Author Topic: Calling all BitShares-based businesses.  (Read 15864 times)

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All of our BTSers want better bitshares, whether it's the price of BTS or the future of bitshares.Because we are the real BTSers.Isn't it?
Without the current core development workers, how would you have personally resolved today's blockchain halt? How long would it have taken you to deploy a fix to the network?
« Last Edit: September 05, 2019, 02:27:15 pm by Customminer »

Offline clockwork

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Actually, AFAIK, from the CN community, both MagicWallet and GuoAn have interest in speaking in the conference. They do have concerns about their own costs.

I think, if unable to get enough funding from the worker, perhaps we can look for individual sponsors to support the speakers who lack of funding?

Seeing as I believe we will be able to just about fund the sponsorship and attendance/flights/accommodation of the 4 speakers at the very least, can someone help me get in touch with them?

Or they can reach out to me on TG @clockworkgr or WeChat id: clockworkgr

Organisers need me to finalise the speaker list ASAP.

Offline cn-vote

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Thanks to lin5464 for the translation.


In light of recent discussions about worker funding and the voting shift with refund 400k worker, and considering a down payment and commitment has been made for the sponsorship I want to make the following update and amendments to the worker budget to ensure continued funding so that the sponsorship fee will not be money down the drain.

鉴于最近对工人提案注资的讨论以及投票转移到refund 400k提案,考虑到对去中心化峰会已作出的承诺和已支付的订金,为了确保本提案能持续获得注资以及赞助费不被白白浪费掉,我想对此提案预算作出以下更新和修订。

For tax purposes, payment of the sponsorship costs was handed over to the BBF. This saves us the VAT calculated in the original worker while incurring a 5% escrow cost, bringing the total sponsorship cost to  116.5k instead of 135.5 for a saving of 19k USD.


Additionally at least 4 of the core team members who will be attending will have their travel/accommodation covered by the Core Team worker's existing conference budget for a minimum savings of another 8k USD.


Furthermore I will attempt to ensure that the average per person accommodation and travel cost for the remaining 20 slots does not exceed 1.5k  for a minimum savings of 10k USD.


Finally, I will negotiate the promotional material production (video, leaflets etc.) down to 5k USD for another 2k savings and cut the unexpected expenses buffer to just 500$ for another 1k USD saved.


This brings the total MAXIMUM cost of the worker down to 160k USD which is a 20% decrease from the original plan.


I hope this will be better suited to the community and people will reevaluate their voting slates.


Thank you,




P.S. I should point out that this (like last year's) worker has NO management fee and I get NO reimbursement of any kind for planning/organising it apart from entry to the event. I'm working on it simply because I truly believe it will be beneficial to the platform.

附注:我要指出的是, (和去年一样)此提案没有管理费,除了参加活动外,我没有获得任何形式的计划/组织回扣。我之所以致力于此只是因为我真心相信这将有益于平台。

I'm very sorry, sir. Now let me officially reply to you on behalf of the cn-vote community.
Again, I apologize for replying to you so late,because our community has had a heated discussion about this worker.
Now, give you our official reply:We don't agree with the follow-up expenditure of this worker, or even oppose it.
1:The conference had little influence.
2:Too many participants and not transparent.
3:Expenses are too high.
4:The Bishares'secondary market is too weak to withstand the crash of worker expenditure.
Considering the current price of BitShares, we would rather give up our previous expenditure than see errors occur,After all, we have evidence that previous this worker's cash-outs caused a sharp drop in  price of BitShares.
I'm sorry to see this happen, but it represents the appeal of most people in our cn-vote.

Hello there,

I have two questions for you if I may:

A) are you not concerned about damage to reputation and brand, and seriousness of BitShares? That can't be attractive go investors.

B) can you present the evidence please that this worker is linked to sharp drop?

A)I'm sorry to see this happen, but it represents the appeal of most people in our cn-vote.This is the result of our democratic vote.We respect the final result of the vote.
   We just represent ourselves,We just represent cn-vote.
   All of our BTSers want better bitshares, whether it's the price of BTS or the future of bitshares.Because we are the real BTSers.Isn't it?
B)All transactions in bitshares are transparent.And you can observe the price of bts changes at that time.


