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Messages - Overthetop

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中文 (Chinese) / Re: 关于现在社区的近况
« on: November 16, 2014, 04:48:54 pm »

1. 简报的问题, 本来开发和推广就是一个需要长期努力的过程, "每日简报"出第一期的时候我就想说, 哪来那么多东西每天报的, 没有报的, 正常. 不能每天报GitHub上的代码更新吧?
2. mumble内容, cn-members和fuzz在一起配合着做, 搜集问题, 翻译会议资料, 整理录音..在抱怨没人发布内容的时候, 能不能拜托费点神, 自己去参会一下? 有直播翻译的.
3. cn-members甚至还出了个英文区情报贴, 我去, 这些东西, 可都是以前我们深更半夜看花了眼都不一定找得齐的资讯.
4. 无战意不是因为价格的打击, 好多老玩家不说话了, 那是因为面对负能量, 同样的解释说多了, 懒得伺候了.

这一切真正的原因是什么? 没涨. 跌了这么久了, 涨不动, 于是什么质疑都来了, 怎么bitusd流通不畅啊, 通畅了就能涨了; 怎么预付卡没进度, 开了预付卡就能涨了; big thing是什么鸟, 怎么还不来, 怎么钱包还是这么烂, 这么烂能不跌吗, 巴拉巴拉巴拉. 求求你们了, 要是实在受不了3i这帮人做事, 咬咬牙割肉, 散了吧. 轻轻松松500刀, 哪有那么好的事, 谁不是熬出来的?

中文 (Chinese) / Re: 关于现在社区的近况
« on: November 16, 2014, 10:00:37 am »

好的社区应该是 相互尊重、理性沟通、互通有无、相互启发、甚至 合作共赢






May I please have one BTS sent to this account key:


Thank you!

Sent with my pleasure.


Stakeholder Proposals / Re: Developer delegate: dev.bitsharesblocks
« on: November 15, 2014, 03:49:42 pm »
Voted, and thanks for your work!   +5%

General Discussion / Re: Approve my 100% pay rate delegate
« on: November 15, 2014, 02:31:50 pm »
Voted , BTS needs more devs with skills and talents like Toast.

Hello, please send me my first share so I can get registered, big thanks!




play 的盈利模式是什么样的?

ENG translation:
what is the profiting model of play?

General Discussion / Re: create asset PAYALT
« on: November 14, 2014, 04:42:21 am »
one little problem here:

After Puppies spent the 2 units of Payalt by using ALT two hours service , and then, if puppies could not burn the 2 units of Payalt and sell to another guy, then double-spend on the ALT service will appear...

Wouldn't alt just get the 2 tokens from puppies so he could sell them to someone else?

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So ,what is the meaning of PAYALT asset? 

P.S: I also think the PAYALT is an awesome idea, I just want to have a deeper disscusion with you upon PAYALT like assets.


Too many rules, these investors are not kids, the community is not the guardian for their investment.

all right  then ,let us see the asset market becomes to a refuse landfill.


BTW, My proposal is not about we must vote out the formal assets, just want to remind the community find someway to  manage the assets market.

Is this an excessive demand?

Any better solution /idea is welcome here.

General Discussion / Re: create asset PAYALT
« on: November 13, 2014, 05:04:25 pm »
one little problem here:

After Puppies spent the 2 units of Payalt by using ALT two hours service , and then, if puppies could not burn the 2 units of Payalt and sell to another guy, then double-spend on the ALT service will appear...


General Discussion / Re: Invictus Innovations to Return PTS Donations
« on: November 13, 2014, 04:53:49 pm »

Think unity not division. If you can't see any division going on here in this thread then you haven't truly understood the danger of making ambiguous posts in the community.

I trust I3's technical skills and leadership in general, but not so much in PR and marketing. This doesn't help to strengthen my confidence.

I have the same feeling in this point with Thom.

It would be better if we can avoid ambiguous statements when we are trying to announce something important.

Ever think that accountants and lawyers demand I3 be careful about how much they say?   Ever think that one wrong word could cause more trouble than leaving it ambiguous?

I am sure they want to tell us everything clearly.
Thanks for the reminding.

But, I think we are talking different aspects about how to make a good statement to community.


General Discussion / Re: Invictus Innovations to Return PTS Donations
« on: November 13, 2014, 04:37:48 pm »

Think unity not division. If you can't see any division going on here in this thread then you haven't truly understood the danger of making ambiguous posts in the community.

I trust I3's technical skills and leadership in general, but not so much in PR and marketing. This doesn't help to strengthen my confidence.

I have the same feeling in this point with Thom.

It would be better if we can avoid ambiguous statements when we are trying to announce something important.

中文 (Chinese) / Re: BTS资产管理建议
« on: November 13, 2014, 04:21:21 pm »
alt 的建议不错,个人加几个:

1、资产的某些属性应该提供编辑功能,比如资产的缩写,描述 ,精度等等



BUMP... for the better asset management in BTS..

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