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Topics - bitmarket

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I would really love to see a centralized cool place to assess a delegates make my decisions.  My voter apathy has been a result of feeling like I am negligent voting for not being informed about candidates.

This site is an awesome start

Once i click on a delegate on that page a tonne of useful information comes up.   I would also like to see a text and/or video pitch each delegate could add to that page.    I do not think it is unreasonable for the owner of that site to charge the delegates a small fee in bts, for the privilege of posting video or text to that page.

The other upside is I think it will become the landing page that delegates will want to promote.  Hey come check out my record and what I will do for the community. The owner of this site will have income and hundreds of delegates driving traffic to his site.

It would help me be a better voter, increase the the quality of delegates, and produce income and traffic for the rockstar who provided the service.

A cherry on top would be a way to vote on the site, export a text file and upload my votes to my client.

I am freaking amazed we have any new signups at all.   I am on step 12. Its 2 pages long so far, and I got stuck and could not complete the registration of a TITAN address.

This is not a bitch and moan though. The exact opposite. I know registration and funding of accounts will be able to be done in 5 minutes within the next 2-3 months. 

That is why I am so excited. We already have a huge following, are the 4th biggest alt, have nearly $1 million in bitAssets floating around, have an epic core dev team, and a great team of marketers plotting on dozens of different fronts.   Q1 '15 is going to be so amazing I will not know what to do with myself.

To achieve what we have with such a high barrier to entry really is testimony to how big this is going to be when it is GrandMa ready.

Hold on people!

Oh... and can anyone tell me where to find the private key in the client?

So we (Marketing)  just got a off a Skype conference call with the Dev team.

Lots of awesome things came out of it, and I am now more excited than ever about BTS.  However I wanted to share one very cool thing that excited me.

First the background. I have spoken to many companies about accepting bitcoin. The first objection I get is volatility and companies like bitpay have solved that problem. The second objection I get is there is no ability for continuity payments. All businesses built on the subscription model cannot "play" with bitcoin.  Because bitcoin is volatile a subscription of $10 per month may be 0.1 bitcoin this month and 0.05 bitcoin teh moth after.

With the stability of bitUSD this concern is no longer there.  After talking to BM we discovered continuity payments are actually low hanging fruit for the developers. It could be ready to go in a week or so if it were focused on.  And since customers have stability of currency with bitUSD in their wallet, they would be fine to leave a large chunk in their wallet, earning interest and they can control on the client side what subscriptions they have enabled or not.

Enter the world of high risk merchants. As an example the Adult industry have to suffer merchant fees as high as 25% on successful transactions and chargebacks and other fees are exorbitant. It is a reality that over 40% of their revenues go to the merchant provider.

The industry is ripe for the picking for bitcoin.... except one thing.  It is built on continuity payments.  Membership to porn site XYZ for $4.99 a month.

It would make total sense for them to accept bitUSD as a payment and offer a discount of up to 40% for using it.  That could seriously motivate customers to click the link next to the payment option  "What is bitUSD" and get a few. Plus their payment would be private

Consumer side motivation to use crypto is what has been sorely lacking for bitcoin because a  2% discount on purchases is not enough of an incentive... but 20-40% might be.  That is why bitcoin has had good penetration into the gambling industry. It does not depend on continuity payments.

The porn industry jumped to mind but here is more complete list of high risk merchant industries.

Which ones have not had good penetration with bitcoin because they rely on continuity payments? Each one is a market that we can attack, with no competition from any other crypto.

Of course we would not brand ourselves as "dancer dollars." But through some strategic relationship with this industry it could be a great "viral insertion point" as MethodX would say.  A place to get bitUSD in lots of peoples hands. Once we do that, the rest is easy.

Thoughts, brainstorming, industry knowledge and contacts are much appreciated.

I am writing some marketing materials for bitshares, and I was wondering if the cost comparisons on using say an etrade/or other similar account compared to btsx are known?

Any information would help me compare the traditional options vs btsx. Information on fees, slippage and other costs I do not know about would be great on btsx and traditional trading platforms.

A comparison on non-monetray pros and cons would be great too.

Thanks in advance.

General Discussion / We will have only ourselves to blame...
« on: November 05, 2014, 01:26:20 am »
Here is an article talking about how a German retail bank is now charging customers a negative interest rate to hold their Euro's.

Governments are like sheep dogs herding customers toward our interest bearing bit asset accounts.  We will only have ourselves to blame if we can't open the gates and let the poor sheep in.

General Discussion / Suggested Press Release regarding the merger
« on: October 20, 2014, 11:15:30 pm »
**Would love fact checking corrections because I am not clear myself** 
**Half way through the following I turned it into a press release so apologies for the change of tone** 
**Dan Larimer's quotes are made up by me and await his approval/changes. Which I am sure there will be**

<headline>Is this another first for Crypto? Coin Merges.

A proposal has been made to merge 3 Decentralized Autonomous Companies (DAC’s). This is a very exciting possibility and a first in the Crypto world all thanks to the pioneering flexibility of DPOS chains. If accepted by stakeholders, this merger will demonstrate yet another way that DACs built on blockchain technology can do anything normal companies can do only better.

A Decentralized Autonomous Company or DAC is a phrase first coined by BistSharesX lead developer Dan Larimer in an October 2013 White paper of the same name. A DAC is essentially a company where the business plan is in code and product delivery is provided through blockchain technology.

If that sounds  like a foreign concept it might not be as much as you thought. Consider that Bitcoin is in fact a payment services DAC.

Those who have been watching with keen interest the decentralization revolution taking place will no doubt be familiar with BitSharesX, ProtoShares and AngelShares.

