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Messages - mauritso

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General Discussion / Bitshares transaction graph (past 30 days)
« on: June 05, 2016, 10:50:38 am »
I made a network graph of the transactions on Bitshares in the past 30 days:

Full size graph and explanation:

Link to steem post

Had to use an url shortener because this happens to the url because of the @ sign:

General Discussion / Re: [RELEASE] LiqBot 0.1 (alpha)
« on: May 05, 2016, 01:21:37 pm »
Interesting and potentially very useful to populate emerging markets,
could you please tell if LiqBot could work also @ Bitsquare ?
It's a p2p decentralised Exchange offering Fiat Currency , BTC and ALT trading:
BTS is supported but has still no market offers; we should gain some exposure

It currently supports every market with BTS on the bitshares exchange. (So USD:BTS, CNY:BTS, other assets:BTS), it could be adapted to work with any pair on the bitshares exchange. So if you have an asset on bitshares this could be used.

Looked into Bitsquare a bit, this code won't work for that as it is a completely different platform.

General Discussion / [RELEASE] LiqBot 0.1 (alpha)
« on: May 05, 2016, 12:22:01 pm »
This is the first (alpha) release of the bot I have been working on with @linouxis9, the goal was to make a bot that could provide liquidity in the markets that are going to be used by the Smartcoins Point Of Sale (POS) systems of bitshares-munich. I am hoping to get some bug reports/feedback from people that are interested and want to try it.

  • Creates an account
  • Lends bitassets
  • Maintains collateral ratio (@xeroc ’s work)
  • Places and watches orders replacing them when needed

This account is running the bot currently:

How it looks on an almost empty market:

(The bot has almost no CAD in this graph)


  • General linux/unix knowledge (alpha stages)
  • docker
  • docker-compose

How to setup:

cli-wallet startup options in: ./
bot config in: ./docker-exchangebot/exchangebot/
  • git clone
  • Change the account name in the config (this account will be created on startup. You can also put in an existing wallet in ./wallet/ and set account to the account in the wallet.
  • Put a wallet_password in there.
  • Tweak the bot parameters to your liking, pay attention to borrow, if you don’t want the bot to lend bit assets set it to False (and remove the MaintainCollateralRatio bot).
  • docker-compose up
  • send funds to the bot account
  • ctrl+c
  • docker-compose start
  • check the output with: docker-compose logs
What does the bot do?

The default config will create an account, tell you to send bts/funds to it and after a restart it start operating. It lends bit assets with the bts (this can be turned of in the config) and started placing/watching/replacing orders, as well as keeping the collateral ratio of the debt positions the bot made between certain bounds.


Currently the bot places a buy and sell order on each configured markets if it has enough funds to place an order. The orders are placed at a specified spread percentage. After placing the orders the bot continuously watches the orders and replaces them if they drift more than allowed_spread_percentage.

spread_percentage = 4
allowed_spread_percentage = 2

The bot will place orders at -2% (bids) and +2% (asks) and will replace those orders if they get outside the allowed_spread_percentage of 2. That means that the orders will be replaced at -3%/-1% (bids) and 1%/3% (asks).


The bot costs less than 3 bts a day to run.
Currently I have no real data about bot performance, because there isn’t much happening on the markets.

Thanks to:

This will be so awsome, i feel like a big rock is finally of my back. It's so great!

Agreed. So many folks have been complaining that the captain of the ship keeps getting sidetracked and then never finishes a feature to shareholders expectations. So, I think the friday mumbles could now be moderated by the Beyond Bitcoin team but the guests can be those who want to talk about their projects. No more perception of a top-down structure (i have even seen Bitshares referred to as central banking 2.0).
I had a nice conversation with BM, Stan, Onceupon and Thom yesterday on mumble after the official mumble. We have a very solid plan to move Bitshares forward. Blinded transactions, recurring and scheduled payments, bond market, liquidity bots and market makers, margin trading, free transactions, Smartcoins POS integrations, a 2nd mobile wallet app for iOS and android (all native and material design), skin-able specific use-case wallets, Marketing... There are lots of things being started, worked on and finished up as we speak.
BitShares Munich will be expanding over the coming days. BM has been so far, and confirms that he will continue to consult with us in assisting our expansion, getting more Devs up to speed on graphene, direction with the different repos and docs, etc. We have roughly 40 Devs (c++, js, python and ui/x etc) that can work with us on various projects (as you guys know I have been in software and outsourcing for over 24 years now). Roughly 7 of those 40 are employed with us full-time and as more investment comes in we can slowly expand further. I would like all of the existing projects above finished/polished first and make them awesome.



