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Najpierw małe wyjaśnienie:
Co prawda jest inny wątek - Polska (Polish), jednak założyłem nowy, bowiem nie wydaje mi się, by umieszczanie wszystkiego w jednym miejscu na dłuższą mete miało sens ;) Więc od tej pory pewnie będę zakładał więcej polskich wątków

Jak na razie wiadomo, że z Polski pochodzą:

A pewnie jest jeszcze trochę osób, które mało piszą, albo się nie przyznały ;)

Może napiszecie skąd jesteście. Myślę, że fajnie było by spróbować zorganizować jakiś wspólny event. Wiem, że do tego daleka droga, ale przy odrobinie szczęścia może tak się okazać, że 3-4 osoby sa z jednego miasta ;)

Ja jestem z Oławy, na co dzień pracuję we Wrocławiu. Kilka razy do roku bywam w Warszawie, Poznaniu, Krakowie.

General Discussion / 5000+ BTS prize for best poster of Liquidity Event
« on: February 01, 2016, 10:43:07 pm »
I created a topic about the idea of Liquidity Event. Right now there is still ongoing discussion whether this is good idea or not, but I guess I am willing to spend some private money to promote this concept.

Deadline for preparing a poster is 14 Feb 2016. Everyone can prepare as many posters as he or she want.
Requirements: good quality, high resolution, modern look.

If you are not a graphic designer, but you like the idea, you can declare that you will also fund some prize for poster which you will like the most.

General Discussion / [ANN] Let's do it at once - Liquidity Event - 29th Feb
« on: February 01, 2016, 07:09:11 am »

This idea got mostly very positive feedback, that's why I think nothing should stop up from doing this :)

Event will continue all day long, so it is no important from which part of the world you are.

Media coverage

- - The Daily Decrypt 15.02.2016
- - The Daily Decrypt 18.02.2016
- - The Daily Decrypt 24.02.2016
- - The Daily Decrypt 26.02.2016
- - The Daily Decrypt 29.02.2016
- - BitShares Dev Hangout with bytemaster

This event is 100% community driven :)

If you have any ideas how to improve upcoming event or you wrote somewhere about it, please write a comment about that.

Original post:

We all know, that bitshares is a great product, but it cannot shows it's greatness, because we have chicken egg problem with liquidity and new users. In my opinion we don't need a liquidity on all markets. We just need one solid market, and other should emerge later.

All statistics about bitshares says, that together we all have a lot of money. Why we just not create an order on selected exchange all in the same time? We should have instant liquidity. In my opinion the perfect market for that is USD:BTC.

To encourage people to be part of this event, we could fund a prize. Something what bring an attention of all bitshares users - $1000
[edit] most of people in the pool said, that they would take part in that event even without a prize, so I think for now we don't have to use it.

I assume that we could filter all transaction from specific day, to get all transaction ids from finalized transaction on specific market. This list of ids should be an input to the previously written algorithm, which with given seed (for example, hash of the last transaction in specified day) should select exactly one account.

I think perfect date for such event is: 29th Feb 2016 - once you hear about liquidity event date, you should not miss it! ;)

29 days it's a lot of time, to advertise this among whole cryptocurrency community.

This is a proposition, but please consider it seriously. In my opinion it is worth a shot. Maybe this is not flawless, so we should think about all bad and good sites of this, to polish this idea.

I am not an expert, but I guess a lot of people here are... so the question: Is it possible for bitshares to become a sidechain of bitcoin?

I watched a 28th Jan Daily Decrypt, where Andreas Antonopoulos said that sidechains can allow sending assets from one blockchain to another... like from BTC to ETH

More is said in the beginning of this episode, so for some of you I recommend to watch whole episode.

CC: @bytemaster

It would be great if bitcoin and bitshares could merge into some kind of one co-existing network, where bitcoin could benefit from already implemented great decentralized exchange.

Technical Support / Bitshares test network/demo network - any progress?
« on: January 12, 2016, 01:24:40 am »
As you can see from my profile, I came here after long break. My question is... what about test bitshares network, which we all agree, that this would be great for demo purpose.

General Discussion / Bug Bounty proposal
« on: December 02, 2015, 12:33:41 am »
*To any mods that would attempt to move this post, please refrain from doing so, as this is not a concrete proposal, but rather a prompt for discussion.

There are three inevitable things in life: death, taxes and bugs in software. The features are important, but they are worth nothing if they are buggy.

Most of good cryptoexchanges has some kind of Bug Bounty. Example:

The minimum payout is $100 USD and an entry in our hall of fame for reporting a new security vulnerability which results in a code or configuration change on our part. There is no maximum reward, and we may award higher amounts based on the severity or creativity of the vulnerability found. Researchers are more likely to earn a larger reward by demonstrating how a vulnerability can be exploited to maximum effect.

We use the following table as a guideline for determining reward amounts:

Vulnerability   Reward
Remote Code Execution   $10,000
Significant manipulation of account balance   $5,000
XSS/CSRF/Clickjacking affecting sensitive actions [1]   $5,000
Theft of privileged information [2]   $3,000
Partial authentication bypass   $1,000
Other XSS (excluding Self-XSS)   $1,000
Other vulnerability with clear potential for financial or data loss   $1,000
Other CSRF (excluding logout CSRF)   $250
Other best practice or defense in depth   $100

It is better to prevent bad fame and losing users in case when someone will decide to exploit some bugs.

I guess, we could also think about rewarding less serious bugs, which causing that webwallet becomes unresponsive, etc.

What do you think about that?

Bitshares has great built in exchange . We should be more open for new customers, especially those who cannot find help or proper service in other places.

