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Topics - matt608

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4
General Discussion / Any thoughts on this criticism of DPOS?
« on: January 01, 2015, 07:57:14 pm »

While it's not easy to get voted in as 100% pay delegate, it is much easier to do so for a 3% pay delegate as voters are less careful.

Would it be better to have block signing/network security automated with POS and use DPOS to hire + fire employees? (not an original suggestion I know).

General Discussion / Interview with Preston Byrne from Eris Industries
« on: December 22, 2014, 08:36:52 pm »
Preston Byrne is a BitShares critic.  This interview is slightly technical and is about his crypto startup Eris Industries. I thought it might interest devs.  Its long but dense with content.

One thing he says: "The software is free, the services are not".

BitShares UIAs will cost a fee to issue.  What if issuance was free but customisation services cost money?  A delegate could be like a UIA consultant/designer.

Any other thoughts on this vid?  It sounds potentially like a big deal.

This is a great episode btw if you've not watched it yet.  The whole thing is packed with good info. :)

Technical Support / BitShares - problems
« on: December 20, 2014, 10:17:51 pm »
On Macos 10.9.5


- won't load market in delegate account, says 0 volume from my delegate account and freezes but sometimes loads ok in my normal user account
- client often freezes and is slow, especially in my delegate account.
- can't change account name from within a market (which shows 0 volume), have to go back to 'my accounts'
- accounts disappear sometimes from 'my accounts'
- won't lock or quit, have to force quit (sometimes)
- required 3 client restarts to for blockchain to sync
- clicked 'unapprove all' while client was frozen accidentally in frustration... now I have to go and approve 100+ delegates one by one again.
- "my votes" shows nothing even though I've voted a bunch of times.
- can't toggle approval, it goes darker blue then if I toggle approval for another delegate it goes darker blue for them instead and goes back to light blue for the one I just approved.  So can't actually vote.
- After broadcasting a transaction, block chain starts syncing backwards (3mins, 4mins, 5 mins), bar at the bottom turns a dark yellow and says "Caution | Last block was synced 3m 50s ago".  Solved by restarting client.

I just kept restarting and was able to send a transaction but it wasn't pretty and I still can't vote.

What to do?  Is everyone dealing with a barely functioning client at the moment?

General Discussion / BTS / BitUSD / BitGOLD paper wallet designs?
« on: December 07, 2014, 07:04:55 pm »
Do we have any designs for paper wallets and is there a suggested method to create paper wallets?

这是一个3月期推广计划, 在此之后我会提出一个新的计划.
类别: 市场推广受托人
支付率: 100%
受托人ID: argentina-marketing.matt608


-   分配50%资金, 用于阿根廷-西班牙语市场拓展活动
-   50%资金灵活安排, 按需分配, 用于各类市场举措(可能也会去阿根廷开展bitUSD投放活动)
-   每月200bitUSD作为个人收入(给自己一点小费作为精神奖励)


-   我写了这篇文章: (由MeTHoDx编辑), 似乎有助于为比特股召集力量, 并且已经引起了开发者的兴趣. 
-   我写了这篇文章: (未发表):
-   我写了这些歌词: (可能用不到):
-   我为自己的受托人竞选活动做了一个音频广告(, 本周三会在很受欢迎的Beyond Bitcoin电台播出. 我将会定期制作音频广告!
-   我注册了 , 正在为阿根廷市场定制bitUSD门户的过程中. Cass已经同意一有空闲就会做这个工作(有偿的).


-   为阿根廷市场定制专业的bitUSD视频, 使用西班牙语发音, 主要着力于作为储蓄账户的定位进行宣传.
-   为开发一个令人惊艳的设计.
-   广告宣传活动(横幅广告, 可能投放网站内容广告, 和其他形式广告)
-   通过当地交易所空投bitUSD给比特币用户.  同时会在论坛上投放BitUSD
-   小额作为社区小费支付给助手和顾问.


-   在上做好令人惊艳的bitUSD门户网站, 包括视频.
-   在某些有价值的地方撰写并发表至少10篇英文文章, 翻译成西班牙语备用.
-   与阿根廷交易所建立合作关系, 空投bitUSD给他们的比特币用户.
-   为bitshares定期制作音频广告, 并在加密货币电台和其他内容相关的无线电台中播出.
-   我还有个目标是刺激商家采用BitUSD


-   除了比特股, 音乐制作也是我的爱好. 我会弹吉他, 钢琴和贝斯, 也有随时准备好用麦克风制作作品的能力. 我有一书房用于音频广告的自制伴奏曲, 只用了两把吉他或者一把吉他加架子鼓加贝斯, 而且伴奏可以重复使用, 只是上边说话的内容改一下就可以了.
-   我已经制作了1部广告, 周三会在很受欢迎的Beyond bitcoin电台播出.
-   我可以持续制作广告, 赞助每次的节目(每一到两周一次), 这些节目非常受欢迎. 我也可以给其他广播电台制作广告, 根据每一个客户需求定制. 这些将会成为我对比特股定期贡献的一部分!


