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OpenLedger / Which way can Bitshares benefit of Ripple gateway on CCEDK?
« on: August 04, 2015, 07:37:37 am »
We are adding Ripple gateway as well as the currency itself on CCEDK, and perhaps ready with it within next week.

I would appreciate if you could give me your comments as to which way Smartcoins like BitUSD or Bitshares could be used in connection with Ripple, I mean like some use cases we could enter into our FAQ on Ripple use on CCEDK.

What I am fishing for is some questions and answers including BitUSD or BitShares for that matter which you feel could help increase the interest in Bitshares and Smartcoins via the use of the Ripple gateway.

Please add the use cases when it will possible to work this inside your bitshares/CCEDK wallet as well :) ;)

Looking forward to having your comments on this thread for it to be added on our Ripple page FAQ.

We are for now adding XRP/BitUSD as trading pair as well.

Qora reloads with social network, voting and CCEDK exchange promotion

Qora, a second-generation cryptocurrency platform that all but disappeared from sight last year, is set to make a comeback with a stunning feature-set and the support of Denmark’s #1 exchange.

Having made a splash at the beginning of 2014, Qora, a second-generation cryptocurrency platform that promised an impressive set of 2.0 features, faltered and then crashed into obscurity. Now, with a new dev team, new marketing and further unique additions to its universal wallet, it looks set to be the phoenix of crypto.

Qora is a proof-of-stake coin that requires no miners – thereby aligning the interests of coin holders with those who secure the network. Its development roadmap included an asset exchange for crypto-stocks; aliasing (a way to associate information with strings of characters, enabling all kinds of applications including decentralised DNS registration); decentralised voting; encrypted or plain-text arbitrary messages, and more.

The wilderness months
It was a promising start, but Qora was beset with problems. Delays open sourcing its code led to a loss of confidence and opened the door for an unpleasant misinformation campaign on bitcointalk; similarities with Nxt, another popular 2.0 platform, led to the rumour that the founder was really BCNext, Nxt’s own anonymous creator – and that the platform had not been built from scratch at all. The community dwindled, development went on hold, and ultimately Qora himself, the visionary developer who had started the project, left as well. The coin’s market cap slid from a high around $5m to just $100,000, and by the end of 2014 it was worth just a few Satoshis each.

Qora 2.0
The remnants of the community, though, were highly loyal and included some capable developers. After a period of intense uncertainty about the future, Qora was reinvigorated with a new dev team. Whereas Qora himself had focused on coding to the exclusion of all else, the new release of the platform also encompassed marketing – a key element of any crypto project – as well as further exchange integration and an emphasis on rebuilding the decimated community.

The new incarnation of Qora includes some impressive features beyond those originally planned. For example, as well as the voting system and asset exchange, Qora’s new wallet has a built-in social network and decentralised web. Automated Transactions were also enabled some months ago, launched with a trustless crypto-to-crypto exchange, Atomic Cross-Chain Transfers. The universal wallet will run on anything that uses Java – which nowadays, means almost everything.

CCEDK promotion
Finally, Danish exchange CCEDK has added Qora to its list of currencies, providing a new home for the coin and a vital new source of liquidity.

Qora will trade against BTC and three fiat currencies: USD, EUR and CNY.

CCEDK is currently running a promotion to new users, and hopes to welcome new members of the growing Qora community to their dedicated

The first 500 unique users who trade a minimum of 100,000 Qora within a week of the first month of inclusion on CCEDK will receive a 10,000 Qora bonus, provided they:
•   Share their trade, mentioning #ccedk, #qora, CCEDK and the trading pair, on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Google+ or Weibo
•   Mention their trading experience of CCEDK on bitcointalk or another major forum, including what features make Qora their coin of choice
•   Email with links to these posts as proof, within the first month of Qora trading on CCEDK.

To find out more about Qora, listen to the Beyond Bitcoin Hangout or read the new thread on bitcointalk.


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CCEDK / Crypto Coins Exchange Denmark ApS


OpenLedger / Published on Forbes at 10.14am New York, check it out
« on: July 15, 2015, 08:38:56 pm »
Article Published on Forbes at 10.14 am New York
(EDT). , would appreciate some love sent to CCEDK

Hello all,

I have just managed to adjust and send back corrections to a stunning article to be published in Forbes magazine tomorrow Thursday at 2 PM UK time, how deep it will be only time will show, but for sure the online edition.

I noticed in other thread question about why nobody did any trading on CCEDK, as CMC was basically empty, well I would like to say that I am trying all my best to get Bitshares mentioned everywhere, and hope for your support the other way round in return.