A lot of exchanges has "Request new Coin" mechanism (some of them are automated):

This is great way to find new customers. Each release has official announcement, usually on bitcointalk. It would be great to mentioned there, each time, when new coin is released :)

There are limited number of 3 or 4 letter coin symbols. Thats why we cannot just add every coin. New coin should be founded by people who vote for specific coin. That would be easy way to crowdfound expensive 3 or 4 letter coins.

Cryptsy has two kind of votes:
  • free (each user is allowed 1 free vote per coin.)
  • paid votes (which have no limit on the number of votes)

I am not sure how this could be implemented, but I think some special bitshares account should be created (or pointer to not revocable address). What do you think about that?

Technical Support / What keeping us from creating a test network?
« on: November 03, 2015, 11:13:42 pm »
This was said many times on forum, that test network could help:

  • present potential of bitshares
  • test upcoming releases
  • reduce cost of development of 3rd party gateways/bots/tools

It should be very simple to do that. Why we are not doing that?

Technical Support / Who created an assets BDR.{FB,GOOG,TSLA,etc} ?
« on: November 02, 2015, 08:34:55 pm »
There is a lot of UIA created by single entity. I am noticed that, because I think having a oportunity of trading with stocks of companies from NASDAQ is the definitely the right direction.

I tried buy some time ago some Tesla (TSLA) stocks... and this is almost impossible from Poland if I want to buy some... and keep 2-3 years. To do this I would have to trust an particular web service. I prefer to trust a blockchain of course!

So.. the question is... who is responsible for creating BDR.{...}? I guess, someone had an very good idea, but to be honest... i would prefer that this should be committee issued pegged assets.

What do you think about it?

Technical Support / The way how gateways should work.
« on: November 01, 2015, 05:35:30 pm »
Right now we have:

BTC, bitBTC, TRADE.BTC, OPEN.BTC... and every new gateway will produce new SOMETHING.BTC. From perspective of new user this is far too complicated.

But in my opinion this is not the worst part. The main problem with this approach will always be low liquidity. And this is not only my concern.

In my opinion gateways should work more like (or exactly like) or As far as I know, metaexchange provide liquidity with their own funds, having in mind that they will generate profit thanks to spread.

From my perspective all gateways should be "end-to-end" (BTC<->bitBTC) and "single transfer" gateways. I should send my real BTC to address generated in my wallet , and this should cause that bitBTC will appear in my bitshares wallet. THIS IS THE ONLY WAY to have simple gateways. Otherwise they are yet another exchanges. And we have to remember, that if any exchange is based on User Issued Assets, they are always counterparty risk. This risk will be bigger if users will be tempted to keep their positions on SOMETHING.BTC:BTC orderbooks.

Technical Support / Where I can find in the interface version of webwallet?
« on: November 01, 2015, 01:27:42 pm »
If I want to report a bug, I should attach some basic information like:

- version of software
- version of browser on which problem occur
- steps to reproduce
and so on...

Right now I am unable to find version of webwallet.

Why this is important? Right now there is a lot of open issues on github:

- - 154 open isuess
- - 74 open isuess

I am sure, that some of them are duplicates, or they are already fixed.. but for some reason they are not closed. Right now volunteers like me cannot confirm, that something is already fixed or still occurs in new version of software. Please help us being helpful for you!

First of all, I am not in anyway related to (I am not sure, why I want to emphasize that...). I am just a big fan of the idea, that other people can watch you as you write a code. is not a BigBrother system. In my opinion it's a movement similar to "Let's Play" series very popular among gamers and youtubers. And you have to remember, that there are gamers which made a lot of profit thanks to their "let's play" activity.

I think a lot of developers are curious about how to develop anything in blockchain technology. That would be the great way of showing this and even teaching them, simply by showing the real live project. I think it also would be great way of:

* promote a bitshares among very technical people
* share a knowledge about bitshares development
* have a kind of free code audit during development
* I guess, this will be unique in the cryptocurrencies world.

Why I wrote, that this is a crazy idea? Mostly because I think that it would be too good to be true. Nevertheless, I sincerely believe that this is possible! :)

I know that this is not easy just show other people your screen. We are all humans, and we are always afraid that someone will told us, that we are doing something in wrong way. I had similar feeling when I decided to create few episodes of my own "Let's Code" series... and upload it on youtube.

I uploaded on youtube 4 movies, and I had almost 1000 viewers. And that was just an attempt. That was some small meaningless project comparing to bitshares.

I am sure that bitshares developers are professionals, which already did extraordinary things. Why not show to the world the true effort which stands behind code developed by them?

I am sure, that there is a strong demand for livestreams on livecoding, but I am also curious how much of you would be interested to take a look how bitshares magic become a reality on daily basis :)


In a moment when I am writing this post, there is a livestream with 1437 with viewers. Do you see the potential?

Unfortunatelly, Recurring & Scheduled Payments is still not ready, but in my opinion this could be a game changer for bitshares.

I am wondering whether you think the same. I believe, that recurring payments can guarantee quick grow of number of transactions.

I started this thread, because I think that this would be useful to have list of possible markets, which could be positively affected by bitshares technology.

For example, in Poland a lot of people use cell-phones with prepaid cards. User phone-account could be refilled automatically with new funds on monthly basis. Right now I can refill my phone-account by bitcoins with 10% discount, but I need to remember about that. With bitshares everything could be automated.

What are other type of services, which could be integrated with bitshares?

Maybe some entrepreneur will read that thread and will create new service with bitshares integrated :)

Simple question. Do you have any ideas?

In github community, only projects which has a lot of stars are considered as "worth of attention".

Here are main bitshares repositories:

I think I should also recommend very helpful repository:

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