Offline cn-vote

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Thanks to lin5464 for the translation.


In light of recent discussions about worker funding and the voting shift with refund 400k worker, and considering a down payment and commitment has been made for the sponsorship I want to make the following update and amendments to the worker budget to ensure continued funding so that the sponsorship fee will not be money down the drain.

鉴于最近对工人提案注资的讨论以及投票转移到refund 400k提案,考虑到对去中心化峰会已作出的承诺和已支付的订金,为了确保本提案能持续获得注资以及赞助费不被白白浪费掉,我想对此提案预算作出以下更新和修订。

For tax purposes, payment of the sponsorship costs was handed over to the BBF. This saves us the VAT calculated in the original worker while incurring a 5% escrow cost, bringing the total sponsorship cost to  116.5k instead of 135.5 for a saving of 19k USD.


Additionally at least 4 of the core team members who will be attending will have their travel/accommodation covered by the Core Team worker's existing conference budget for a minimum savings of another 8k USD.


Furthermore I will attempt to ensure that the average per person accommodation and travel cost for the remaining 20 slots does not exceed 1.5k  for a minimum savings of 10k USD.


Finally, I will negotiate the promotional material production (video, leaflets etc.) down to 5k USD for another 2k savings and cut the unexpected expenses buffer to just 500$ for another 1k USD saved.


This brings the total MAXIMUM cost of the worker down to 160k USD which is a 20% decrease from the original plan.


I hope this will be better suited to the community and people will reevaluate their voting slates.


Thank you,




P.S. I should point out that this (like last year's) worker has NO management fee and I get NO reimbursement of any kind for planning/organising it apart from entry to the event. I'm working on it simply because I truly believe it will be beneficial to the platform.

附注:我要指出的是, (和去年一样)此提案没有管理费,除了参加活动外,我没有获得任何形式的计划/组织回扣。我之所以致力于此只是因为我真心相信这将有益于平台。

I'm very sorry, sir. Now let me officially reply to you on behalf of the cn-vote community.
Again, I apologize for replying to you so late,because our community has had a heated discussion about this worker.
Now, give you our official reply:We don't agree with the follow-up expenditure of this worker, or even oppose it.
1:The conference had little influence.
2:Too many participants and not transparent.
3:Expenses are too high.
4:The Bishares'secondary market is too weak to withstand the crash of worker expenditure.
Considering the current price of BitShares, we would rather give up our previous expenditure than see errors occur,After all, we have evidence that previous this worker's cash-outs caused a sharp drop in  price of BitShares.
I'm sorry to see this happen, but it represents the appeal of most people in our cn-vote.

Thanks for the official response. I respect your decision but would like to answer all your points and clarify them for BitShares holders as there appears to be misinformation for this worker and thus some holders may reconsider their proxy support

1. The conference could not have had "little influence" as it hasn't actually occurred yet. It's taking place at the end of October.

As to the POSSIBLE influence it could have, I invite and beg BitShares holders to have an IN DEPTH look at the agenda and speakers of the conference over at , and the rest of the site.

2. The number of participants was set by the number of slots included in the partnership package. Please remember this is a partnership and BitShares is CO-PRESENTING this conference. We are NOT simple attendees.

As such, it is expected and appropriate to have MULTIPLE key members and businesses represented. As far as transparency in the selection process is concerned, the selection has not happened yet.  The proposal itself mentions who and why was already selected prior to the proposal and the rest of the (non-speaking) attendees would be decided AFTER the speaking slots were filled. May I remind you that I am STILL waiting for a CN community selection and/or business to step up which was the original point of this thread. Yet no-one has expressed any interest to represent the CN community while I'm practically begging for someone to do so and would be cost-free to those participants.

3. I disagree to an extent. I've provided MAXIMUM limits for those costs that are not fixed but the plan is to have them cost as little as possible. Flights/accommodation/press material is at standard/expected rates (obvs flight costs will vary wildly per location). The arguably high cost is the cost of the partnership itself (essentially paying for organising it as co-presenters). Having experienced the last one, I can tell you it's a good price for the quality and size of the event. @fox and others can confirm.

What's more, due to the commitment and the funds already gathered, that cost will be paid in full if possible (it's very touch and go) as I find it highly insulting, unprofessional and a tremendous hit on BitShares reputation (which is not great to start with) to pull out of the deal. Obviously, with no additional funding and depending on the market, we might still have to pull out of the event anyway.