Dont forget that all you do for instance in terms of supporting CCEDK by sending liquidity to the exchange and do some heavy buying and selling, it will in the end help you guys create some more goodwill to Bitshares as a whole.

I am doing a lot of marketing on NanoCard, and as you may have noticed I am speaking highly about Bitshares, SmartCoins and Cryptonomex in all of them.

Imagine the readers when signing up on CCEDK, sees practically no trading on any bitshares related pairs!!

Well, they will say something is not right, maybe Bitshares is not the one I should focus on afterall, otherwise they would support someone mentioning them over and over again. That's just my thoughts on that anyways, an that would be a real shame!

Again, it's all in your hands. Action speaks louder than words, and I do believe I do both, so it can't be that bad, I do feel however, too many bitshares members are holding back unsure whether they should consider CCEDK a valid asset to invest in or not, and therefore not acting untill now at all.

That's all ok, but know please that we all are part of shaping the future and we all have to chip in. I am trying to do my part, and we are not even started on the big journey yet. :) ;)

As I said in the beginning, I am not the one to judge anyone, but I would appreciate some love towards CCEDK showing you believe in what I am trying to do on behalf of the entire Bitshares community as well as CCEDK of course.

And I do it personally because I love it, not because I have to, not because anyone expects me to do it, but simply because I love it!

All the best from windy northern part of Denmark


And I want you guys to love it too! :)

Børsen skriver:

Dansk børs lancerer kreditkort med bitcoin

Dette til info ved følgende link til børsens artikel idag 18 maj.

Det er nu ikke helt rigtigt at det er kreditkort da det udelukkende drejer sig om debit kort, men så er det ihvertfald sat på plads.

Læs mere om kortet og evt. hvordan du bestiller på vor NanoCard hjemmeside;

Dansk firma bag banebrydende bitcoin kreditkort

På basis af introduktion til vort Bitcoin Debit NanoCardBlockchain and Bitcoin conference 16 juni i København, har journalist Mads Due Anker fra Finansforbundet i Danmark udfærdiget en mindre artikel omhandlende dette spændende produkt:

Mange tak til Mads

Artklen kommer her:

Med venlig hilsen

Ronny Boesing

Nanocard / Activation of NanoCard on CCEDK, soon but not yet, sorry
« on: July 11, 2015, 06:45:15 pm »
Dear all,

I know I have been telling everyone it was about this time you could all go to CCEDK and have your NanoCard activated, well I am sorry to say it is not yet possible. Our team at CCEDK have prepared all for final integration, but the part connectiing to banks and partners is a more complicated matter, which is taking longer than initially anticipated.

My partner is meeting up with the involved parties this coming week, and I will try to use this thread to keep you updated once a week, as it seems right now minimum two more weeks realistically, sorry to say. I guess this is what happens when many technical aspects have to be combined into something long lasting an fully functional.

All the best from here

Ronny Boesing


Verdens første bitcoinkreditkort er dansk
Offentliggjort 10.07.15 kl. 13:07
Dansk iværksætter er først på markedet med kreditkort til handel af bitcoins. Det nye kort erstatter det nuværende prepaid kreditkort, der har større volatilitetsrisiko.

Køb Bitcoins på CCEDK - Det ta'r max en halv time, som dansker og lidt mere hvis du skal sende via SEPA.

På CCEDK kan du som dansker indsætte DKK via SWIPP eller straks indebetaling til 25 øre, købe bitcoins via vor instant ordre funktion og derefter sende til deres egen bitcoin wallet på under en halv time!

Med venlig hilsen

Ronny Boesing


CCEDK / Crypto Coins Exchange Denmark ApS

DK-9492 Blokhus

Phone office: +45 36 98 11 50


BitUSD supported NanoCard - Spend your BitUSD to fiat everywhere 24/7 ?

Hello all good people on the Bitshares forum, at CCEDK we appreciate your support, please do try, however, to tell some more of your friends about CCEDK and their NanoCard.

If you consider the future a little, in a few months from now, CCEDK will be able to offer you to do your trading inside your very own CCEDK wallet, and as such then easily the most secure exchange anywhere.

So why why not start already now supporting CCEDK and the NanoCard, as the more support the sooner you will have SmartCoins like BitUSD, BITEUR and BITCNY added to the card!

Thank you.

1. Support the NanoCard headtalker campaign, Support NanoCard funding your dreams! on HeadTalker! It takes just a few seconds to help out.  Go to and click any of the big blue social network buttons to add your social support.

