Migration of PTS to BTSX asset is what I think is called for.
I get that resources need to be carefully considered and I am not sure how many man hours etc it would take to migrate this, but I would suggest you really listen to Ander. I'm on the fence about this one and if not for a question of resources I would 100% be against "the last snapshot" idea.
Perhaps this sort of technology could be leveraged elsewhere ? Bitcoin wallet snapshot -> DPOS user asset. (hmmm. probably not.)
Pros and Cons of making last snapshot and ignoring PTS going forward -
1) Minimal labor and resources consumed.
2) Simplified marketing. (Althought Protoshares doesn't really need to be marketed, it can be ignored)
1) Less marketing exposure via additional products
2) Another "change" for people to complain about.
3) People who bought PTS with ideas of liquidity are screwed, even if the last 300k are not mined.
4) DAC developers have to do a crowd sell for people to have a stake who weren't early adopters.
5) Cuts off new users into ecosystem.
6) Looks bad in general for a coin to just die like that.
In general the last snapshot idea suggests to me the idea of the toolkit is somewhat being abandoned or being pushed further off the roadmap.