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Messages - Grekk

Pages: [1] 2
Русский (Russian) / Re: Cuda майнер
« on: September 19, 2014, 02:40:03 pm »
Никто не майнит чтоли больше ПТС-ки?

Русский (Russian) / Cuda майнер
« on: September 18, 2014, 05:04:13 am »
Какой самый лучший Cuda miner существует на данный момент?
Поискал в ветке про майнинг нашел пару штук, но так и не понял какой из них дает лучший результат.

MemoryCoin / Re: This coin seems dead.
« on: March 12, 2014, 12:11:00 pm »
All price of ALL altcoins go down and MMC too... this is seems be normal.

MemoryCoin / Re: [CEO] Report on activities (FreeTrade)
« on: February 10, 2014, 08:34:35 pm »
Hi, FreeTrade!
I was wondering how come MemoryCoin is not on Cryptsy yet?
I know that they have a long list of Coins to be added and MMC is not on top of the list.
But why not pay them to add it?
Why not collect a bounty from community to get the MMC added to the Cryptsy?
Is there a reason it's not done yet?


MemoryCoin / Re: IMPORTANT! Help support MMC on Cryptsy
« on: January 23, 2014, 10:50:20 am »
Support team,
Make Giveaways on bitcointalk

MemoryCoin / Re: [ANN] MMC.1GH.COM - CPU/GPU mining
« on: January 20, 2014, 01:48:17 pm »
pool have problems?
Code: [Select]
Error: Unable to connect target [], error [system:111, Connection refused]
Info: Reconnect to [] in 34 seconds
MemoryCoin Aggregated SPM: 27.117, HPM: ?; Rounds Complete/Incomplete: 0/0, Donated Complete/Incomplete: 493/184; Config/Thread SPM: 27.117/1.0451, Config/Thread HPM: 31.890/0.9966 on 493 rounds with AV=1, ART=60208 ms Failure, Shares Submitted 0, Accepted 0
Found solution - 15084 / 1968 / 460499888
Share found while mining for developers
Found solution - 16029 / 1968 / 3800596043
Warning: No valid connection established within reasonable time, thread 11 will mine for developers while trying to connect
Warning: No valid connection established within reasonable time, thread 15 will mine for developers while trying to connect
Warning: No valid connection established within reasonable time, thread 12 will mine for developers while trying to connect
Warning: No valid connection established within reasonable time, thread 31 will mine for developers while trying to connect
Warning: No valid connection established within reasonable time, thread 9 will mine for developers while trying to connect
Warning: No valid connection established within reasonable time, thread 30 will mine for developers while trying to connect
Warning: No valid connection established within reasonable time, thread 22 will mine for developers while trying to connect
Warning: No valid connection established within reasonable time, thread 28 will mine for developers while trying to connect
Warning: No valid connection established within reasonable time, thread 19 will mine for developers while trying to connect
Warning: No valid connection established within reasonable time, thread 1 will mine for developers while trying to connect
Warning: No valid connection established within reasonable time, thread 25 will mine for developers while trying to connect
Warning: No valid connection established within reasonable time, thread 14 will mine for developers while trying to connect
Warning: No valid connection established within reasonable time, thread 4 will mine for developers while trying to connect
Warning: No valid connection established within reasonable time, thread 3 will mine for developers while trying to connect
Warning: No valid connection established within reasonable time, thread 6 will mine for developers while trying to connect
Warning: No valid connection established within reasonable time, thread 18 will mine for developers while trying to connect
Warning: No valid connection established within reasonable time, thread 13 will mine for developers while trying to connect
Warning: No valid connection established within reasonable time, thread 17 will mine for developers while trying to connect
Warning: No valid connection established within reasonable time, thread 27 will mine for developers while trying to connect
Warning: No valid connection established within reasonable time, thread 8 will mine for developers while trying to connect
Warning: No valid connection established within reasonable time, thread 16 will mine for developers while trying to connect
Warning: No valid connection established within reasonable time, thread 2 will mine for developers while trying to connect
Warning: No valid connection established within reasonable time, thread 24 will mine for developers while trying to connect
Warning: No valid connection established within reasonable time, thread 7 will mine for developers while trying to connect
Warning: No valid connection established within reasonable time, thread 21 will mine for developers while trying to connect
MemoryCoin Aggregated SPM: 28.741, HPM: ?; Rounds Complete/Incomplete: 0/0, Donated Complete/Incomplete: 525/184; Config/Thread SPM: 28.741/1.0568, Config/Thread HPM: 31.875/0.9961 on 525 rounds with AV=1, ART=60236 ms Failure, Shares Submitted 0, Accepted 0
Found solution - 1160 / 1968 / 2549982837
Share found while mining for developers
Found solution - 631 / 1968 / 2131364911
Share found while mining for developers
MemoryCoin Aggregated SPM: 28.524, HPM: ?; Rounds Complete/Incomplete: 0/0, Donated Complete/Incomplete: 525/184; Config/Thread SPM: 28.524/1.0568, Config/Thread HPM: 31.875/0.9961 on 525 rounds with AV=1, ART=60236 ms Failure, Shares Submitted 0, Accepted 0
Found solution - 2989 / 1968 / 326460723
Found solution - 4098 / 1968 / 2985035091
Found solution - 4169 / 1968 / 271582260
Found solution - 4368 / 1968 / 3058959908
MemoryCoin Aggregated SPM: 28.309, HPM: ?; Rounds Complete/Incomplete: 0/0, Donated Complete/Incomplete: 525/184; Config/Thread SPM: 28.309/1.0568, Config/Thread HPM: 31.875/0.9961 on 525 rounds with AV=1, ART=60236 ms Failure, Shares Submitted 0, Accepted 0
Found solution - 3740 / 1968 / 2411749609
Found solution - 5276 / 1968 / 3798348742
Error: Unable to connect target [], error [system:111, Connection refused]
Info: Reconnect to [] in 34 seconds