4. There has only been two "periods" of cashing out BTS to pay the partnership costs. All order details/logs are at the site. Combined with the charts from the periods in question there is NO significant effect from those as I've specifically requested to the BBF that selling is done slowly and carefully to not affect the market.

So with all due respect, I'm sorry to say that your claim that you have evidence cashing out caused a "sharp drop" in BTS price is frankly BS.

This is a marketing opportunity, one designed to make a big splash and provide a space and platform for the rest of the crypto world to meet and interact with the BitShares community and learn more about the businesses working with BitShares and finally shaking off the "scam" accusations that have followed us for years. Hence the size of the event and the number of participants as I wanted the BitShares community to be VERY WELL represented there.

I would also like to point out that I am receiving NO FEE or payment for doing this. I am only doing it because I think it will have a positive effect ALL BTS holders will benefit from. And with >16 years work in the marketing & advertising industry I actually do know what I'm talking about.

Finally, I can understand the CN community (and especially debt-holders) concerns about BTS possibly dropping to 0 and them losing their investments so they take ANY step possible to avoid even the TINIEST movement downwards.

Just be careful that you don't turn it into a self-fulfilling prophecy with your actions.

If people of the CN community really care about BitShares, I hope you will all read what I wrote carefully and think about things as well as visit the links provided to see for yourselves. If after that some of you change your mind, please consider (temporarily) modifying your voting slate so the decentralized worker is voted back in. If you don't , keep proxying to cn-vote.

I will accept all decisions (positive and negative) as long as they're WELL INFORMED and take all aspects into account. After all this is how business decisions are made. This is not a playground.

Thank you for your time.


I'm sorry to see this happen, but it represents the appeal of most people in our cn-vote.This is the result of our democratic vote.
We just represent ourselves,We just represent cn-vote.
After all, regardless of the debate, We all want bitshares to be better.
I have explained our results.You can fight for another vote. We respect the final result.Only in this way can the fairness of BitShares be reflected.

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Actually, AFAIK, from the CN community, both MagicWallet and GuoAn have interest in speaking in the conference. They do have concerns about their own costs.

I think, if unable to get enough funding from the worker, perhaps we can look for individual sponsors to support the speakers who lack of funding?
BitShares committee member: abit
BitShares witness: in.abit

Offline clockwork

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Thanks to lin5464 for the translation.


In light of recent discussions about worker funding and the voting shift with refund 400k worker, and considering a down payment and commitment has been made for the sponsorship I want to make the following update and amendments to the worker budget to ensure continued funding so that the sponsorship fee will not be money down the drain.

鉴于最近对工人提案注资的讨论以及投票转移到refund 400k提案,考虑到对去中心化峰会已作出的承诺和已支付的订金,为了确保本提案能持续获得注资以及赞助费不被白白浪费掉,我想对此提案预算作出以下更新和修订。

For tax purposes, payment of the sponsorship costs was handed over to the BBF. This saves us the VAT calculated in the original worker while incurring a 5% escrow cost, bringing the total sponsorship cost to  116.5k instead of 135.5 for a saving of 19k USD.


Additionally at least 4 of the core team members who will be attending will have their travel/accommodation covered by the Core Team worker's existing conference budget for a minimum savings of another 8k USD.


Furthermore I will attempt to ensure that the average per person accommodation and travel cost for the remaining 20 slots does not exceed 1.5k  for a minimum savings of 10k USD.


Finally, I will negotiate the promotional material production (video, leaflets etc.) down to 5k USD for another 2k savings and cut the unexpected expenses buffer to just 500$ for another 1k USD saved.


This brings the total MAXIMUM cost of the worker down to 160k USD which is a 20% decrease from the original plan.


I hope this will be better suited to the community and people will reevaluate their voting slates.


Thank you,




P.S. I should point out that this (like last year's) worker has NO management fee and I get NO reimbursement of any kind for planning/organising it apart from entry to the event. I'm working on it simply because I truly believe it will be beneficial to the platform.

