- Total Time Spent Online:
- 1 days, 8 hours and 30 minutes.
- Total Posts:
- 36 posts
- Total Topics Started:
- 8 topics
- Number of Polls Created:
- 1 polls
- Number of Votes Cast:
- 0 votes
No posts to speak of!
- 中文 (Chinese)
32 posts of the member's 36 posts (88.89%)32
- MemoryCoin
2 posts of the member's 36 posts (5.56%)2
- BitShares PTS
1 posts of the member's 36 posts (2.78%)1
- Keyhotee
1 posts of the member's 36 posts (2.78%)1
- 中文 (Chinese)
32 posts of the board's 49593 posts (0.06%)0.06%
- Keyhotee
1 posts of the board's 2289 posts (0.04%)0.04%
- MemoryCoin
2 posts of the board's 7186 posts (0.03%)0.03%
- BitShares PTS
1 posts of the board's 14154 posts (0.01%)0.01%