-   写作是我要发挥的另一个主要特长. Matador123说西班牙语, 在阿根廷住过7个月, 他会把我的文章翻译成西班牙语, 帮忙组织活动促成文章在阿根廷新闻机构上发表, 并帮助建立西班牙语社区.
-   我会帮忙组织竞选活动, 贡献好点子和时间给可能用得上的任何市场推广方案
-   我会和MeTHoDx协商在阿根廷市场投放广告.
-   我将会大量咨询社区意见, 并和社区规划保持紧密合作.


-   真实姓名: Matthew Jones (叫我 matt608)
-   年龄:25岁
-   地点:英国


-   18岁时成立GetPlugD有限责任公司, 计划衔接博客作者和广告商. 程序员病了, 计划在发起前泡汤.
-   18至20岁, 创建具有零预算搜索引擎优化和免费营销技术的博客, 推广并出售. 通过出售博客, 广告和自由投稿, 赚了超过2万美金.
-   20至21岁, 全职在伦敦的一家visa公司做搜索引擎优化, 包括写作和外链建设.


-   在布里斯托大学学习哲学,因为CFS(慢性疲劳综合症)中途辍学.我现在仍然有CFS,让我筋疲力竭,但是我能把这个工作搞定,给比特股创造大量价值.
-   如上文所述的3月期计划将在我被投票当上受托人那天启动.当3个月结束时,我会提出新的计划.


-   我承诺3个月内每个月给自己不超过200bitUSD的酬劳,一个子儿都不多拿.
-   我承诺预算使用完全透明.工资数额将公示,任何一个社区成员在我为他们的帮助支付酬劳的时候都必须接受这一点.
-   所有资金将被谨慎的使用,以增加比特股价值为目的,同时不破坏任何个人道德准则,比如”黄金法则”。
-   我对这个计划相当兴奋,等不及想要开搞了! (准确的说,我等不及了..译注:这句他用了过去式)

    我的受托人已经上线了!如果你支持我的竞选, 想要我继续干活, 给我投票: argentina-marketing.matt608
    谢谢 !

General Discussion / Fuelling the Decentralization Movement (Video)
« on: December 06, 2014, 04:36:48 pm »
This is a great new video on the decentralisation movement, BitShares should have had a representative!

Great new podcast from Arthur Falls at LTB on the popular Beyond Bitcoin podcast with a fascinating and long interview with Bytemaster!  Bytemaster completely nails it, it's one of the best podcasts I've heard on Bitshares and is really interesting, check it out!

You'll hear my first ever Bitshares audio ad at 30 minutes (includes composition and production of the backing music).  I will produce lots more audio ads for Bitshares once elected.

Let's share this everywhere, and lets be useful in the comments section when comments start rolling in.

On Reddit:

General Discussion / Status of Bitshares ME + user issued assets?
« on: December 03, 2014, 02:26:10 pm »
Is Bitshares ME + user issued assets the same thing?  How do I issue an asset?  I can see there are loads of them in the asset directory but after 10 mins of looking in the client I can't see how to create one.

It looks messy at the moment.  Current problems I encountered:

- Clicking on a UIA asset name or symbol in the directory goes to a page with naked code containing issuer info,  if this code is clicked i goes to their profile and gives an error message "account name (number) invalid account name!"  plus code in the "show details".
- Clicking in the "search markets" in the markets section makes my client repeatedly freeze for about a minute (on Mac)
- visiting a UIA market (having searched for it once the client unfreezes) gives the error "market is not initialised" with code appearing in the "show details".
- I can't see how to create an assest.

I'm just sending this as a repot for devs and a question, is this going to be fixed and ready for the "1.0" launch?   What I'm writing for bloggers is basically a promotion and guide of Bitshares ME/user issued assets.

This could be expanded to be a major income source for BTS.  User issued assets issuers should have the option of paying a big fees for the following bonus features:

- Their own light wallet just for their asset (more fees for each version, mac, windows etc).
- Mobile wallets just for their asset
- web wallet just for their asset
- Customise their wallet with brand integration (not automated, requires a delegate to hire designer/coder to do the work)
- a trading pair on a web based exchange (holy grail) for fiat/UIA (do deals with on/off ramp partners). 

Once a light client is developed for 1 UIA, could it be easily cloned and used for another?  Then big blogs and online newspapers could issue their own blog/author/newspaper coin (as well as tons of other markets like musicians in peertracks).

Is this kind of thing part of the plan for BTS?