附注:我要指出的是, (和去年一样)此提案没有管理费,除了参加活动外,我没有获得任何形式的计划/组织回扣。我之所以致力于此只是因为我真心相信这将有益于平台。

I'm very sorry, sir. Now let me officially reply to you on behalf of the cn-vote community.
Again, I apologize for replying to you so late,because our community has had a heated discussion about this worker.
Now, give you our official reply:We don't agree with the follow-up expenditure of this worker, or even oppose it.
1:The conference had little influence.
2:Too many participants and not transparent.
3:Expenses are too high.
4:The Bishares'secondary market is too weak to withstand the crash of worker expenditure.
Considering the current price of BitShares, we would rather give up our previous expenditure than see errors occur,After all, we have evidence that previous this worker's cash-outs caused a sharp drop in  price of BitShares.
I'm sorry to see this happen, but it represents the appeal of most people in our cn-vote.

Thanks for the official response. I respect your decision but would like to answer all your points and clarify them for BitShares holders as there appears to be misinformation for this worker and thus some holders may reconsider their proxy support

1. The conference could not have had "little influence" as it hasn't actually occurred yet. It's taking place at the end of October.

As to the POSSIBLE influence it could have, I invite and beg BitShares holders to have an IN DEPTH look at the agenda and speakers of the conference over at , and the rest of the site.

2. The number of participants was set by the number of slots included in the partnership package. Please remember this is a partnership and BitShares is CO-PRESENTING this conference. We are NOT simple attendees.

As such, it is expected and appropriate to have MULTIPLE key members and businesses represented. As far as transparency in the selection process is concerned, the selection has not happened yet.  The proposal itself mentions who and why was already selected prior to the proposal and the rest of the (non-speaking) attendees would be decided AFTER the speaking slots were filled. May I remind you that I am STILL waiting for a CN community selection and/or business to step up which was the original point of this thread. Yet no-one has expressed any interest to represent the CN community while I'm practically begging for someone to do so and would be cost-free to those participants.

3. I disagree to an extent. I've provided MAXIMUM limits for those costs that are not fixed but the plan is to have them cost as little as possible. Flights/accommodation/press material is at standard/expected rates (obvs flight costs will vary wildly per location). The arguably high cost is the cost of the partnership itself (essentially paying for organising it as co-presenters). Having experienced the last one, I can tell you it's a good price for the quality and size of the event. @fox and others can confirm.

What's more, due to the commitment and the funds already gathered, that cost will be paid in full if possible (it's very touch and go) as I find it highly insulting, unprofessional and a tremendous hit on BitShares reputation (which is not great to start with) to pull out of the deal. Obviously, with no additional funding and depending on the market, we might still have to pull out of the event anyway.

4. There has only been two "periods" of cashing out BTS to pay the partnership costs. All order details/logs are at the site. Combined with the charts from the periods in question there is NO significant effect from those as I've specifically requested to the BBF that selling is done slowly and carefully to not affect the market.

So with all due respect, I'm sorry to say that your claim that you have evidence cashing out caused a "sharp drop" in BTS price is frankly BS.

This is a marketing opportunity, one designed to make a big splash and provide a space and platform for the rest of the crypto world to meet and interact with the BitShares community and learn more about the businesses working with BitShares and finally shaking off the "scam" accusations that have followed us for years. Hence the size of the event and the number of participants as I wanted the BitShares community to be VERY WELL represented there.

I would also like to point out that I am receiving NO FEE or payment for doing this. I am only doing it because I think it will have a positive effect ALL BTS holders will benefit from. And with >16 years work in the marketing & advertising industry I actually do know what I'm talking about.

Finally, I can understand the CN community (and especially debt-holders) concerns about BTS possibly dropping to 0 and them losing their investments so they take ANY step possible to avoid even the TINIEST movement downwards.

Just be careful that you don't turn it into a self-fulfilling prophecy with your actions.

If people of the CN community really care about BitShares, I hope you will all read what I wrote carefully and think about things as well as visit the links provided to see for yourselves. If after that some of you change your mind, please consider (temporarily) modifying your voting slate so the decentralized worker is voted back in. If you don't , keep proxying to cn-vote.

I will accept all decisions (positive and negative) as long as they're WELL INFORMED and take all aspects into account. After all this is how business decisions are made. This is not a playground.

Thank you for your time.