2. Support CCEDK as exchange bringing some Smartcoins, Bitshares or Fiat liquidity to exchange !

SmartCoins =

3. From media September start using your very own CCEDK wallet as your preferred exchange and bitshares wallet all-in-one on the base of multisig accounts, open orderbooks etc.

Everything about our new accounts will be an open book and you control the keys to your own funds, even while they are on our exchange.

GOAL: SmartCoins supported debit NanoCard - Spend your fiat pegged SmartCoins to fiat anywhere worldwide 24/7

Une entreprise Danoise est en passe de révolutionner l’industrie de la crypto-monnaie, la principale plateforme danoise d’échange de crypto-monnaie vient de franchir les derniers obstacles afin de permettre une meilleure compatibilité des crypto-monnaies.

"Nous avons combiné les avantages de la monnaie numérique dont le Bitcoin est le pionnier, avec une comptabilité des principales cartes de crédit ", selon les dires de Ronny Boesing, PDG de" Par le biais du travail effectué, nous avons éliminé la plupart des inconvénients majeurs des deux systèmes. Cet été, les consommateurs pourront bénéficier de l’intégralité des avantages des deux mondes !"

Entrant dans le vif du sujet, Boesing précise : " Nous sommes maintenant capable d’offrir à notre clientèle une solution unique, homogène et globale combinant, l’argent sur internet, un payement peer-to-peer, et l’instantanéité des transferts de fond vers l’international. Quelqu’un aux antipodes pourra créditer votre carte de crédit dans le temps qu’il faut actuellement pour payer chez votre commerçant de quartier. "

" C’est comme si votre épargne, vos comptes courants, et votre compte d’exploitation pouvaient être constamment à votre portée de main, accessibles sans aucun délai et partout dans le monde, avec des frais moins importants que ceux pratiqués par les banques commerciales et les sociétés de marché. "
CCEDK est désormais la première place boursière dans le monde à rendre public ses registres de compte - en utilisant la même philosophie qui a fait de Bitcoin le succès qu’il est aujourd’hui : un journal public dans lequel toutes les transactions sont enregistrées de manière permanente et décentralisée. Concernant les risques et les craintes des utilisateurs, Ronny Boesing se veut rassurant : " Vous n’avez plus à vous inquiéter d’un piratage de notre plateforme, de l’honnêteté de notre fonctionnement interne ou bien encore de la solvabilité de la société. L’ensemble de nos nouveaux comptes formera un registre ouvert et public, vous resterez en possession de vos avoirs constamment alors même qu’ils seront sur notre plateforme d’échange ".

Ceci représente une innovation majeure. Boering énumère les principaux problèmes qui ont été solutionnés afin d’aboutir au système actuel:

La vitesse : Les virements internationaux classiques prennent plusieurs jours dans le système bancaire actuel. Nous vous permettons d’envoyer vos fonds partout à travers la planète en une seconde.
La confiance : Votre argent va directement de votre compte au destinataire, sans intermédiaire qui prend le contrôle de votre argent. Ainsi, CCEDK ne sera pas non plus un intermédiaire.
Flexibilité : Vous pouvez stocker votre argent dans les principales devises nationales et devises numériques. Vous pouvez les convertir en une seule seconde, aussi souvent que vous le souhaitez.
Compatibilité : Vous pouvez dépenser votre argent instantanément partout où les principales cartes de crédit sont acceptées.
Sécurité : Personne ne peut geler, saisir, pirater ou attaquer votre compte. Vous avez toujours le contrôle et votre identité ne pourra être usurpée.
Confidentialité : Uniquement ceux que vous autorisez pourront voir vos comptes. Nos registres sont publics afin d’assurer la transparence, mais vous pourrez garder le vôtre privé.
Rendement : Vous pouvez profiter des meilleurs rendements, le tout avec moins de risques que n’importe quel autre placement.
Stabilité : Nous offrons la stabilité d’une deuxième génération d’actif numérique qui a une volatilité beaucoup plus faible que les premières générations comme le Bitcoin. Nous pouvons désormais par le biais de notre SmartCoins indexer leur valeur sur le Dollar, l’Euro, le Yuan, l’or, l’argent, le Bitcoin et un nombre croissant d’autres devises et matières premières.
Contrats intelligents : Vous pouvez désormais programmer les transactions financières afin qu’elles s’effectuent automatiquement lorsque les conditions convenues préalablement sont remplies. Plus besoin de faire confiance à un intermédiaire, notre système implique uniquement l’accord entre les deux parties. Les paiements récurrents ou bien les éléments clefs de votre testament seront exécutés de cette façon.
Compte avec signature multiple : Vous pourrez partager le contrôle d’un compte avec des amis, la famille ou bien encore un associé.
Personne n’a jamais été en mesure de combiner toutes ces fonctions jusqu’à maintenant. Les gens ont pris l’habitude d’avoir à gérer les problèmes inhérents à un système financier hautement centralisé. Dorénavant, avec la monnaie numérique décentralisée, ceci n’est plus nécessaire. CCEDK combine les avantages et élimine les inconvénients des deux précédents systèmes.
Comment CCEDK a-t-il pu être le pionnier de ce système révolutionnaire ? " Par le biais d’un regroupement et d’un partenariat stratégique" précise Boesing. "Deux des partenaires les plus innovants de l’industrie ont fait équipe avec nous pour réaliser ce que personne n’aurait pu réaliser individuellement ".

