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Messages - hasher

Pages: [1] 2 3 4 5 6
Technical Support / bts 0.9.2 -> bts 2.0
« on: October 24, 2015, 01:51:38 pm »
how to migrate 0.9.2 wallet to 2.0 on Win 10 64bit?
i tried to find 0.9.3 but none found for win10 version

Random Discussion / Re: The Rules of Revolt
« on: November 26, 2014, 02:42:29 pm »
Hey guys, what you think about this story of community - government opposition?

split DAC data for this:
the ability to sell one and buy more of the other depending on their preferences.
?? am i missing something

competition from altcoins and more important is FED plan to increase interest rates, cut QE, BTC price decreasing following global EUR/USD trend
in current debt paradigm near years (2015-20XX) is the period when poor become poorer and rich become richer.::)

Hey guys, i left dacsunlimited client untouched since 0.4.8 or 0.4.9 dont remember,
so my question is - is it safe to upgrade to 0.4.12 now, because im worried of possible bugs and is it safe to transfer funds from BTC 28.02 snapshot by this release?

General Discussion / Re: BitUSD is not an interest bearing bond.
« on: August 29, 2014, 09:16:07 am »
it drop because big holders decided to cash out for paper dollars, eur/usd is reaching record low fyi,
btsx will rise again, if larger part of btsx will be distributed among small holders, clones like bilshares will be banned by people and there will be market consensus, i see it in this way

General Discussion / Re: Keyhotee Founders Claim your BTSX
« on: August 07, 2014, 09:22:16 pm »
No the founder shares are one day worth of ags split over all founder donations equally .. the other 199 day of ags donations are extra and you can access your stake using the privkeys of your sending addresses
ah..wait, Stan send only founders amount, so i need to load btsx from 28.02 snapshot and AGS by myself?

General Discussion / Re: Keyhotee Founders Claim your BTSX
« on: August 07, 2014, 08:56:03 pm »
Hi Stan, thanks for btsx you sent,
im a little confused, does this btsx include those shares from AGS/pts/btc donation?
because i calculated the amount i recieved upon current price plus PTS amount on 28februaury snapshot on current price and total sum barely cover 1/5 of my initial investments into project.
or i need to transfer ags amount myself later?

General Discussion / Re: Keyhotee Founders Claim your BTSX
« on: August 06, 2014, 02:13:58 pm »
for those who need latest keyhotee build to use "export private key" function for btsx foundername import, its here:

Keyhotee / Re: Keyhotee Status Update
« on: August 06, 2014, 01:40:58 pm »
In the BitsharesX wallet use the left menu to go to the console screen and do the following:

The wallet_import_keyhotee: Keyhotee id at the end IS case sensative.  If you had Steve as your keyhotee id and steve shows up in the blockchain you'll need to specify Steve on the command line.

For me it was (because I didn't use a middle name):

wallet_import_keyhotee Bob "" Smith "My brain key went here" Riverhead
i did it before, name - hasher, it in genesis chain,
btsx wallet have crashed 1st time,now when i trying to execute the same command line again it tells me

10 assert_exception: Assert Exception
false: Account name is already registered under a different key

i figured it out, going to download latest version of keyhotee (i hope it runs on 32 bit win) from
then use "export function for private key" in keyhotee
then use command line "wallet_import_keyhotee" "wallet_import_private_key" in btsx wallet

i did it at last, thank you for help, now its time to claim btsx..

Keyhotee / Re: Keyhotee Status Update
« on: August 06, 2014, 01:29:41 pm »
Is the shortcut still pointing to the .exe?  Can you try running the executable directly?
yea it points..
any ideas how i can found wif_key if i cant run keyhotee?

looks like 0.7.1 cant run on 32 bit Windows... i have no 64 bit OS near me..what i can do with this situation?
I guess nothing :(.  What are you trying to do with Keyhotee?  If it's just unlocking your Founder ID and BTSX in the BitsharesX client you don't need to run Keyhotee for that.  You can do it from the BitsharesX client.
idk i just lost my way here since i was not involved in testing process,
all right i figured out,
i want to claim keyhotee founders id with command
its shows me:
10 assert_exception: Assert Exception
false: Account name is already registered under a different key
??? it registered but how i can claim it in btsx wallet?

Keyhotee / Re: Keyhotee Status Update
« on: August 06, 2014, 12:35:51 pm »
Is the shortcut still pointing to the .exe?  Can you try running the executable directly?
yea it points..
any ideas how i can found wif_key if i cant run keyhotee?

looks like 0.7.1 cant run on 32 bit Windows... i have no 64 bit OS near me..what i can do with this situation?

Keyhotee / Re: Keyhotee Status Update
« on: August 06, 2014, 12:12:24 pm »
recently i changed my laptop and kept old hard drive, but now i cant start keyhotee 0.7.1 on this new machine, its just wont load in memory after i click on shortcut, any ideas?

im prepared to be a delegate from the pr-tech side, my native language is rus, i speak eng, i have made significant contribution to rus cryptocommunity during last 1.5 years for promotion, research, education. im a single individual, not involved deeply to any "party" or community, i just know economy/finances and it-futurology fields very well and want to grow in this sphere, though i dont have enough finances or big connections to make a really huge impact.
thought a bit, non tech delegate need to have large audience, which i doesn't have, only 500-1000 unique hits in my community blog, thats not enough for intercontinental representative :)

General Discussion / Re: Delegates, start your engines!
« on: June 09, 2014, 04:32:44 pm »
i was late to paticipate in initial delegates network, what a pity

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