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A related thread:




最后提醒一句,那个Thul3的代理人账号是b-dex,手上有9千多万票,他撤出Refund 400K的话,很多提案会重新活跃,继续吸血,所以工会最好和他谈一谈。

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A related thread:




最后提醒一句,那个Thul3的代理人账号是b-dex,手上有9千多万票,他撤出Refund 400K的话,很多提案会重新活跃,继续吸血,所以工会最好和他谈一谈。
BitShares committee member: abit
BitShares witness: in.abit

Offline sschiessl

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Thanks to lin5464 for the translation.


In light of recent discussions about worker funding and the voting shift with refund 400k worker, and considering a down payment and commitment has been made for the sponsorship I want to make the following update and amendments to the worker budget to ensure continued funding so that the sponsorship fee will not be money down the drain.

鉴于最近对工人提案注资的讨论以及投票转移到refund 400k提案,考虑到对去中心化峰会已作出的承诺和已支付的订金,为了确保本提案能持续获得注资以及赞助费不被白白浪费掉,我想对此提案预算作出以下更新和修订。

For tax purposes, payment of the sponsorship costs was handed over to the BBF. This saves us the VAT calculated in the original worker while incurring a 5% escrow cost, bringing the total sponsorship cost to  116.5k instead of 135.5 for a saving of 19k USD.


Additionally at least 4 of the core team members who will be attending will have their travel/accommodation covered by the Core Team worker's existing conference budget for a minimum savings of another 8k USD.


Furthermore I will attempt to ensure that the average per person accommodation and travel cost for the remaining 20 slots does not exceed 1.5k  for a minimum savings of 10k USD.


Finally, I will negotiate the promotional material production (video, leaflets etc.) down to 5k USD for another 2k savings and cut the unexpected expenses buffer to just 500$ for another 1k USD saved.


This brings the total MAXIMUM cost of the worker down to 160k USD which is a 20% decrease from the original plan.


I hope this will be better suited to the community and people will reevaluate their voting slates.


Thank you,




P.S. I should point out that this (like last year's) worker has NO management fee and I get NO reimbursement of any kind for planning/organising it apart from entry to the event. I'm working on it simply because I truly believe it will be beneficial to the platform.

附注:我要指出的是, (和去年一样)此提案没有管理费,除了参加活动外,我没有获得任何形式的计划/组织回扣。我之所以致力于此只是因为我真心相信这将有益于平台。

I'm very sorry, sir. Now let me officially reply to you on behalf of the cn-vote community.
Again, I apologize for replying to you so late,because our community has had a heated discussion about this worker.
Now, give you our official reply:We don't agree with the follow-up expenditure of this worker, or even oppose it.
1:The conference had little influence.
2:Too many participants and not transparent.
3:Expenses are too high.
4:The Bishares'secondary market is too weak to withstand the crash of worker expenditure.
Considering the current price of BitShares, we would rather give up our previous expenditure than see errors occur,After all, we have evidence that previous this worker's cash-outs caused a sharp drop in  price of BitShares.
I'm sorry to see this happen, but it represents the appeal of most people in our cn-vote.

Hello there,

I have two questions for you if I may:

A) are you not concerned about damage to reputation and brand, and seriousness of BitShares? That can't be attractive go investors.

B) can you present the evidence please that this worker is linked to sharp drop?

Offline cn-vote

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Thanks to lin5464 for the translation.


In light of recent discussions about worker funding and the voting shift with refund 400k worker, and considering a down payment and commitment has been made for the sponsorship I want to make the following update and amendments to the worker budget to ensure continued funding so that the sponsorship fee will not be money down the drain.

鉴于最近对工人提案注资的讨论以及投票转移到refund 400k提案,考虑到对去中心化峰会已作出的承诺和已支付的订金,为了确保本提案能持续获得注资以及赞助费不被白白浪费掉,我想对此提案预算作出以下更新和修订。

For tax purposes, payment of the sponsorship costs was handed over to the BBF. This saves us the VAT calculated in the original worker while incurring a 5% escrow cost, bringing the total sponsorship cost to  116.5k instead of 135.5 for a saving of 19k USD.


Additionally at least 4 of the core team members who will be attending will have their travel/accommodation covered by the Core Team worker's existing conference budget for a minimum savings of another 8k USD.