BitSharesX is an open source decentralized asset trading platform which launched in July of 2014 with a market cap of $40 Million dollars.

ProtoShares and AngelShares are 2 venture capital development funds held on a blockchain with a combined market cap of $10 million. ProtoShares and AngelShares development funds totaling $X million are intended create a number of new and useful DAC’s. Two examples already under development include: 1)DNS - A record keeping DAC that allowed blockchain stored domain name ownership and 2)Vote - A blockchain based voting solution to provide a more fair and open voting solution.

Larimer has suggested to all 3 communities that they could benefit from a corporate merger similar to what is seen in the traditional world of business.

When any 2 or more companies are considering merging the deal only takes place when stakeholders of both companies perceive a positive outcome. In short when the value of the new merged company has greater value than the sum of the parts then it is possible for win-win scenarios to be created.

An example of this is when Disney (An 80+ year old brand much loved by children) merged with Pixar (A hi-tech animation company known for producing films kids love) merged. Disney's distribution and merchandizing channels allowed Pixars high quality children's movies to explode in viewership and merchandizing sales. The Disney-Pixar merger was indeed more valuable than the sum of its parts and all shareholders were rewarded handsomely.

The proposed merger would see all 3 DACs merge into an entirely new DAC called BitShares.

Larimer said,  “The merger will allow many benefits to all 3 DAC’s”

Proponants of the merger argue the benefits include
- More rapid and focused development because of a pooling of development funds.
- Efficiencies provided by the fact that these 3 DAC’s needed to develop much of the same infrastructure.
- Cross promotion. eg: A Vote user will be immediately exposed to the BitSharesX decentralized exchange and vice versa as it will all take place on the same client.
- An acceleration of network effect as the client is the same for customers of all DAC’s
- Increased visibility in the market place as the market cap of the merged company will be expected to be at least the sum of the 3 individual companies.

As with mergers in the real world the outcome is that stake holders will own a smaller percentage but of a much bigger company that is poised for faster growth.

The developers plan to introduce a voting mechanism that allow each stake holder to vote on the proposal.

Larimer said “The proposed voting mechanism is an important innovation in the world of DAC’s because it allows blockchain based projects a formal mechanism to arrive at a consensus for this and all future proposals.”

Larimer first floated the idea on the BitSharesTalk but was initially met with community outrage and 20% drop in share price of BitSharesX in the first 24 hours.

“The ad hoc fashion in which I made the suggestion was a mistake in hindsight” said Larimer. “I forget that most BitSharesX investors are used to Bitcoin and other altcoins where the lead developers and miners have tremendous power and owners of the coins have very little. One of the benefits of Delegated Proof of Stake (the consensus algorithm BitsharesX is built on) is that its the coin holders have all the power and neither I or anyone else can make any changes without their permission.”

“I was simply throwing an idea out there for discussion and the community thought I was radically changing the business without proper debate or their approval. I think once the community is reminded that nothing will happen without their consensus and that the deal is very good for them they will most likely get behind it.”

Should that happen a world first for crypto could take place with our first corporate merger and the creation of a new company with a $50 million market cap…. how quickly the world of Crypto advances.

Edit:  Spelled Larimar as Larimer - I think it looks better that way...   Stan

General Discussion / I just earned a penny in interest on my $5 bitUSD
« on: October 15, 2014, 09:20:45 am »
It takes about $70,000 to earn that same penny in my bricks and mortar accounts.

General Discussion / can anyone catch me up on NXT quickly?
« on: October 15, 2014, 04:00:27 am »
I see they have a bunch of crypto assets at this site

Most of them have low volume, but what are they?

General Discussion / Crypto-anarchy
« on: October 13, 2014, 06:06:13 am »
A new reddit to follow

Only 3,000 members but I suspect they will get bitshares faster than any other demographic.   My videos will be getting posted there from now on as well.

EDIT:   Which lead me to this.   Another 4,000 members.

General Discussion / My bitsharesx educational video... please upvote
« on: October 08, 2014, 01:46:34 pm »
HI guys,

Here is my latest video.   Please upvote in as many locations as you can.

Hope you enjoy.   And as always feedback and corrections welcome.

General Discussion / interest on bitUSD held
« on: October 04, 2014, 07:03:45 am »
Can someone please help me understand how holders of bitUSD earn interest?  Is it because bitUSD transactions have fees and those fees are paid in bitUSD and a portion of those fees are burned?  Or is it another way?

just brainstorming ideas for marketing purposes.

Other than collateralize market pegged bit-assets, what else will the btsx exchange allow? 
What about bitassets most has you excited?

General Discussion / Idea. Decentralized payment processor
« on: September 29, 2014, 09:41:16 am »
Not techie at all so forgive me, but I thought this made sense and seemed like relatively low hanging fruit.

This guy just created an open source bitcoin payment gateway.

Why not tie into this the ability for a merchant to Automagically and instantly sell their btc for bitUSD, thus taking away any currency risk.

It would do the job of bitpay and coinbase without giving up privacy.   The challenge as always is to find the next guy (employer/supplier) to accept payment in bitUSD, but it seems like an important part of the process.


The press and discussion around Decentralized bitpay would be awesome.

General Discussion / 10,000,000,000 max coins?
« on: September 29, 2014, 09:31:36 am »
While I am in the question asking mood.  How will the remaining 8 billion get distributed?

General Discussion / feeds?
« on: September 29, 2014, 09:25:15 am »
Hey guys, 

  • Can someone please explain or point me to a post that describes the significance of the feeds? 
  • Who posts them?
  • Why are they motivated to post  them? 
  • How does it benefit the community?

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