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Messages - coolspeed

Pages: 1 ... 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 [30] 31 32 33 34 35 36
人品(?)(rp) 值可交易,直接做成另一种虚拟资产,在相关的应用 (kidarc?)里确实看到了需求。但也有缺点是增加了市场的投机热情,使pow难度无谓地升高,导致想靠pow发出去一封信,要等的时间变得在长,尤其是太性能低的机器上,和移动设备上。


Meta / [suggestion] allow picture upload in site?
« on: January 06, 2014, 11:12:10 am »
It's a little inconvenient to embed an image. You must upload it onto some other site, then outer-link it here.

I will appreciate a built-in function to upload image file then simply embed it to posts.



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Proportional to each input address may be the most clear way.

General Discussion / Re: Is bounty way for development a good way?
« on: January 05, 2014, 01:06:27 pm »
Goal of bounties is to attract quality developers so we can hire the best and brightest.  Having been responsible for interviewing/hiring developers for the past 10 years I can tell you that finding quality talent is hard.   It is even harder when you are a startup with less than 6 months under your belt and only $500K in seed funding.   Few developers will work for stock that is not liquid.

I took a calculated risk and increased our burn rate to hire a full time team to work on Keyhotee and they started about 1 month ago.  AGS  was our top priority because without it I couldn't maintain the team required to get everything done.  This team is very focused on Keyhotee.

I am now working to get the BTS stuff developed in parallel and have been recruiting talent.  So far the bounty systems seem to be attracting a lot of attention and things are happening quickly.

Stimulated by what you are doing.
The bounties are so bountiful that I begin to believe developing will surely be accelerated.
Thank you.

Since bytemaster assumes all input addresses are yours, so it does not that matter to which the AGS are sent.
Bottom line, you should keep all your private keys tightly.

Keyhotee / Re: Alpha Keyhotee Bug Reporting in this thread.
« on: January 05, 2014, 12:47:45 pm »

when starting keyhotee and register with my founder credentials, i could see my ?points. But after finishing the registration process i can't see gold  founder badge on contacts etc.! Dont know if tis a bug or not

Backup your key op
I advice rename .stretched_seed to keyhotteeid.key

where i can find this file!?


At the most probability, it may be located at:

Keyhotee / Re: Post your Alpha Keyhotee Public Key and Be known!
« on: January 05, 2014, 12:39:06 pm »

中文 (Chinese) / Re: 来!登记了!
« on: January 05, 2014, 10:30:05 am »

i don't quite understand what it is exactly that you want, but ask a mod to move this topic to bounties. and put the (Pending) tag on it, so we can build it up and maybe find it a sponsor.

I'll wait until we can confirm a sponsor, I want to keep the bounty forum clean. I agree it's a good idea in theory but it's not clear if it's worth the effort.

You are right. Some new beginners often ask me about the address problem. And after the AGS started, there's been growing questions asked about the address problem on forum. Perhaps the ones active on forum are somehow familiar with btc change address, so I am afraid you can not easily feel the necessity of this easily.

中文 (Chinese) / Re: 钱包备份一次,就够了吗?求教
« on: January 04, 2014, 04:55:13 pm »
那是不是可以理解为,如果只备份一次,大数目是不会丢的,区别只是零钱地址里的那点而已? 毕竟频繁备份钱包很难做到。

问题是,找“零”并不一定是“零钱”,只是找余额的意思。你用100的票子买一块钱的东西,找零是99,找零才是大头。你有一万 BTC 都在一个地址里,付1BTC,找零 9999 BTC。能随便对待吗。

Keyhotee / Re: Keyhotee Founder ID Registration Process
« on: January 04, 2014, 04:16:42 pm »
What if someone has registered my founder ID before me, on alpha test network?

They cannot unless they know both the name you registered and the PTS / BTC address we sent you via email.

Thank you.
: D

Keyhotee / Re: Keyhotee Founder ID Registration Process
« on: January 04, 2014, 04:10:17 pm »
What if someone has registered my founder ID before me, on alpha test network?

Keyhotee / Keyhotee Founder ID Registration Process
« on: January 04, 2014, 04:05:49 pm »
Translated: This is a direct download link, can be directly copied or downloaded QQ Tornado Thunder


he is advising using QQ Tornado or Thunder, which are both downloading tools chinese people often use, to download from the dead link.

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