Furthermore I will attempt to ensure that the average per person accommodation and travel cost for the remaining 20 slots does not exceed 1.5k  for a minimum savings of 10k USD.


Finally, I will negotiate the promotional material production (video, leaflets etc.) down to 5k USD for another 2k savings and cut the unexpected expenses buffer to just 500$ for another 1k USD saved.


This brings the total MAXIMUM cost of the worker down to 160k USD which is a 20% decrease from the original plan.


I hope this will be better suited to the community and people will reevaluate their voting slates.


Thank you,




P.S. I should point out that this (like last year's) worker has NO management fee and I get NO reimbursement of any kind for planning/organising it apart from entry to the event. I'm working on it simply because I truly believe it will be beneficial to the platform.

附注:我要指出的是, (和去年一样)此提案没有管理费,除了参加活动外,我没有获得任何形式的计划/组织回扣。我之所以致力于此只是因为我真心相信这将有益于平台。

I'm very sorry, sir. Now let me officially reply to you on behalf of the cn-vote community.
Again, I apologize for replying to you so late,because our community has had a heated discussion about this worker.
Now, give you our official reply:We don't agree with the follow-up expenditure of this worker, or even oppose it.
1:The conference had little influence.
2:Too many participants and not transparent.
3:Expenses are too high.
4:The Bishares'secondary market is too weak to withstand the crash of worker expenditure.
Considering the current price of BitShares, we would rather give up our previous expenditure than see errors occur,After all, we have evidence that previous this worker's cash-outs caused a sharp drop in  price of BitShares.
I'm sorry to see this happen, but it represents the appeal of most people in our cn-vote.

Offline cn-vote

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48h passed.


Please find a consensus on it as i still see no active communitcation.

Should there be no active progress in next 24h i will remove my vote from refund400k

I'm very sorry, sir. Now let me officially reply to you on behalf of the cn-vote community.
Again, I apologize for replying to you so late,because our community has had a heated discussion about this worker.
Now, give you our official reply:We don't agree with the follow-up expenditure of this worker, or even oppose it.
1:The conference had little influence.
2:Too many participants and not transparent.
3:Expenses are too high.
4:The Bishares'secondary market is too weak to withstand the crash of worker expenditure.
Considering the current price of BitShares, we would rather give up our previous expenditure than see errors occur,After all, we have evidence that previous this worker's cash-outs caused a sharp drop in  price of BitShares.
We're sorry to see this happen, but winter seems to be coming. We need to spend this winter, so cut down on all unnecessary expenses.

Finally, I hope you vote for refund400k worker again. After all, winter is coming and we need to spend it together because we are the real family.

Offline tshen

@twitter is NOT authorized spokesperson of cn-vote.

I've talked with the cn-vote team and they will be giving an official response soon.


首先感谢你重新削减了会议开支。不出我所料,bts的价格已经从上次我给你回信的4美分跌到接近3美分。 我相信即使按照你新预算16万美元的开支,在当前的市场情况下,也足以将bts价格推向2美分。


2)个人垫付的部分由社区发行UIA资产(marketing fund)相应予以补偿,这些资产可以流通,社区在适当的时候予以回购并赋予该资产持有者相应的荣誉。


Thanks to lin5464 for the translation.


In light of recent discussions about worker funding and the voting shift with refund 400k worker, and considering a down payment and commitment has been made for the sponsorship I want to make the following update and amendments to the worker budget to ensure continued funding so that the sponsorship fee will not be money down the drain.

鉴于最近对工人提案注资的讨论以及投票转移到refund 400k提案,考虑到对去中心化峰会已作出的承诺和已支付的订金,为了确保本提案能持续获得注资以及赞助费不被白白浪费掉,我想对此提案预算作出以下更新和修订。

For tax purposes, payment of the sponsorship costs was handed over to the BBF. This saves us the VAT calculated in the original worker while incurring a 5% escrow cost, bringing the total sponsorship cost to  116.5k instead of 135.5 for a saving of 19k USD.


Additionally at least 4 of the core team members who will be attending will have their travel/accommodation covered by the Core Team worker's existing conference budget for a minimum savings of another 8k USD.