"Nous avons commencé par notre propre plateforme d’échange internationale établie au sein de l’Union Européenne au Danemark. Nous avons lancé la structure il y a environ un an. Actuellement, offre la possibilité d’acheter et vendre des options sur les monnaies numériques le tout dans un environnement hautement sécurisé sur la base de l’authentification avec deux facteurs (2FA). Nous mettons à disposition un service clientèle ouvert 24/7 à destination du monde entier. Nous couvrons les cinq continents et 17 langues à ce jour. Par ailleurs, nous offrons la négociation anonyme de plus de 85 paires basées sur : BitUSD , BitEUR , BitCNY , Bitcoin , litecoin , BitShares , NuBits , NuShares , Dogecoin , DASH , Nextcoin , Blackcoin , peercoin et Fimkrypto. "
"CCEDK a ensuite uni ses forces avec, détenteur d’une licence FOREX, afin d’offrir le service de la carte Nano. Ce partenariat offre des possibilités illimitées, et par conséquent nous sommes vraiment fiers après seulement un an de présence dans le secteur d’avoir l’occasion d’accomplir un impressionnant projet comme celui-ci. Il aboutira peut être à la première véritable carte de crédit crypto 2.0. Ils seront acceptés partout, pas besoin de convaincre les commerçants."

Récemment, a rejoint l’équipe. Ils constituent les développeurs de la deuxième génération de crypto-monnaie connu sous le nom de BitShares. " Ce partenariat nous donne accès plus en profondeur au réseau BitShares 2.0 afin de nous permettre d’effectuer des transactions de manière industrielle, plusieurs milliers de fois plus rapide que le Bitcoin," dit Boesing. "L’utilisation de la plateforme de Bitshares donne ainsi à CCEDK la possibilité de partager ses registres et ses services avec de futures plateformes d’échanges partenaires ainsi que des fournisseurs d’actifs numériques dans l’optique d’atteindre les marchés les plus éloignés. Cela permettra une diminution des commissions ainsi qu’une gamme croissante de produits et de services innovants. "


Dans cette industrie qui évolue rapidement, le succès repose sur l’effet de réseau. En plaçant leurs registres sur le réseau Bitshares, CCEDK s’assure d’une croissance rapide afin d’être à terme le leader des plateformes d’échange, la plus lucrative et la plus sécurisée de la planète. "Les échanges avec des registres fermés seront menacés d’extinction "  a déclaré Boesing. " Si l’année prochaine, une plateforme d’échange n’est pas incorruptible, transparente, et décentralisée, comme la nôtre, il se pourrait qu’elle ne rivalise plus avec le secteur économique. "

BTS/BTC pair with a 0,1% trading commission :)

You as a bitshares holder has requested the option of buying Bitshares via BTC, and we are happy to assist you in making it a happy day on CCEDK.

BTS/BTC trading pair is now available on CCEDK:

Help make this pair an attractive spot for future transactions, and note please it only takes a volume of 100.000 bitshares per month in order to keep

as low as 0,1% in trading commission.

I hope you can agree we are trying our best to be your preferred platform for trading activities of both Bitshares to/from fiat like USD and EUR, as well as the Smartcoins like BItUSD, BItEUR and BitCNY to/from USD, EUR and CNY.

