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Messages - yaroslavche

Pages: [1]
Can you contact me under, please?
wrote to you =)

Greetings. I'll tell you one coolstory =)
I wrote this scanner. And in the end they threw me at the money =) Small - 500 bucks, but still the sediment remained. I do not blame the final customer, because he probably does not even know.

This scanner (oh, how I'm bombed due to illiteracy in the domain name) was written in less than a month and my "employer" accused me of having done it for a long time. Given the fact that they had this project hanging since November last year and my past "colleagues" were simply not able to write it =)

I have the source code, and if someone needs it - I can share it (php7, symfony4, mysql). Absolutely free of charge. Be free to use them for your own purposes.
I can say so - there are a lot of defects and holes, about which I know, but I will not say. I can easily put that site =) But I do not need it, I just want what people would know. And the final customer will to beat shit out my past employer and it will be fair.

Sincerely, Yaroslav.
and sorry for my English

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