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Messages - Bangzi

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第94期比特股网络报告 - 2018年7月31日 (Bitshares - State of the Network[CN])

Technical Support / Re: Can't connect to nodes in Firefox
« on: July 31, 2018, 02:50:25 pm »
Just did a quick test and (BitShares.180720) is working in Firefox 61.0.1 (64-bit).

Technical Support / Re: Can't connect to nodes in Firefox
« on: July 31, 2018, 02:36:08 pm »
The reference wallet design to work in Chrome, but not Firefox.

Voted! +5% +5% +5%

General Discussion / Re: How assets are backed?
« on: July 28, 2018, 07:00:41 am »
Smartcoins - Back by Bitshares core token BTS such as bitCNY, bitUSD, HERO

User Issued Asset (UIA) - Back by Credit of Issuers such as OPEN.XXX, GDEX.XXX, RUDEX.XXX and they may or may not have equivalent coins at the native wallet.

第93期比特股网络报告 - 2018年7月24日 (Bitshares - State of the Network[CN])

As a witness I would like to suggest add a "Witness Key" to update signing key and publish price feed only.

Thanks for your input, Bangzi. Could you please elaborate more, what is the purpose and the logic behind it?

Now witnesses use Private Key to update signing key and publish price feed. The Private Key stored in server and if the server compromised, hackers able to transfer the fund.

As a witness I would like to suggest add a "Witness Key" to update signing key and publish price feed only.

It is worth noting that DL provide API node for DEXBot market makers to increase liquidity of Bitshares DEX.

By the way, does this worker proposal going to cover maintenance of or in separate worker proposal?

Stakeholder Proposals / Re: [Worker Proposal] Bitshares UI Renewal
« on: July 22, 2018, 08:34:06 am »
Voted! The community have high expectation on UI team +5%

General Discussion / Scam Alert: B1TCNY Phishing Asset
« on: July 21, 2018, 03:47:52 pm »
Please be careful about B1TCNY especially when you want to exchange it into fiat.

中文 (Chinese) / 小心钓鱼资产 B1TCNY
« on: July 21, 2018, 03:44:57 pm »
小心钓鱼资产 B1TCNY, 尤其是换成法币的时候!

Technical Support / Re: Public testnet is not working?
« on: July 20, 2018, 11:39:58 am »

Clockwork理事的费用表建议 (欢迎去帖子讨论)

根据目前的费用表,过去6个月的总费用总计超过300万BTS。这意味着大约600k BTS从费用返回到预留池,或者仅超过100k BTS /月(3500 BTS /天)。其中约25%来自转让操作,其中40%左右来自网关发行的资产,20%来自创建账户。因此,> 85%的DEX储备池收入来自非交易业务。

此外,DEX预留池(如上所述以每天3.5K BTS补充)目前每天花费约330k BTS。见证人付款约30,000,工人提案30万。所以它目前正以每天约326.5k BTS的速度运行。

Clockwork 正在制定的收费表提案,它会将大部分费用提高4倍。结合建议将见证人工资减少10%至0.9 BTS /区块,储备池只会补贴平台至25%左右。因此,随着使用率/用户基数增加25%,平台将恢复平衡(如果考虑作为运行成本的见证付费),这听起来更健康。


Stakeholder Proposals / Re: [Witness Proposal] Bangzi
« on: July 19, 2018, 11:03:55 pm »
Hard fork was successful. Witness node, API Node & Price Feed all seems normal.

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