MemoryCoin / Re: [ANN] MMC.1GH.COM - CPU/GPU mining
« on: January 20, 2014, 01:18:54 pm »
Code: [Select]
Error: Share submission failed - No connection to server
Found solution - 4532 / 1968 / 2870147269
Share found!
Error: Share submission failed - No connection to server
Code: [Select] Failure, Shares Submitted 27, Accepted 21
Found solution - 15604 / 1968 / 1468878731
Found solution - 16259 / 1968 / 1345099009
Share found!
Error: Share submission failed - No connection to server

MemoryCoin / Re: Value of MMC Going down
« on: January 19, 2014, 10:29:58 pm »
GPU miners are ALMOST off the table. They have been selling in mass.
This is Freetrade big fail for mmc... this coin must be only CPU ~6-7 month and only when on GPU...  I sad it in first day of released GPUMiner.
Change algo to block mine on GPU

Freetrade need make MMC v3.0 :DDD  and make next fail))

MemoryCoin / Re: [ANN] MMC.1GH.COM - CPU/GPU mining
« on: January 16, 2014, 12:53:59 am »
reorder Please addon more stats....
Mined last 24 hours
.... etc

With this miner i have very unstable HPM... from very low to very much (statistic in pool) 7-18HPM
With standart miner i have 11-12 HPM stable on pool stats.
How much CPU power author shaved to himself???

Here is the script I use to make it work with a dual L5639
Change <ADDRESS> to your MMC address.

tar -xvf blob?download
echo '#! /bin/bash' >
echo 'while true; do ./mc2miner --url --threads 8 --noavx --idle <ADDRESS>; sleep 1; done' >>
chmod +x
screen -A -m -d -S mmc1 ./ &
screen -A -m -d -S mmc2 ./ &
screen -A -m -d -S mmc3 ./ &

If this helped: MMuQj9wZQyepNL1SkKkDaCaHFmo4DqkYFb
why you run it 3 times?
--threads 24 ?

Code: [Select]
./mc2miner --url --threads 32 --idle [my mmcwallet]
mc2miner v0.1b version
Intel AES New Instructions detected
Using AVX instruction set (use --noavx to disable)
[00:40:36] Starting 32 threads for mining
Segmentation fault (core dumped)

Ubuntu 13.10

Русский (Russian) / Re: MemoryCoin 2.0
« on: January 04, 2014, 06:29:51 pm »
Это бред, нужно 500 AWS машинок чтоб иметь столько HPM. + с данной сложностью они просто не окупаемы сейчас.
Явно ботнеты, вполне возможно что ботнеты копающие на видеокартах жертв. Это косвенно отражается на курсе, как появился этот пул с ГПУ и данными монстрами, курс ММС пошел вниз... сейчас на компах копать уже бессмысленно.

Курс пойдет вниз, до точки окупаемости и до точки прибыльности GPU майнинга, пока GPU майнинг MMC выгодней, чем других монет.
А как же п***ж что вот КПУ монеты все на ботнетах потому курс не возможно поднять, типа сливают сразу... А тут ГПУ... все должно быть замечательно и такая лажа... Курс Мема в ж**е из-за этого.

На мой взгляд курс Мема такой каким и должен быть, если будут продвигать монету – то со временем будет расти, если не будут продвигать – будет падать. Возможно найдется какой-то пампер который захочет Мему пропампить, так как их не так много, пампить будет легко. В общем надо ждать и смотреть.

Ботнеты конечно не очень хорошо, но защитится от них невозможно, а их влияние на курс сильно переоценено. Много ботнетов в PrimeCoin (а может это арендованные VPSы, но маловероятно, потому что курс прайма на грани окупаемости VPSов), и как мы видим курс от этого не зависит.
Я все понимаю и естественно что молодые монеты все как ПТС стрельнуть не могут, и нужно время на раскрутку, просто разработчик виноват в том что заявляет одно, а потом выходит по другому совсем, нет четкой картины того как он ее сам видит, одни дергания из стороны в сторону. Может по-этому то понадобилась версиЯ 2.0 :)

Было бы неплохо если бы делились в данном топике своими размышлениями о потенциале монет которые майняться только на CPU, рассказывали о новых разрабатываемых монетах (CPU), делали бы прогнозы о выгодности майнинга на данный момент тех или иных криптовалют ну и всё в таком ключе  :)

Это очень сложно делать, как показывает практика популярность и стоимость монет практически не зависит от технических аспектов. Из тех монет, которые майнятся на CPU я лично могу выделить только PrimeCoin и ProtoShares, на мой взгляд, они сейчас сильно недооценены и соответственно имеют большой потенциал для роста.
Ждем мнений других читателей нашего форума.
PrimeCoin и ProtoShares Самые перспективные монеты, остальные реально скам, без четкой стратегии развития, из разряда намутил что-то на коленке.

MemoryCoin / Re: Miners crushing the economy
« on: January 04, 2014, 05:19:23 pm »
The price has just slumped to 0.00057BTC/MMC, this seems to be because of miners selling straight after mining, as opposed to holding.

We need to stop this, if you are a miner, please hold. It will work out well for you long term, if you are anyone else fire up any machines you have and get mining, hold the coins. If we mine the coins they can't sell them.

We all expected the price to dip as miners tried to recoup costs, but if it goes too far south it may just fail altogether.
GPU miners crashing MEM market (fast money) and back to mine LTC(or script forks).
 CPU mine not profitable today.

Pages: [1] 2