Furthermore I will attempt to ensure that the average per person accommodation and travel cost for the remaining 20 slots does not exceed 1.5k  for a minimum savings of 10k USD.


Finally, I will negotiate the promotional material production (video, leaflets etc.) down to 5k USD for another 2k savings and cut the unexpected expenses buffer to just 500$ for another 1k USD saved.


This brings the total MAXIMUM cost of the worker down to 160k USD which is a 20% decrease from the original plan.


I hope this will be better suited to the community and people will reevaluate their voting slates.


Thank you,




P.S. I should point out that this (like last year's) worker has NO management fee and I get NO reimbursement of any kind for planning/organising it apart from entry to the event. I'm working on it simply because I truly believe it will be beneficial to the platform.

附注:我要指出的是, (和去年一样)此提案没有管理费,除了参加活动外,我没有获得任何形式的计划/组织回扣。我之所以致力于此只是因为我真心相信这将有益于平台。

Is this @cn-vote's "official" response?
Tong Shen, Coordinator Assistant, Core Team | 沈瞳,BitShares Core 开发团队 协调员助理
Spark Blockchain | 星火区块链:北美领先的区块链咨询及孵化公司
WeChat | 微信号: cnjsstong

Offline lovegan007

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BTS 的抵押 机制,只有 爆仓就归系统销毁,这种手段 才能真的上涨,才能解救BTS,不然只要能有黄单吃的这种情况存在,都会被人砸盘吃黄单还ZB杠杆,所以真的没救了。

5年过去了。5年啊,5年多都过去了,难道还不醒醒?难道还不立即  马上 执行 新方案?难道还要等不死那天不醒?这么明显的问题罢在哪,全是傻的吗?我就是傻了,买了这垃圾!

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首先感谢你重新削减了会议开支。不出我所料,bts的价格已经从上次我给你回信的4美分跌到接近3美分。 我相信即使按照你新预算16万美元的开支,在当前的市场情况下,也足以将bts价格推向2美分。


2)个人垫付的部分由社区发行UIA资产(marketing fund)相应予以补偿,这些资产可以流通,社区在适当的时候予以回购并赋予该资产持有者相应的荣誉。


Thanks to lin5464 for the translation.


In light of recent discussions about worker funding and the voting shift with refund 400k worker, and considering a down payment and commitment has been made for the sponsorship I want to make the following update and amendments to the worker budget to ensure continued funding so that the sponsorship fee will not be money down the drain.

鉴于最近对工人提案注资的讨论以及投票转移到refund 400k提案,考虑到对去中心化峰会已作出的承诺和已支付的订金,为了确保本提案能持续获得注资以及赞助费不被白白浪费掉,我想对此提案预算作出以下更新和修订。

For tax purposes, payment of the sponsorship costs was handed over to the BBF. This saves us the VAT calculated in the original worker while incurring a 5% escrow cost, bringing the total sponsorship cost to  116.5k instead of 135.5 for a saving of 19k USD.


Additionally at least 4 of the core team members who will be attending will have their travel/accommodation covered by the Core Team worker's existing conference budget for a minimum savings of another 8k USD.


Furthermore I will attempt to ensure that the average per person accommodation and travel cost for the remaining 20 slots does not exceed 1.5k  for a minimum savings of 10k USD.


Finally, I will negotiate the promotional material production (video, leaflets etc.) down to 5k USD for another 2k savings and cut the unexpected expenses buffer to just 500$ for another 1k USD saved.


This brings the total MAXIMUM cost of the worker down to 160k USD which is a 20% decrease from the original plan.


I hope this will be better suited to the community and people will reevaluate their voting slates.


Thank you,




P.S. I should point out that this (like last year's) worker has NO management fee and I get NO reimbursement of any kind for planning/organising it apart from entry to the event. I'm working on it simply because I truly believe it will be beneficial to the platform.

附注:我要指出的是, (和去年一样)此提案没有管理费,除了参加活动外,我没有获得任何形式的计划/组织回扣。我之所以致力于此只是因为我真心相信这将有益于平台。

Is this @cn-vote's "official" response?

Offline twitter

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see my response above
48h passed.


Please find a consensus on it as i still see no active communitcation.

Should there be no active progress in next 24h i will remove my vote from refund400k