Technical Support / Cannot register account
« on: December 01, 2014, 10:05:05 am »
I'm trying to register a new account and have sent it 1BTS from myself but when I click "register account" and then click "ok" nothing happens, it wont register it.  The popup window just stays there.  I can close it by clicking cancel, but clicking "ok" does nothing. 

Can anyone help?

This is a 3 month plan, after that I will propose a new plan.

Class: Marketing delegate
Pay rate:  100%
Delegate name:  argentina-marketing.matt608

Plan in Brief:

-   50% of funds allocated to marketing in Argentina - Spanish language marketing campaign.
-   50% flexible to be used as needed for various marketing initiatives (may also going to Argentina for bitUSD drops)
-   200bitUSD a month personal take home pay (tiny tip for myself to help moral)

What have I done so far?

 - I wrote this, (edited by MeTHoDx), which appears to have contributed to a BTS rally and has already resulted in developer interest.
 - I wrote this article (draft material)
 - I wrote these lyrics (may not get used)
 - Created an Audio Ad for my delegate campaign which will air on the popular Beyond Bitcoin podcast this Wednesday.  I will create regular audio ads!
 - I have registered and am in the process of setting up a bitUSD portal custom made for the Argentine market.  Cass has agreed to work (paid) on this once he’s available. 

The Operation Argentina budget will be spent on the following:

-   Professional bitUSD video custom made for the Argentine market, pitched primarily as a savings account and with voicing in Spanish.
-   Developing an amazing design for
-   Advertising campaign (banners, possibly adsense + more)
-   bitUSD airdrop onto bitcoin users via local exchanges and onto
-   Small amount for community tips to helpers/consults.

Targets for 3 months time:

-   Have amazing bitUSD portal on complete with video.
-   Have at least 10 articles written and published somewhere of value in English.  Translated into Spanish ready for use.
-   Establish exchange partnership in Argentina + airdrop bitUSD to it's bitcoin users.
-   Produce regular audio ads for Bitshares and have them aired in cryptocurrency podcasts and on relevant radio stations. 
-   Stimulate merchant adoption

Audio ads
Besides from Bitshares, making music is what I love doing.  I play the guitar + piano and bass and have production skills with mics at the ready.  I have a library of home-made backing tracks to use in audio ads, with just a couple of guitars or a guitar and drums and bass, plus the backing tracks can be re-used and just the talk over the top changed.

I have produced 1 ad already and it will air on Wednesday on the popular Beyond bitcoin podcast:

I can keep doing this and sponsor every show (they are every 1-2 weeks) and are very popular.  I can make them for other radio stations too, customised for each audience. This will be part of my regular contribution to Bitshares! 

Writing is my (other) main strength and I will play to it.  Matador123 is a Spanish speaker and lived in Argentina for 7 months and will be translating my articles into Spanish and helping organize campaigns to get them published on Argentinian news outlets and will help with general Spanish speaking community building. 

I will help organize campaigns and contribute ideas and time to any marketing initiatives where I can be of use. 

I will consult with MeTHoDx about placing ads in the Argentine market.

The community will be heavily consulted and I will work closely with community propose initiatives.

About me:
Real Name:  Matthew Jones (call me matt608)
Age: 25
Location:  UK

Relevant work history:
 - Age 18 founded limited company GetPlugD aiming to connect advertiers and bloggers, programmer got ill and project fell though before launch.
 - Between ages 18-20 created, marketed and sold blogs with no budget using SEO + free marketing techniques.  Earned over $20k+ from blog sales, ads and freelance writing.
- Age 20-21 was employed full time by a visa company in London to do SEO for them involving writing and link building.

Recent history:
Studied Philosophy at the University of Bristol, but had to drop out half way through due to becoming ill with CFS (chronic fatigue syndrome).  I still have this and it causes exhaustion but I can get the job done and bring lots of value to Bitshares.

As stated this is a 3 month plan starting from the date I am elected.  Once the 3 months is over I will present a new plan.

-   I pledge to pay myself not a penny more than 200bitUSD per month for 3 months.
-   I pledge complete transparency with my budget.  Anyone in the community who I pay for their help will have to accept the amount will be public knowledge.
-   All other funds will be spent carefully with the goal of increasing value of BTS without breaking any personal moral tenants, such as ‘the golden rule’.

I am really excited about this and can't wait to get started! (literally, I couldn't wait).

My Delegate is now LIVE!  If you support my campaign and want me to keep working, vote for me:  argentina-marketing.matt608

Thank you


It looks like a small event, but thought I would post it in case someone lives nearby. 

General Discussion / Bitasset volume targets
« on: November 24, 2014, 07:13:00 pm »
What kind of volume do we need on bitassets for burnt fees to become a significant deflationary force?  I had a look on the wiki and couldn't find what the actual fee rate is per transaction.  Are fees 100% burned all the time now (I forgot...)?

How much in fees would $1m daily volume in bitUSD generate?

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