You can make a python script that accepts the bitcoind style rpc requests and converts them to Bitshares RPC requests and vice-versa for the response that would probably be the easiest method adding Bitshares to Altcointip.

The less hacky way to do this would be to add support for different kind of daemons and then add the Bitshares daemon.

For each asset you can just add an entry to and run another RPC server on another port.

Subaccounts can be used for balances, so send your BTSX to bitsharestipbot.mauritso to add BTSX to your Reddit account.

The amount of coordination is beautiful, 3 replies with answers to the questions in 1 comment.

Sorry about that...

A few


Why on bitcoinmarkets and not cryptomarkets/cryptocurrency?

Number of people.

'Submissions that are mostly about some other cryptocurrency belong in /r/CryptoCurrency or /r/CryptoMarkets'
/r/funny has a lot of activity and subscribers too, maybe crosspost the AMA to that subreddit.

Upvoted, let's see how this turns out. Good luck answering questions!

Why on bitcoinmarkets and not cryptomarkets/cryptocurrency?

General Discussion / Re: How do I "Log in" to an existing account?
« on: August 25, 2014, 04:22:52 am »
@xeroc on mac it's located in /Users/<user>/Library/Application Support

 It's also possible it's without the space inbetween (BitsharesX), but my macbook died so I can't verify.

General Discussion / Re: How do I "Log in" to an existing account?
« on: August 23, 2014, 09:55:22 pm »
You can't log in to an account. A registered name is nothing more than another way to refer to your account key. You account key is used behind the scenes to generate new receiving addresses more on that here:

So to access your 'account' you will need to move the private keys from your mac wallet to your windows wallet. Please make a backup before you do anything. The wallet on your Mac should be located in /Users/<Username>/Library/Application Support/Bitshares X/ or ~/Library/Application Support/Bitshares X/. You will need to move the wallet files to your windows computer, probably to %appdata%\Bitshares X\.

At this moment there is no way to verify/test this method, but someone else should be able to help you with that if this isn't correct and/or clear enough.

General Discussion / Re: Switching VPS. Best way to go about?
« on: July 23, 2014, 03:07:23 pm »
You need the private key to sign transactions, so I guess there is no other way than to give the new VPS acces to the private key in some way. You can move the entire encrypted wallet or dump your wallet as encrypted JSON.

General Discussion / Re: solve the problem the client can't run on XP
« on: July 22, 2014, 05:11:31 pm »
Believe it or not, we will probably have XP support as part of the over-all windows crash fix.   No promises, but likely.

Is it a side-effect of the windows crash fix or are you specifically working to add support for xp?

It's nice for the users of XP I guess, but using an end of life operating system for storing and using crypto-currency isn't really the smartest thing you can do in my opinion.

General Discussion / Re: solve the problem the client can't run on XP
« on: July 22, 2014, 02:50:25 pm »
I doubt there will be an official binary for windows xp, the OS isn't supported by microsoft anymore and it's 13 years old.

You can of course upgrade to a modern linux (lubuntu/elementary os/linux mint), for which there are instructions and support for setting up bitshares client/running the client.

BitShares AGS / Re: No AGS for my BTC, am I overlooking something?
« on: July 21, 2014, 03:47:20 pm »
The PTS network has a difficulty that is too high at this moment (or a hash rate that is too low, depending on how you look at it).
That is why the transactions aren't fast and that when a block is found transactions from the previous hours are included, hence the same timestamps.

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