we could cobble together a beyondbitcoin blockchain, if he'd like that.... and I don't think fuzzy's a bad guy. I do think he and I mutually fucked up that project big time. A key to getting it righter would have been a publicly posted spec sheet agreed upon by both of us, and probably "failure points."  What's a failure point? It limits risk when working on ultra-alpha software like steem was at the time. At various points, there were indications that it wasn't going to work out, and both fuz and I kept plodding on. Probably around the time that I realized that you could really only access steem *well* with javascript, shoulda been about the time I bailed out. This situation has changed somewhat now, as the go library has matured a bit (but not enough).

Hindsight, is 20/20.

...btw when I say "mutually fucked up" I don't mean the fuckup was even. I strongly believe that the fuckup was more on my side of the court, than on fuzzy's, and that the rest of the fuckup really dealt with the state of steem at the time.

If you want to know more, please see: died in the great key destruction of 2017.

Number four. Number four, number four, number four.

Having a decentralized btc gateway would make bitshares utterly unique (though it is already), and position it against poloniex, etc. Though challenging, I have long thought this to be possible and desirable.


Real bitcoins... Not pegged bitcoins... Real bitcoins... Via the bitshares dex.

So I vote three times for number four.

Random Discussion / Re: Fork of steem, "calibrae"
« on: October 19, 2017, 03:20:23 pm »
I don't think you could make the needed changes in the course of a weekend, but you're free to try!

SBD is used as a trading mechanism, it should be dropped. It doesnt benefit posters.

The market becomes useless without SBD.

But you want to know the biggest difference?

The biggest difference is the absence of stinc. I don't think they've been very good stewards of their blockchain or it's community.

And if you'd like to lend a hand, we could use it! :)

BTW: thanks to customminer for his suggestions, intelliguy for his interest and sarhan for his thoughts.

Random Discussion / Re: Fork of steem, "calibrae"
« on: October 18, 2017, 08:07:16 pm »
It is a big task indeed. Thanks for your best wishes :)!

Random Discussion / Re: Fork of steem, "calibrae"
« on: October 18, 2017, 12:38:04 pm »
Here's what I told fuzzy and what played out: I couldn't build his project on steem and neither could the person I asked for help building it.

So I built him a team, which became, and he is currently advising that team. I am sure he will more than make back what he lost.

Loki and I aren't doing this for money. We're doing this because there are issues in steem and we loved the concept of steem and both got burned by the implementation of steem. It's about fun at this stage.

Will take whatever genuine help comes our way. People interested in a blog platform not built around a corporation, might be interested in what we are doing. Investors shouldn't be: the only way to "get in" will be to post or be a witness... Or buy tokens from posters or witnesses (so I guess investors might be, as things mature...).  This is all the "steem"; none of that icky stinc.

Random Discussion / Re: Fork of steem
« on: October 17, 2017, 07:51:34 pm »
Can you expand on the sharedrop a little bit?

Here's the power structure we'd like to achieve:

1) Posters
2) Witnesses
3) Providers of front-ends and the like (we will run one but it's our hope that witnesses in general will look at their role a bit differently than on steem and provide a URL where users can post/etc)

Do you have suggestions on how to achieve that power ontology?

Also, I suspect that a sharedrop might be technically hard to achieve (specifically: porting the tokens to the new chain), but I could be entirely wrong there, and if I'm wrong, I'd appreciate any hints about how I'm wrong.   

And to anyone who is qualified, or even somewhat qualified, we would love reviews of the changes that we've made.  We are working in the dark on some of the graphene bits, and would deeply appreciate insights.

General Discussion / Re: will atomic swap make bitshares useless ?
« on: October 17, 2017, 07:36:38 pm »
That's going to take a long time to happen, if it ever happens. Coolest working atomic swap I know of is decred/litecoin. They've done swaps between the two chains.

Till then, bitshares will stay useful.

Past that point, bitshares will stay useful for it ability to create and sell new tokens.

Random Discussion / Fork of steem, "calibrae"
« on: October 17, 2017, 07:26:18 pm »

Loki (doing the c++ dev work)

and I (doing devops/docker/support for loki) are working on a fork of steem because we're both banned from steem's github repository, and because we think that steem should've been a great deal more decentralized/"better" than it was. The main differences that we're setting up are:

* Single token (removal of SBD)
* No market (hence no price feeds for witnesses)
* 50 witneses instead of 21/19/whatever.
* No "let the miner run" quasi-premine

Our code is located at

The area we will most need help in to move forward will be intimate knowledge of operating graphene.  Both loki and I know it pretty well, but we suspect that when it comes to starting a new chain, there are going to be things to learn, for example:

  • What is the exact role of initminer?
  • What triggers a chain with 0 blocks to begin producing blocks?

I'm interested in getting feedback from anyone on this project as a whole, and in getting advice on moving through the code.  We have the market excised as of now, and our next big task is to remove everything relating to SBD (and there's really a great deal of that.)

There's not going to be an ICO, as we want to maintain community ownership. There's not going to be a pre-mine, as we want an organic community around this software.


PS: lists our open issues. There will be more, but if anyone can offer specific help with any of these, it'll be greatly appreciated.

(speaking for MetaDev)

We'd like to collaborate on the POS aspect of this with you.  At the moment, ATMs and the like are a bit beyond our manufacturing means, however we've got a POS network deployed (non-crypto) that we're dying to add crypto to. 

Drop a line sometime :)!


General Discussion / My Contact Information
« on: February 23, 2015, 09:59:32 am »
Folks I do so dislike forums (except of course Discourse forums, which are purpose-built to drive good conversations).  I realize some of you may want to speak with me and so with no further ado:

Phone:  1-716-795-2538
Hangouts & Gmail:
Telegram: 1-716-795-2538
XMPP/Jabber: (yes I've OTR)

There are certainly other ways to reach me, but those are by far the most reliable.  Talk to you soon! 

Stuff you can talk to me about:
HardApps (Hardware made to run one single app perfectly)
Infrastructure Development
The Dawn Whitepaper
Mammoth the Router
The Moduolo platform
Anything you damn well please!

Cold storage is pretty easy.  Is it maybe that you're looking for cold storage with voting abilities intact? 

as an anarchist and a realist, I think that it wouldn't even take a DAC:  NO FDA > FDA.  Done!

General Discussion / working on HW "wallet"
« on: February 14, 2015, 10:33:50 am »
This is not a cold storage device.  It is a wallet that runs on a teeny PC external to your PC.  It should be able to connect directly to your router with an Ethernet cable and to a USB 2.0a power supply and sit there and be your wallet indefinitely.  With your permission it could be the wallet of others behind your firewall, too.  Here's the million dollar question:

How much ROM storage (flash or nand or what have you....) Is "enough" to store not just today's blockchain but the blockchain of 2 years from today (I am only designing 12-24 months out, any further and my words will melt into oblivion)

Can anyone offer me guidance on this one?  I have 8gb on current devices but can increase that if needed.  Thanks very much for your feedback.

I just want to mention the retroshare 0.6 builds I found:

That is the client I'm using now, and my info is:


Check out 0.6 with me?  I think it's just waiting for a collaborative editor and spreadsheet....

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