This thread has been very enlightening and points out how different messages reach different audiences.
I never intended this thread to completely change everything...
BTS will be marketed according to how the marketers feel it will be best and I am deferring to their judgement.
Good discussion everyone.
Reading the above it kinda sounds like the answer to my questions about the marketing teams involvement in the Community message, see below, should have been 'no not so much really'.
I have to ask - was this run through Brian and the marketing team before being announced? What is Brian's view on this if so? I think it's really important for the community to know that it was at least discussed with him first?
Its probably actually coming from Marketing, (and/or Legal).
I think BM has learned by now not to just randomly post his thoughts on the forum, after what happened last time.
This overall goal was discussed with the team and Adam from Follow My Vote and we are coordinating with Brian to revamp the marketing for the BitShares launch. Adam is really a huge asset and is helping us a lot.
Either that or BM did discuss it at length with the team and is now graciously trying to take the fall for what everyone on the team now realises was perhaps too radical of a message for the market to take. Honestly I like the vision but this ideology/community focused marketing that's taken up so much airspace recently is not going to work well for us IMHO - it really needs to take a back seat if it somehow can. I'm not sure you can sell the DAC this way. The ecosystem, the technological USPs, focused products/apps built on the SuperDac and most importantly the utility need to be in the spotlight. I'm all for a list of one word tenets, as originally suggested by Kisa, that embody the things that BitShares stands for. One of those words could and should be Community:
e.g. Freedom, Privacy, Fairness, Creativity, Meritocracy, Security, Community
But no more than this. I do realise that SEC concerns might have led to an itchy trigger finger on this announcement and that they ultimately might necessitate us having to re-imagine everything as a 'Digital Autonomous Community' or something similar rather than calling it a 'Digital Autonomous Company'. I really hope not, but maybe we do have to act here. If that is the case then the message from Dan needed to be more along the lines off 'Hey look guys we're gonna get screwed by the SEC if we don't rethink the language we use surrounding BitShares. Here are some of the things that I've been thinking over, what about about if we used a Community metaphor etc etc etc - now please lets us all discuss this.' Maybe there are other legal issues at play here that I don't understand that make that difficult to do.
Instead the way it was announced by Dan and the way it came across seemed to demonstrate a fundamental lack of understanding of how one should approach this sort of delicate matter. It sounded like a dictat and I think it spooked a lot of people today. Dan you are so talented in so many other ways and have led this thing so far, I'd hate to think that your apparent total lack of good PR and marketing instinct could lead to you torpedoing all the hard work from you and everyone else. Please seek more advice on how to approach these kind of things before you post them, even if there are legal issues afoot.
You mentioned you didn't think that this thread had much to do with today's drop in share price. I believe that you believed this when you wrote it, but I knew you were wrong when I read it.
Guess I was right to feel bad about this post, another 20% drop today.
Congrats on killing Bitshares.
Who will be left in the "community" when bitshares is below 1 cent?
I doubt this post was the cause of the 20% drop...
This thread and the accusations fuzzy has leveled at Rune, i think, are jointly responsible for today's sell off. By the way I'm not saying that fuzzy is wrong, but Rune seems genuine to me when I ask my gut what it thinks. I get the impression he's young, very intelligent, very excitable and perhaps a little naive in thinking that one day BitShares will take over the world. I think he's is probably going to turn out to be a huge asset to this community in the long run. I hope I'm proved right.
But back to these posts and more importantly how they've affected my actions today. My actions on an individual level are not that important and probably did little to shift the share price, but they are perhaps an important bell weather as to how others might have felt and acted today. I put more weight on this thread being responsible for the larger portion of the share price drop today. I actually shifted about 25% of my holdings back in to Bitcoin as a result of BMs OP in this thread and as a result of the mixed and muddled marketing I've been witnessing here lately. I might shift at least part of this into the Music DAC from Bitcoin. I was all in before today either in BitUSD or BTSX. I hope things don't go even more pear shaped, I don't think they will in the long run. But I wanted to mention how I acted today so that people can understand how someone passionate about this project, I've been following and investing for almost a year, has reacted as a result of what I think is carelessness handling of information presented here on the forums. I don't feel like I've been a weak hand, I've just lost a tiny little bit of faith in the direction of things lately and I've had to act in order to reflect that in my holdings.
Much more consideration needs to be taken before posting such radical changes to messaging. Perhaps we need some sort of official press release channel, maybe then everything suggested on the forum can immediately be assumed to be up for discussion and not set in stone until it appears as an official press release from the marketing team separately from the forum. Somewhere on the main website is the obvious place. I do believe in BitShares and I'm hoping to become a 100% believer again. I also hope circumstance will allow me to contribute something more practical to the ecosystem. As well as having some marketing skills I can code too, mainly Rails, front end web and some hybrid mobile stuff. Get your marketing and PR act together guys. If you don't you are going to keep hemorrhaging share price. Where is Brian in all this, I'm not sure I've even seen a post from Adam yet. Sorry about the wall of text, but I just had to get all this off my chest.
Dan, hope there's no hard feeling here. It's not personal I think 99% of everything else you do is great!