What do you think about some shares to be non-dillutable? Explanation here https://bitsharestalk.org/index.php?topic=10161.0 .
If PTS/AGS holders are okay with that deal, then I have no problem with it. And GENESIS holders
absolutely should not have any voting power on BTS matters (particularly dilution).
But if I understand your proposal, another (IMHO clearer) way of stating your proposal is that the social consensus would change such that the genesis stake of a new DAC should be awarded according to the following breakdown:
- (1-x/100)*83.4% awarded to BTS
- (1-x/100)*16.6% awarded to GENESIS
- x% awarded to other stakeholders (possibly some to founders and some to IPO)
I used 16.6% because 400 million / 2.4 billion = 1/6. Was this your intention? Or did you mean to say that future DACs would snapshot 400 million of every 2 billion shares to the non-dilutable GENESIS holders and
1.6 billion of every 2 billion shares to the dilutable BTS holders? If so the breakdown would instead be:
- (1-x/100)*80% awarded to BTS
- (1-x/100)*20% awarded to GENESIS
- x% awarded to other stakeholders (possibly some to founders and some to IPO)
This would honor the
original social consensus as long as x = 0. But that leaves no funds for the developers of the DACs, other than possibility through further dilution of the new DAC.
However, I think it is better to not bother with all of this complication. It would be simpler if it was just one BTS token rather than adding GENESIS into the mix as well. Personally, I think the original social contract has outlived its usefulness and it is time for a change.