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Messages - jckj

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我的建议  3i.  把之后还没有快照的包括已经快照还没发布的一起收编做到bts里面 之后的dac由bts换取 pts统一升级ags再统一兑换bts作为股份.(可以商议比如比例)bts不要曾发从挖矿里减少比如20%的比例  效果一样但是这么说就能达到利好的效果,如果这么做就完全是利好

101的代表出块就是没挖的   灭了pts就是为了bts的发展这也是bm的初衷  pts兑换ags的比例是个问题  可以1比1  未来的dac以当时bts的数量平均分配  起码不会增发不会触及根本  pts ags和bts的关系问题就能比较好的解决 这个方案应该明显比之前的好  才疏学浅欢迎讨论


 Wrong time wrong way.

如果等BTSX拿出非常漂亮的成果(大众好用,易用/安全/快速最好是带着keyhotee+DNS改进跨多平台的应用,漂亮易用的UI,普通用户无需下载大量数据,银行或者交易所出口片地开花),翻倍个百倍/千倍/万倍,然后再把原型股整合采用跨连而非同btsx链的方式进行整合 就不会有这么多负面效应了,反而是再次积极推进的。

General Discussion / Re: Proposal to Resolve a Million Issues at Once
« on: October 19, 2014, 08:35:32 am »
Cann't agree with those proposal.  Some other solution will be bter than these, in my opion. Something maybe could be  learned from  Ripple.Btsx can make a marketcap  such as $2,000,000,000 or 20,000,000,000( wich or waht will be bter should be decided base on 3i work's value , future's potentien and so on). just 1% could be exchanged untilde it reach about 2~10X of 1% of the marketcap , then next step.  when 100% btsx reach about or above  $2,000,000,000, 100% btsxs could be exchange. and for improve it's satabilty, btsx could invovle some banks in, and so on. Btsxer could imaging all btter solutions.

中文 (Chinese) / Re: 0.15元已被砸破,大家有什么想说的?
« on: October 18, 2014, 02:46:33 pm »
如果再跌跌到1毛及以下,btsx只能5位后面了,意味着往后的推广会更为难,以后再来和其它对手竞争也会变得困难的多。只有市场足够大的存活率才能有保证,否则慢慢就下去了。而且想做DAC银行交易所应用,盘子不大没几个敢来用的。 其实在这种特殊时刻如果btsx再次力挺下去争取达到btc的十分之一以上的水平将更能利于推广的,不过已经下来了,只能随大趋势了,也许重回2、3分了。

中文 (Chinese) / Re: BTX什么时候能到1元?
« on: October 14, 2014, 12:04:03 pm »
如果推广好了早上1$了也至少是btc 1/5~1/3的市值了,今年btsx还是难以抓住机会和btc抗衡,要想上1元,得btsx总市值至少把ltc甩出5倍的差价,把rip干掉,那样就能坐稳1元了。否则要不等btc 1万刀以后再说吧,那是否还有可能btsx有价的?

最好根据注册费用和以前的贡献及funderid point优先级等综合给予域名抢购优先排序那也可以,估计抢注更火爆。以keyfunder的上百美金及先期风险及后续投入、 代表的投入、前期注册用户的风险等综合考虑,应该使用考虑权重、综合优先级排序。不过一切的先决条件都是3i得出dns可用的成果了(核心,并且预留一些升级可行的梦想面),推广DAC互联网,时间不能再拖过今年圣诞前1个月(留一个月推广)。

应用是王道,也是我持有一些3i东西的理由,如果3I把 DNS做好成系统,而且运行能力不弱于现有网络,具有快速极易适用大众搭建网络的组件,同时搭建bitusd等瞄定电子货币支付平台用于支付DNS解析等DAC应用,那慢慢的整个系统都能快速的大步发展起来,交易平台有了自己的网络技术体系更能如鱼得水的。其它几个DAC也赶快发布并打通相互交易特别是bitusd等交易,那3i及各位才会前途无量。


wallet_import_private_key 你创世号的btsx私钥;不对估计是弄少或者弄多了字符,仔细检查一般没问题的。

我发现,并不是所有的委托人名字都能被导入到KEYID,活跃委托人,也就是101之前的,肯定没问题。 但没什么票的委托人,有的可以,有的就不可以。具体为何还未知,不知哪位高手可以帮忙解答一下?

General Discussion / Re: Bitcoin at $330 ?
« on: October 05, 2014, 05:09:36 pm »
Now below $300 " who have delt my opion about bitocion will $300 ~¥100 。 Now chances coming. Btsxers should do more effect .

Chances for bitshares, btc will go down below $400 ~$100 then up. So bitshareers should cath these chances for changing the world.

Hope suport off line distribution to be published

KeyID / Re: DNS DAC Question About Current Model
« on: September 28, 2014, 03:55:04 pm »
I have a question related to the usefulness of the DNS DAC.
Suppose I have a business and I plan on creating a website.
Suppose I have to choose between DNS DAC and traditional dns registration (assume all browsers support both and there are no compatibility issues).
Assume I have an unique unregistered name.

Traditional dns registration will cost me $15 per year and traditional security certificate ( about $50 => totaling $65 per year.
How can I plan the cost for the new DNS DAC ? It is actionable for every timeperiod. This year it could cost me $30 next year $3000.

Given the above scenario what should I pick and why? What benefits will I get using the DNS DAC ?

Am I the right target for DNS DAC? If not what is the target?

Which domain model are you talking about? I decided against agent's model after implementing it and thinking through some of the cases more carefully...

The model I'm planning has a one-time up-front cost.

Great, Base ON blockchain?

KeyID / Re: have you had talks with Maidsafe?
« on: September 28, 2014, 03:50:38 pm »
Greate.For the industry, these should be investe in DNS.

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