And dont forget we also accept currencies connected closely to EUR like Polish Zloty, Hugarian Forints, Swiss Francs, Pound Sterling, Swedish and Norwegian kroner. Check out this link for other thread on european currencies:,16947.0.html

And to the USD we offer you the possibility to send in the following currecies, have it converted and start trading in USD:
AUD, CAD, AED, RUR, HKD, JPY and NZD. Check out link for more information.,16946.0.html

OpenLedger / Buy BitUSD or BTS with Instant order function
« on: June 21, 2015, 09:59:12 am »
BTS, BitUSD, BItEUR or BitCNY with Instant order

Order your BTS, BitUSD, BItEUR with our newly created Instant order funtion on

How does it work?

1. First click on Instant orders next to limit orders

2. Enter the BTC you want exchanged to USD and then click on fetch prices(we should probably change to Request price)

3. Once the suggested price shows, you are now able to click on buy, and you should have the USD to buy BTS or Smartcoins like BitUSD, BItEUR or BItCNY

Thats it, you have now made your buy!
[Articles from the media:

Follow up on the Blockchain and Bitcoin conference in Copenhagen June 16th 2015
Yours Sincerely,

Ronny Boesing


CCEDK / Crypto Coins Exchange Denmark ApS

DK-9492 Blokhus

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin...sing/20/617/65b

OpenLedger / Instant order BTC >< USD no matter size of orderbook
« on: June 21, 2015, 09:54:40 am »
BTC or USD with Instant order

Order your bitcoins or receive USD with our newly created Instant order function on

How does it work?

1. First click on Instant orders next to limit orders OR click on red bar in top of exchange, scoll down to the pair you like to explore and click on it.

2. Enter the BTC you want exchanged to USD to get updated rate

3. Once the suggested price shows, you are now able to adjust the amount of BTC you wish to buy based on available amount of fiat, and you should have the USD to buy whatever else you wish to use it for.

Hello all good people on the Bitshares forum, I need your help!

It could be great if as many as possible on this forum could give some feedback and comments to this article I do on Linkedin,a s it is also boosted on facebook, all the nice comments will get out there best way possible. Thanks

and dont forget to support the nanocard via any of the social network options mentioned in regards to the headtalker campaign there, simply created to make some hype on the NanoCard, so that once we have it supported by Smartcoins, this powerful campaign will then go live as well, thanks.

All the best from rainy Denmark

Ronny Boesing

OpenLedger / BitEUR with european currencies GBP and more
« on: June 15, 2015, 09:53:28 am »
European bank transfers

NB: No deposit fees in the month of June and July for all currencies

Please note below is offered as a special courtesy to anyone who prefers to transfer directly from their own local currency to buy either BitEUR or Bitshares with EUR.

All funds transferred in below currencies will be converted to EUR, free of charge. They will be exchanged according to rate as per mentioned currency calculator here


Unless mentioned in created ticket in mojo help desk, amount will be exchanged to Euro!

How can I buy BitEUR or Bitshares with my own local currency?
Create a deposit order on CCEDK in EUR in the approximate amount you wish to transfer, consider beneficiary and beneficiary bank information valid but disregard the correspondent bank details mentioned and use the below correspondent bank information instead like bank name and SWIFT adress, suited for the currency you are sending. No matter the amount you are mentioning in EUR, it will be adjusted according to the exchange rate used on the day of arrival to beneficiary account CCEDK.

Use correspondent SWIFT address only as additional information, do not use this as beneficiary bank swift address, you have this information already when you click on deposit page and receive PDF with all banking information.

IMPORTANT: Allways include USER ID and order Request(RQ) in reference column!

IMPORTANT: All users who need to deposit or withdraw fiat, please have a good look at the compliance page on exchange or go directly using this link:

From August deposit with fees:
European bank transfer deposits will carry a 0,04% deposit fee on our side (minimum fee = EUR 5,00) and will take from 2-3 business days(include the correspondent bank details for speedy deposit, and you may be pleasantly surprised)

Did you order your Bitcoin Debit NanoCard yet?
First 10000 signups has their monthly fee waivered for life!
Go here for more information:

The Bitcoin Debit NanoCard is a one of a kind next-generation payment card 2.0 you are able to use everywhere to pay for goods and services like in restaurants, bars and retail shops or online like on Amazon or withdraw cash at ATM's worldwide using any of your cryptocurrency balance.

Questions? You are always welcome to drop me an e-mail on or create a ticket in our support mojo help desk:

Support NanoCard funding your dreams! on HeadTalker! Click on below link for more information

Correspondent banks
Valid from: 09.06.2015.








Yours Sincerely,
Ronny Boesing
CCEDK / Crypto Coins Exchange Denmark ApS
DK-9492 Blokhus
Phone office: +45 36 98 11 50


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