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Messages - Erlich Bachman

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General Discussion / Re: NXT forks BitShares 2.O mojo! goes for scalability
« on: February 25, 2016, 03:00:00 am »

they must have stolen that idea from Empiracle.  Now why are we letting the competition take the lead on this one?

oh yeah, I forgot. yield harvesting.

but then again, isn't that the point?

I want to " harvest " some yield too.  Does that make me a bad person?

General Discussion / Re: Looking for Most Concise Rationale For SmartCoins
« on: February 24, 2016, 01:17:26 am »
a smartcoin is secured property value.

any more than 3 words and you lose them, and all 3 words must be common knowledge.  You can't use words they don't know to describe a word they don't know silly. it's marketing 101

a hook has to be memorizable before it can go viral

from there, the learning begins:

secured property value:

what property?

any proerty

like food?


so it is securing my portion of that property like how a land title secures my right to build or live on a specific piece of land?

no, it is securing the VALUE of that land only, not the actual land itself

so bitOil doesn't entitle me to initiate a delivery claim to a barrel of oil?


then how is it secured?


what's a smartchain?

get it now?

Thanks TK

70% sharedrop is mad generous, you got my support

Just snatched up more BTS for this occasion. . Any tentative idea on sharedrop date?

yes, "small is beautiful"

but she usually charges me extra to say that


good luck!

if we can attract more users and businesses with 0.5 BTS fee with 0 costs, compared to conditional 0 BTS fee with 50k USD cost, we'd better to choose the first option now. 

Can't we just give the new user a choice when they create an account of what type of fee schedule they want ?

And they can change it for 1000 BTS anytime

Like how certain UIA options can only be changed once

That still needs development costs.

how much?

have you heard of IOTA?

Do you know that they are going to be the world's first "free" blockchain?

Do you know what multiple of BTS their market cap currently is?

Hint: it's currently trading on the NXT asset exchange

They will launch with a monopoly of the freeloader market, and then you can see just how much "reward" you would have received for your "risk"

This is where I would typically ask:

What are we men or mice, but obviously we all know,

can't we make the fee schedule an option that you choose when creating a new account that can only be changed by paying 1000BTS or something?  We have permanent UIA options that cannot be changed? What's to stop us from going the same route here?

if we can attract more users and businesses with 0.5 BTS fee with 0 costs, compared to conditional 0 BTS fee with 50k USD cost, we'd better to choose the first option now. 

Can't we just give the new user a choice when they create an account of what type of fee schedule they want ?

And they can change it for 1000 BTS anytime

Like how certain UIA options can only be changed once

Again, WTF?

Last time I checked, "free" aka "0" was cheaper than 0.1

expectations were just exceeded and now a whole new market niche is open to our real time scalable and now F'n FREE smartchain.

Who can bitch about this ? Put it to a vote, and free beats 0.1 every time.

You could charge 0.0000001 per transaction and nobody will click on your link. But as soon as you advertise "free lunch" the world will beat a path to your door.

God I hope he dumps his shares. Please dump!

Ever hear of a "freeloader"?

Well, the world is full of them

and I can tell you one thing for certain about this humongous demographic, they are not at all interested in .00000001 BTS fees

We have 2 choices of home page headers:

BitShares Smartchain  - Real Time Scalable and Cheap


BitShares Smartchain - Real Time Scalable and Free

cheap is relative but free is ABSOLUTE !

General Discussion / Re: Subsidizing Market Liquidity
« on: February 22, 2016, 05:02:55 am »
subsidizing is our version of mining.

Bitcoin has POW
Peercoin has POS
hundreds more

and BitShares has

Proof of Liquidity


Where liquidity providers mine BitShares

I finally see the genius now,

Congratulations on inventing this new paradigm!

OK, great discussion on finding a balance on this important balance between two options. Now where is the poll so I can see where the community stands on consensus for this particular proposal?

Wasn't it the Chinese community who demanded cheaper transactions, and now you bitch?


General Discussion / Re: Subsidizing Market Liquidity
« on: February 21, 2016, 11:40:11 am »
This is a tried and true (proven) way to create liquidity for market pegged cryptocurrencies (a la Nubits.) Dilution to subsidize (or provide) liquidity is the only certain way to achieve it.

ah i get it now.  I'm sick of getting my ass kicked by Nubits. Let's capitulate already so we can get this show on the road

* to be qualify for reward, the price should be within say 3% of feed price


 +5% I agree. This liquidity measure would cost a lot of money everyday, so it has to bring in outside new money everyday.

Therefore the question is what spread will entice new outside users to use BitUSD? Anything outside that range isn't useful anyway.

Also the potential to game the system should be significantly reduced by this as well.

Will bitAsset liquidity providers be shafted like in the sharebits sharedrop?

General Discussion / Re: Subsidizing Market Liquidity
« on: February 20, 2016, 10:09:21 am »
i would suggest paying these kickbacks on a sliding scale based on length of time on the order books so if someone had a real safe hedge on the books for months that saved us from having a black swan event then he would deserve more than someone who put an order up for 10 min then sold to himself

i like a sliding scale concept, but actually think it should work in the reverse. open orders deep in the order book don't add real liquidity IMO, the action happens on the margin and closing the bid-ask spread is key. if there's going to be any subsidy for liquidity, it would best be spent narrowing spreads. that said, i'm more a fan of fee discounts than kickbacks; rewarding higher frequency trading and/or open orders near the highest bid and lowest ask.

i see your point now. it still seems like this might lead to gaming of the system but my game theory sucks.

i trust you guys on the math and if there is one thing worth spending our fee pool on its liquidity, so im on board

sorry, fav please delete this. no ponzi is a good ponzi.  stan is right. we should not try to be like ETH, PPC, or any POS system

General Discussion / Re: BitShares Dev Hangout - February 19, 2016
« on: February 19, 2016, 06:54:32 pm »
yeah, rate limited transactions is basically ready now, and they are going to be testing this with the stealth feature over the next couple weeks.

The interesting part comes after we get these bugs worked out, incentivize liquidity of one market at a time because it is within our power to create sidechains for ETH and BTC meaning that we could get a piece of Poloniex's BTC/ETH liquidity action because we do not require KYC baby!

Not to mention all the other cool side effects like making our feeds more robust with Augur feeds.

But the reality is that maybe we are too far ahead, and should go for bond market after we incentivize and bring in liquidity.  You know, wait until the Ethereum chain is more mature, and sidechaining tech too.

Either way, these weekly mumbles are addicting!

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